Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3788: Treasure of the moon?

"It's not ashamed."

"You can't protect yourself, and you still have the face to say that you have won Junior Sister Wu Shuang first. Do you have that strength?"

"Hahaha, it makes people laugh out loud."

"It's only a mere first-order barren month cultivation base, and I can say such a thing."

"I think this kid is just used to pretending to be eggplant, and he doesn't want to admit it if he knows that he will lose."

"He will regret it soon, hum!"

There were waves of cursing.

It seems that Qin Shaofeng is really guilty of public anger, and everyone wants to see his tragic situation.

It seemed that his tragic situation had already appeared before his eyes.

There are indeed many people who have this idea.

Even Nie Xuanxing and Ye Leng from the two classes frowned tightly.

They really want to win a match with each other.

But the fighting between Qin Shaofeng and the two was really weird.

On the strength of cultivation, on the tyrannical martial arts.

Wu Shuang clearly has the advantage of rolling.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't even do defense, and he could still make the appearance that he won.


We have all been fooled, okay?

They just feel something is wrong.

As the referee, Zhang Chu almost spit out blood.

My father!

Can you not pretend eggplant like this?

You are clearly not the opponent of the other party, why do you want to do this?

Wouldn't it be good for me to take the shot and help end this fight?

In the air, endless text laughed: "Tianyang, can you say that girl Wu Shuang can force Shaofeng's strength?"

"Forcing his strength?"

Luo Tianyang looked back in surprise.

He felt that his head was getting more and more insufficient.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is only the cultivation base of the first-order barren moon position, how can he compare with Wu Shuang of the seventh-order barren moon position?

Why does our dean still believe that the kid can win?

This... isn't it scientific?

Is he just a small first-order barren moon?

"President, although I don't want to hit you, but girl Wu Shuang's attack can't be resolved by skill alone, right?" Luo Tianyang frowned.

"Then shall we make a bet?" Hentai Wen laughed, insidiously.


Luo Tianyang's face was full of shock.

The dean is convinced that Qin Shaofeng can stop it?

But... how is this possible?

Even if the kid is somewhat capable, he can't block this move, right?

As for physical fitness and martial arts, don't even think about it.

This is the Cangming Realm.

With Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base of the first-order barren moon position, it is impossible to achieve the ability to completely cover up his position by virtue of his body skills.

If this is the case, there is absolutely no possibility for him to resist, right?

"Just gamble, what shall we bet?" Luo Tianyang said.

"It's good to bet for three years."


Luo Tianyang was dazed again.

"If I lose, I'll give you three more years of salary, if you lose, how about protecting the kid for three years?" Hentai Wen laughed.

"Guardian for three years?"

Luo Tianyang became more and more puzzled.

This doesn't seem to be the style of the dean, right?

If he really wants to call himself, only one command is enough.

He saved his life, so would he still refuse?

"Yes, in your own name, protect him for three years, and you must never let anyone know that he has anything to do with me." Endless Wendao.

"That's it."

Luo Tianyang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he turned to think about the endless text, he felt even more that Qin Shaofeng and his dean seemed to have some shady relationship.

"Since the dean wants me to protect him, then I will protect him for three years."

Luo Tianyang sighed, seemingly unwilling, but then said: "But I still said that. I don't think that kid can win."

After that, he transmitted a message to Zhang Chu: The kid should be able to win this battle, don't interfere.


Zhang Chu, who was worrying, was stunned.

How could he not hear that the person who transmitted him the sound was Luo Tianyang?


Can that kid win?

How is this possible?

It's too late to say, then fast.

Although Wu Shuang was doing all-round attacks on the situation, his speed was not too slow.

This moment.

She was already close to three meters in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Everyone's hearts suddenly tightened.

Whether they believed Qin Shaofeng's eggplants or not, they all looked over attentively.

If Qin Shaofeng can carry it.

The resistance this time is definitely a subversive cognition.

If they can learn a hand or two, it is a great thing.

On the contrary, they can be pleasing to the eyes, which is naturally a good thing.

Just when everyone is watching with this thought.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roars had already resounded through Qin Shaofeng's body.

That loud roar was all the sound of Wu Shuang's palm after palm, which really fell on Qin Shaofeng.

Everyone's breathing stopped.

The two instructors closed their eyes even more.

The seventh-order wild moon position powerhouse, fully attacked the undefended first-order wild moon position Wu Xiu, what will the result be, and where do I need to think about it?

Qin Shaofeng is over!

Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Chu's forehead.

Even after receiving Luo Tianyang's voice transmission, he felt that he was in trouble.

It's a big deal!

"President, you are not sure...Huh?!"

Luo Tianyang spoke subconsciously.

Halfway through, he was stunned by what he saw with his eyes.

He is not the ordinary people below.

How can you fail to see through the reality of the battle below?

Although Wu Shuang's attacks were intensive, he did not touch Qin Shaofeng with a single palm.

Even a large part of them had not been able to touch Qin Shaofeng's clothes.

How is this going?

As soon as the shocked emotions rose, Luo Tianyang had realized it at the fastest speed.

Defense baby!

Yao Shenbing!

Although there are many defensive treasures that can defend against the attacks of the seventh-order barren moon Wu Xiu with all his strength.

But trying to achieve this level is very rare.

No wonder the dean is so confident of that kid.

It turned out that the dean even gave Yao Shenbing Baoyi to that kid.

Uh...what seems to be wrong?

When Luo Tianyang just thought of this, he suddenly found that his dean's eyes almost stared out, as if he were more surprised than himself.

"Yao Shenbing Baoyi?"

"No, isn't it?"

"I'm jealous, I'm jealous!"

"If I read it correctly, wouldn't this be the Ningyue Treasure that the Second Senior Sister spent a lot of money in the past, begging Master Mo frivolous to refine?"

"I, I, I... I'll go!"

"Although the Ningyue Treasure Shirt is only a low-grade Yaoshen Soldier, it is also the love of the Second Senior Sister!"

"She, she, she, how could she give him all the Ningyue shirts?"

"I'm jealous!"

Endless text seemed to be mad, and among the shouts, he was constantly pulling his own hair.

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