Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 380: If you can't hide, then fight!

A certain mountain in the depths of the Qianshan Sect was still the Great Hall of Qi Luck. At this moment, the Qi Luck token represented by Qin Shaofeng had turned bronze.

At this time, that voice sounded again in the hall.

"Hey, this kid is pretty good. He has been upgraded so quickly. Could it be someone who is not ashamed to inform in advance that this time the rules of the assessment will let his younger generation pick up the bargain?"

There was a trace of disdain in this voice, but soon, it became suspicious again.

"That's not right! If that's the case, those old people who are not ashamed or so shameless, let their younger generations inspire the light of bronze so quickly, could it be..."


The white light flashed, and before Qin Shaofeng's luck token, an old man suddenly appeared.

The old man's white robe, snow-white silver hair draped over his body, and the snow-white beard on his chin dragged down.

But just such an old man, his face is ruddy and shiny, and he doesn't want to look like an old man at all.

As soon as the old man appeared, he stared at the token represented by Qin Shaofeng, and after a while, he burst into laughter.

"Haha, it's interesting. The luck of this kid didn't mix with the luck of other families. It seems that he has achieved this step by his own strength!"

As he said, the old man's right hand shook slightly, and then, the luck token representing Qin Shaofeng flashed slightly, and then an image appeared in front of the old man.

This image is exactly the moment Qin Shaofeng is far away on the 91st peak, and the cave looks helpless at the bronze step Qianshan Ling above his head.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng like this, the old man smiled again.

"Haha, this kid is not stupid. Although it was a mistake that inspired this bronze light, he now obviously knows that the situation is not good for him."

The old man's gaze fell on Qin Shaofeng's figure, with a slight hint of appreciation, and then, a movement in his heart, a slight movement in his eyes.

"A very good kid, no matter. Since you can inspire the light of bronze, you are considered to be related to my Qianshan Sect. This time, I will help you. I want to see. You can go. Where do you go!"

After speaking, the old man's eyes were cold, and he let out a cold snorted force.

This invisible power swayed into the space in an instant, as if it had traveled through layers of space and reached certain places.

At the same time, on the first 100 mountain peaks, masters like Lin Yi, those who concealed their cultivation to help some examiners, all had an indifferent voice echoed in their minds at the same time.

"Those who intervene in the fight for the Bronze Light will kill no one!"

Lin Yi, who was far in the area of ​​the No. 86 mountain peak, had a shock and horror on his face after hearing this sound suddenly.

Spiritual Sound?

It is actually the sound transmission of divine consciousness?

While horrified in his heart, Lin Yi also secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't go with the five princes before, otherwise it would be dangerous.

Unexpectedly, this battle for the light of bronze would actually attract the attention of the Qianshan Sect and other great figures of divine knowledge transmission.

Could it be that the identity of the person who inspired the Bronze Light at this moment is not simple?

Or is it really as the master guessed, this time Qianshan Sect's succession disciples are preparing to recruit for camp, Qianshan Sect attaches great importance to it?

So, then...

After turning his gaze, Lin Yi looked into the distance. He wanted to catch up with the fifth prince and tell the fifth prince something.

But when I thought about the sound transmission of the divine consciousness that I was afraid of just now, Lin Yi finally sighed and turned and left.

"Oh, the five princes are up to you next!"


The 91st peak was still the cave where Qin Shaofeng was.

Not at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's expression is faintly wrong, and at this moment, the ball is no longer in front of Qin Shaofeng, but directly returned to Qin Shaofeng's original world.

Just now, that is, the old man borrowed his luck to check Qin Shaofeng's situation with the bronze-step Qianshan Order on Qin Shaofeng's head. The small ball was aware of this for the first time, and then the small ball flashed.

It was not until a long time later that Xiaoqiuqiu began to communicate with Qin Shaofeng in the original world.

"Huh, it's so risky! I was almost found out!"

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled by the unusual behavior of the small ball.

It wasn't until Xiaoqiuqiu explained that someone had just spied on him, and that he was extremely powerful, and because of luck, it was very likely to find it, and then it hid.

This made Qin Shaofeng secretly startled, can the person who can make the ball react like this, is it a holy realm powerhouse?

As if seeing through Qin Shaofeng’s speculation, Xiaoqiuqiu said disdainfully: "Come on, you, I know what you are thinking, but let me tell you the truth. The breath of peeping just now, although powerful, has not yet To reach the Holy Realm, it should be a little fellow in the Holy Origin Realm!"

The little guy in Saint Yuan Realm?

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly. He wanted to refute something at the moment, but in the end he remained silent.

Because if he refuted something, this little thing would start to show off his experience as a great man anyway.

Fortunately, Xiaoqiuqi didn't entangle this point, but hurriedly said: "Don't talk about this, just took the breath of peeping, it should be to confirm your situation, now I have left, but to be safe, I still stay In the original world, it’s better not to go out. Anyway, even if I stay here, I can sense the outside world. You don’t need to worry."

