Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3793: Another quit

"roll roll roll!"

Rolling three times directly caused everyone to turn on their backs again.

They had already heard the true identity of the person who came to give orders from that sound.

Feelings are the second person in that violent college.

This guy dared to talk to that irritable second person, he was looking for death, okay?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Nie Xuanxing and Ye Leng looked worried.

Luo Tianyang seemed to have done something bad, and smiled embarrassingly: "Captain Qin is the great hero of our college. Now that the great hero has spoken, the old man will go away, hahahaha..."

He is not angry?

This Nima is not scientific, right?

Everyone saw Luo Tianyang who was laughing loudly leaving with his own eyes, and couldn't recover for a long time.

"Tutor Nie, how big is the bet that the Academy has made with Yunxian Academy this time?" Ye Leng said suddenly.

With a sound, the audience was silent again.

"how could I know?"

Nie Xuanxing opened his eyes vigorously, and then whispered.

"Don't even say you don't know?"

Ye Leng stared angrily: "Xuanxing Nie, do you want me to tell the identity of your family in front of all your students? Say it quickly!"

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Nie Xuanxing coughed one after another.

It's like coughing up all the lungs.

"I heard that the stakes are not too big. If someone loses, it only needs a hundred hearts." Nie Xuanxing coughed.

"Heart... Heart Crystal?"

Ye Leng trembled all over, and his voice trembled, "Wait, wait, I'm a little bit blinded, I'll count."

"Jade crystal, profound crystal, sky crystal, soul crystal, heart crystal, the price difference for each kind of spirit crystal is ten thousand."

"We usually use jade crystals and profound crystals. Although heaven crystals also appear, they are very, very rare. Although there is a price difference between soul crystals and heart crystals, they have no market. Flip."

"A hundred heart crystals, how many jade crystals are there?"

Qin Shaofeng and Yigan students naturally also knew the type and conversion of spar used as coins in the Cangming Realm.

When I heard a hundred hearts at first, I didn't feel anything.

But after Ye Leng's remarks, they suddenly found something wrong.


How many jade crystals are that?

Cangming Realm is rich in products, and the prices of things are generally not too high, so you can usually use jade crystal.

Only those with certain identities or patriarchs of small families are eligible to use Xuan Jing.

But that is a hundred hearts!

"Hundred heart crystals, one hundred full!"

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath.

He finally knows how Wu Wanwen plans to use him.

"Tutor, I have something to go out." Qin Shaofeng immediately stood up.

"What to do?"

The two tutors looked at him together.

"That's a hundred hearts!"

Qin Shaofeng sighed and said, "Since the university wants to use me in this way, I naturally can't let them use it for nothing. How can it be done without some benefits?"

Everyone was down for a while.

Even if the academy really won a hundred hearts with their victory, it doesn't seem to have much to do with you, right?

And the college will naturally remember you as a hero.

In the future, there will naturally be times when you are going to be rewarded, do you need to ask for it yourself?

"Ahem! Shaofeng, you have to worry first, I believe that as long as you can help the Academy win, the Academy will definitely not treat you badly." Ye Leng explained hurriedly.

Although there was a lot of dispute between the two classes, she really regarded the students she had taken as her own children.

This is not just their lower class A.

The low Yi class who has been fighting has similar feelings.

She was really thinking about Qin Shaofeng.

"It's natural not to treat me badly, but I have other things to say."

Qin Shaofeng still stepped out of the desk in a decisive battle, and said, "The two tutors don't need to send it away. I know where the dean's residence is. I will go directly to the dean."


The two were messed up in the wind again.

All the students who heard him say this were also messed up in the wind.

Go to the dean directly?

It seems that the tutors of our two classes are not qualified?

Perhaps the lover of Teacher Nie Xuanxing is qualified.

But if it were in front of the dean, it would be difficult to say whether he was qualified to speak.

This guy has to go directly to the dean.

"You don't need to look for it. I have a friend here, so just say something directly." A voice full of majesty suddenly sounded in the classroom.

"We are helping the academy in the war, isn't the academy going to give us some resources to support?" Qin Shaofeng said loudly.

Everyone was shocked again.

However, in the eyes of Wu Shuang and others, there was a flash of light.

Feeling like this!

Looks like... there is nothing wrong with letting him be the captain!

At least he dared to say and dare to do everything, and if there is any unfairness, he can help us decide where we dare not say.


Endless Wen's words were very straightforward, saying: "If we take out resources, Yunxian Academy will naturally take them out. That way, it will not be a competition, but the resources of the Academy."

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that he would choke back with a word.

But the excuse of endless text is really impeccable!

"I can understand the difficulties in the academy, but I also have the difficulties. I hope the academy can also understand. I am currently in the bottleneck of cultivation. If I feel there is a possibility of improving my cultivation, I need to leave the team for a while." Qin Shaofeng said in a loud voice .

Luo Tianyang has already magnified his benefits too much. If he doesn't want to be the captain now, I am afraid that no one except Meng Na will agree.

"A period of time? With your cultivation base?"

The voice of endless text became weird.


Another old voice suddenly remembered: "Brother Wen, this kid has already said that people understand the difficulties of the academy, so naturally our academy should also understand the difficulties of the children? If Brother Wen is worried about him, the old man can let my academy People are protecting in secret."

"It doesn't need to be. People from our endless college, I will naturally arrange it."

Endless Wen scolded angrily and said, "Qin Shaofeng, don't make me moths. If you can't help the college meet the heart of Yun Cheng Lao Er, see how the old man will deal with you."

"Hey, this is natural."

Qin Shaofeng suddenly laughed.

He only talked for a while, and naturally he had the final say on how long that period was.

Immediately, the two voices disappeared.

The smile on Qin Shaofeng's face remained undiminished, and he looked at everyone: "Since the dean has agreed, then everyone can nominate another captain together."

"Meng Na, right? She has the strongest cultivation base." Wu Shuang said.

"Don't do it, I also have my own business to do."

Meng Na spoke, once again letting the four members of the lower class a mess in the wind.

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