"Second...Second Sister?!"

Luo Tianyang trembled violently.

He looked at the dean who was going crazy and felt like he was going crazy.

No wonder the dean didn't know the kid so much, yet believed him so much.

The reason turned out to be so.

This kid turned out to be the one who was sent by the second person from the legendary endless mountain.

Think of my dean's madness towards that second person.

My Nima!

This world is crazy!

It turned out that the kid was not the illegitimate child of the dean, but the illegitimate child of the second person.


Can't think about it anymore, absolutely can't think about it.

I have to forget as soon as possible.

Otherwise, one day I accidentally said a few words, even if I am dead, I am afraid that the person who dug out from the grave will whip the body?

This is too terrifying Nima!

"Boom boom boom..."

There were only seven roars on the ground.

Although the interval between each sound is not long, it is not short.

Just the roar of the seven palms, it actually lasted two full breaths.

If it is a fast-paced battle, it is enough to make the enemy fight back countless moves.

However, as long as Wu Shuang's Frost Ninghan Dance hits an enemy, Frost's palm will freeze the enemy's ability to act.

It does not need to be frozen too seriously.

Her next attack is also difficult to miss, let alone the enemy's counterattack.

Ended with seven palms.

She finally vented her anger.

But immediately, she regretted it.

Although that kid is hateful, he is also his classmate.

It was just for a little bit of temperament, if that student was really beaten to death, how would I explain to the college?

"Qin Shaofeng, why are you... ah?! You! You, you, you..."

Wu Shuang just asked about Qin Shaofeng's life and death.

The scene that caught the eye was that Qin Shaofeng still looked like a okay person, still standing calmly on the spot, staring at him with a smile in his eyes.

He... he's not dead?


It seems that it is no longer a dead thing!

His own set of Frost Ning Han Wu successively attacked the Zhou Yue powerhouse's full defense. It seemed that he couldn't kill the opponent, but he couldn't get away with serious injuries, right?

This kid didn't even do defense, but he was unharmed. How could this be possible?

"Sister Wu Shuang, do you still have the power to fight again?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly: "If you are unable to fight again, I am afraid that I won the battle?"

"Huh? Huh? Is it?"

Wu Shuang spoke subconsciously.

Every word is completely subconscious.

She could no longer make any reaction, only shock and shock in her mind.

It was so shocked.

This guy is unharmed in front of you?

How could this be?

"Just... it turned out to be a defensive treasure?"

Zhang Chu muttered to himself in shock. In order to conceal his voice, he hurriedly shouted: "The third game of the low class A and the low class B, Qin Shaofeng wins the low class B class!"

"how is this possible?!"

"How could this be?"

"Qin Shaofeng clearly did not resist, how could he resist the attack of Wu Shuang's younger sister?"

"Shady, shady, right?"

"Could it be Wu Shuang's school girl who was worried about hurting that kid, so she stopped?"


"Sister Wu Shuang shouldn't be acting deliberately... No, it must not be the case!"

The surrounding discussion sounded loudly.

The result of that battle just now is too difficult for people to accept.

At least they could not approve the outcome of that battle.

Under the suppression of the waves of discussion, only a few people could notice the changes in Nie Xuanxing and Ye Leng.

The two have been fighting for decades.

But at this moment, the two looked at each other together.

Exclaimed in unison: "Defensive Treasure? What level of defense Treasure?"

"That kid is carrying such a treasure?"

Nie Xuanxing was really stunned by Qin Shaofeng's abnormality.

Ye Leng recognized his defeat.

How about Qin Shaofeng's defensive clothing?

Could it be that she had only taught Wu Shuang for two months, should she have a Frost Ninghan Dance that surpassed her martial arts?

Not to mention, she clearly saw the shock in Nie Xuanxing's eyes.

How is this different from when I first saw Wu Shuang's true strength?

Immediately, the two looked at Meng Na together.

"Meng Na, have you seen that he has a defensive treasure?" the two asked in unison again.


Meng Na shook her head.

"But didn't you say that he has the ability to fight you?"

"If you haven't seen the treasure of defense, with his strength, why can you fight you?"

The two asked one after another.

Meng Na shook her head, her voice still indifferent: "Even if he doesn't use that defensive baby, he may not lose to me, although I don't know why he doesn't want to make a move, maybe..."

She slowly turned her head and looked at them.

"Perhaps he wants to keep a low profile. He doesn't want to become a fight for the two of you after using his strength?" Meng Na smiled.

The two of them suddenly fell into a dumbfounding situation.

What kind of explanation is this?

"He's a member of our lower class B, so what's the matter if you help us in class B?"

Nie Xuanxing said uncomfortably, and immediately looked at Ye Leng and said: "What's more, Ye Leng has lost his salary for a year, and our class has you two, Ye Leng can no longer dare to follow. We gamble."

"What are you talking about? Do we have another one?!"

Ye Leng jumped up immediately and roared: "Seven wins and four victories, let's bet on the salary for the next ten years!"

"Why don't you talk about class battles? Everyone in the class is ready to fight!" Nie Xuanxing roared.

Meng Na just watched this scene and closed her eyes speechlessly.

I really don't want to watch it again!

Those beautiful eyes cast aside Qin Shaofeng curiously.

I thought silently in my heart: How did the kid see that the two mentors could not be peaceful?

What if I could see it early?

Although I have received key care in the class, this is not what I want at all!

With my heritage and strength, even if I enter the endless mountains, it’s okay. If it’s not for...Do I need to come here?

Focus on taking care and learning?

Where do I need these?

Wu Shuang was shocked for a long time, and shouted: "Qin Shaofeng, you, how did you stop my attack just now?"

"I naturally have my means."

Qin Shaofeng shrugged, turned and walked behind Nie Xuanxing.

In this battle, he indeed exposed Yao Shen's clothes.

But this is only one of his methods.

Mo said that Wu Shuang's attacking methods were so weird that they were surrounded by frost, and there were not many people who really saw his treasure.

Even if it was spread out, he wouldn't care too much.

As for the eyes that everyone will cast, he is even more indifferent.

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