Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3794: Who is he

"Brother Wen, they can't hear our conversation now, should you tell the old man the truth, right?" An old man in a bright yellow robe sat looking at each other.

The two of them sat on the small island in the middle of the pond in the endless courtyard, looking at each other.

At first glance, it looks like a scene where old friends talk to each other for many years.

Naturally, people who can see the scene cannot think of it.

Both of them are now calculating each other desperately.

"The truth? Didn't I tell you already?"

The endless essay rolled his eyes, obviously trying to carry out the lie to the end: "The treasure on that kid is at least as powerful as it is."

"Not only that?"

Yun Cheng smiled lightly, but didn't worry about saying the next thing.

He stretched out his hand and flicked in front of him, letting a hapless mosquito that had just flew between the two of them fly out.

He seemed to have done nothing.

Withdrawing his hand, he picked up the teacup on the stone table of the small island in the lake and took a sip.

"If you were replaced by an ordinary student, with your endless essay temper, you would have expelled him from the academy long ago, and even severely punished him, but this kid is different!" Yun Cheng smiled.

"Misty grass! Is the old man so unkind?"

Endless Wen rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Old ghost Yuncheng, don't come here to wrong the old man. You will ruin the old man's fame."

"Oh! What are you, do you need an old man to help you corrupt?" Yun Cheng was angrily.

"The old man is naturally a good person, grandpa kindly." Hentai Wen laughed.

"Can you stop disgusting me."

Yun Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "Wan Wanwen, do you really think that if you don't admit it, the old man can't do anything? Do you believe that the old man coaxed that kid to our Yunxian Academy?"

"Oh? Coax?"

Hentai Wen laughed loudly.

If they were talking about another person, he really believed that it was possible.

But Qin Shaofeng is an absolute exception.

Was your own younger brother coaxed to be an ordinary student in another college?

Unless there is a hole in the head of his little junior.

Do not!

Even if there is a pit, it is impossible.


Yun Cheng was taken aback again.

As the oldest person in several major forces, he is very clear about the temper of endless text.

In general, endless text should have been angry long ago.

At least the old liar can't run away.

But how can he be so happy?

It's just a little guy with the first-order barren moon position, even if he has the treasure of the peak of the sky, this should not happen.

It seems that there must be something wrong.

Isn't the old man fooled by this old thing?



"No, I have my own business to do."

As soon as Meng Na spoke, the two mentors were a little disappointed.

This is the position of the captain of the college representative team!

Even if the rewards are no better than Qin Shaofeng when discussing merits and performing rewards in the future, shouldn't they be rejected?

Nie Xuanxing did not participate in the discussion of the lower class A, and did not know what the status of the lower class A was.

Leaf cooling is a bit overwhelmed.

She just said this kind of thing.

And to tell Meng Na's temper, it may not be the captain.

In the end, when the captain appears in our class, four people will fight for this position.

Even the Qilong who entered the seven-man group for special reasons is no exception.

How come to the low class B, the situation has dropped all the way?

Qin Shaofeng and Meng Na are both unwilling to be the captains?

Does being the captain shame them?


What do these two little guys think?

Ye Leng felt helpless in his heart!

She naturally wouldn't persuade anything.

As she said in the lower class A, Meng Na is really too cold to be a qualified captain.

After another round of selection, Wu Shuang of the lower class A once again ascended as the captain.

The next period of time.

Under the advice of the two mentors, everyone began to introduce themselves.

"My name is Wu Shuang, the acting captain, the cultivation base of the ninth-level barren moon, I am good at martial arts of supernatural icy palms, human martial arts icy frosty dancing, and have superficial experience in leading the team."

"My name is Chu Yao, rank eight..."

Qin Shaofeng was thoughtful and didn't have the mood to pay attention to their introduction.

Anyway, I don't go with them.

What is their ability?

The five people quickly introduced their own situation, and the martial arts and martial arts were no exception.

The moment when everyone turned their eyes to Meng Na.

It's just a breathing time.

Everyone looked back again.

This product is too cold, it seems that it can't be integrated into the crowd at all.

As for Qin Shaofeng.

"Ahem! Qin Shaofeng, it's your turn."

Xuanxing Nie couldn't help but shouted.

According to the rules of the academy, Qin Shaofeng was to be with the team. If he didn't introduce it, it would be too much.

"It's me?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at the crowd for a few moments before nodding, and said, "I only have a Tier 1 Desolate Moon Rank cultivation base. Apart from a defensive treasure, there is nothing good."




Everyone fell silent.

In his heart, he greeted all eighteen generations of his ancestors.

Although we usually talk about you like this, you don't need to say this publicly, right?

No good?


If you were really useless, when you were fighting Wu Shuang, how did you get her to kick her away?

If you really lie, you won't blush!

"Ahem, Shaofeng, I know that the academy's arrangements make you very unhappy, but this time it's everyone's business after all, so don't be emotional." Nie Xuanxing said.


Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said, "Teacher, I need to leave the academy. Since the academy refuses to provide equipment, we must always buy some healing pills for self-defense, right?"

"No way."

Nie Xuanxing and Ye Leng shook their heads together.

"why not?"

Wu Shuang and the other five also looked over.

They actually have this idea.

After all, you are doing things for the college, even if you spend your own money, the college will definitely remember that their benefits will be indispensable in the future.

Why can't you even buy the pill by yourself?

"When the two major academies decided, they took the pill matter into consideration. Except for your current equipment, no pill or foreign objects can be brought in. This is also to avoid the family behind someone from taking action. Nie Xuanxing explained.

Everyone was down for a while.

From this decision, Qin Shaofeng could see in a more profound way how rich the resources of the Cangming Realm were.

Most of the disciples in the academy came from small families.

I actually need to worry about getting too many medicines, and there will be some bad things in the autumn hunt.

"Then I'll go back and rest first, so I have to keep my spirit up?" Qin Shaofeng turned around dumbly.

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