As he said, the tone of the ball became serious.

"Speaking of worry, what you are most worried about now is how to persist for these ten days. I didn't feel anything at the beginning, but just now I felt a little bit and found that there is a lot of human breath, and I am coming here. !"

A large number of humans?

Qin Shaofeng was startled, and asked in a low voice, "This, what is the large amount?"

"Of course it is a lot!"

The small ball in the nest of the Origin World Experience Tree made a roll of eyes with disdain, and then said: "And not only are there many, but the strength of these people is not easy, so you are in trouble!"

Qin Shaofeng was also helpless after hearing the somewhat gloating tone of Xiaoqiuqiu.

The bronze-step Qianshan Ling on this head is afraid that he can't get rid of it.

He was like the fireflies in the night, but he could attract countless lights.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng calmed down instead.

Qin Shaofeng checked the items on his body for the first time. There were still a lot of Qian Ling Pills, and the Nine Layers of First Grade Pills were sufficient, with hundreds of regular editions and a dozen special editions.

There is no shortage of consumption and healing.

The only situation now is how to survive these ten days!

After thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng asked, "Little Ball, how long can the person closest to me get here?"

"Well, at most half an hour!" Xiaoqiuqiu replied without hesitation.

The current situation, Xiaoqiuqiu also knows that Qin Shaofeng is very unfavorable, so it has always sensed the surrounding situation.

"Half an hour?"

Qin Shaofeng murmured repeatedly, then the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted.

"Enough!" With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng's face showed a hint of relief, "Since I can't hide, then the battle is over! Fortunately, Liu Yongyuan's family has a lot of money, but it can help me a lot, and in such a situation. , Is also an opportunity!"

An opportunity to upgrade quickly!

Qin Shaofeng felt firm in his heart, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.


Half an hour later, the cave where Qin Shaofeng had stayed on the 91st peak ushered in the first team.

"Haha, I seem to be the first step!"

As soon as the team arrived here, the head of the teenager gave a triumphant laugh.

This young man looked like he was seventeen years old at most, but the aura on his body had reached the legendary tenth stage late stage.

And the dozen or so teams behind the youngsters even possessed the legendary Nine, even the legendary ten masters.

These people followed the boy in silence, obviously headed by the boy.

After the teenager smiled triumphantly, behind him, a master in the early stage of the legendary tenth stage, immediately laughed and flattered: "It seems that God is helping the young master! In this way, as long as the young master kills the light that inspires the bronze Those who have been able to successfully enter the preparation camp of the disciples of the Qianshan Sect inheritance!"

However, this person's words fell off. Another master beside the young man, who had reached the pinnacle of the legendary tenth level, said in a deep voice, "Master, you still don't need to be careless. After Master Yun left, he deliberately asked Master not to To the effect, after all..."

But before this person finished speaking, the young master showed a trace of impatience.

"Okay, you don't need to worry about anything. Uncle Yun is true. I was warned by Qianshanzong experts before. What's the matter? This fight for bronze light cannot allow an expert like Uncle Yun to participate. Just be warned, it's totally taken for granted!"

As soon as the young man said that the legendary early-stage top ten master who flattered before, he immediately replied with a smile: "Yes, the young master is right, and this is only 20 days before the assessment time, and the other party just Inspiring the bronze light is obviously the same as the young master said. The other party is a person who has not figured out the situation, but inadvertently inspired the bronze light. Such people don't need to worry!"

"That's right, because if I knew it in advance like I did, this time the entrance examination is to delete and select some people to join the preparatory camp of the inheritance disciples. Who would be an idiot? At this time, the bronze light would be inspired? There is no explicit statement, but everyone is planning to inspire the light of bronze on the last day!"

The younger the teenager, the less confident he has on his face, and finally said with certainty: "Therefore, the person who inspires the bronze light now has absolutely no threat, no need to worry!"

Seeing that the young man said so affirmatively, that legendary ten-fold pinnacle master, his face became even more worried.

With a mouth open, this legendary ten-fold pinnacle master still intends to say something, but the next moment, the young man didn't give him a chance at all, so he flashed and ran into the distance.

"Keep up with the guidance of the Orderless Qianshan Order in my hand. The man is in that cave. Hurry up to avoid long nights and dreams."


After hearing the young man's words, the legendary ten-fold pinnacle master sighed softly in his heart, and followed helplessly, but he didn't know that, he felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Hope there will be no problems!

But soon, something that changed the face of this legendary ten-fold pinnacle master appeared.

Because when they were approaching the cave, suddenly, he felt the surrounding scenery changed.

"No, this is a fantasy formation!" The legendary ten-fold pinnacle master was shocked and shouted.

But at this moment, two screams suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, he found that his two legendary nine subordinates had died somehow.

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