Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 381: Preliminary camp, the ultimate goal of the assessment


In the count!

The death of the two subordinates made the master of the legendary tenth peak realm more uneasy.

But what shocked him even more was that when he turned around to remind his young master, he suddenly discovered that there was no second person beside him.

For the first time, this legendary ten-fold pinnacle master immediately became alert.

There was a surge of spiritual energy in his body, and a wall of inner Qi condensed on the surface of his body instantly.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind him.

"Huh, little bugs!"

The legendary ten-fold pinnacle master snorted coldly and slashed behind him with a big knife in his backhand.


Hit it!

The legendary ten-fold pinnacle master was slightly happy in his heart, but the next moment, when he looked back, he found that what he had cut was only a phantom of spiritual energy.


There was a thud in his heart, and a chill suddenly rose in the master's heart, and then he heard an indifferent cold snort.

"The epee has no edge!"


A violent sword aura attacked, and the legendary ten-fold pinnacle master, his complexion condensed, and in a hurry, he could only raise his sword to resist the violent sword aura.

However, he was not in a hurry either.

Because he believes that with his own inner wall, he can definitely block the opponent's sneak attack.

But the next moment, just as he resisted the violent sword aura with all his strength, from the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw a silver light galloping.

That is……

not good!

The chill of death aura rose, and there was a strong panic in the master's heart.

Then, he saw inconceivably that the silver light actually ignored his inner wall, penetrated directly, and then passed his chest, directly penetrated his heart!


With a soft huh, the legendary ten-fold pinnacle master, his eyes glared fiercely, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, the wall of inner Qi on his body disintegrated instantly, and then his whole body was blasted by the crazy sword qi, and it flew out.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging and killing one of the ten legendary masters. After the five-fold bonus card bonus and the leapfrog kill bonus bonus, he gained a total of 150,000 experience points!"

After getting a system sound, Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at the legendary tenth pinnacle master, one dashed and ran to another.

The illusion that this team suffered was naturally arranged by Qin Shaofeng.

Since Liu Yongyuan had collected a lot of things, after all, the other party was also considered a bandit leader.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to obtain millions of points after recycling in the system recovery furnace.

Then, Qin Shaofeng used these millions of points to directly purchase one hundred low-grade spirit stones from the system store, and re-arranged the magic array he had arranged before.

However, what is different this time is that Qin Shaofeng shortened the coverage of this magical array to about a kilometer in radius.

And also used the Huan Chenzhu obtained from that Zhao Zifa as the eye.

In this way, the power of this phantom formation was more than ten times stronger than the phantom formation Qin Shaofeng had arranged on the Wuling Peak.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng still dare not care.

Because Qin Shaofeng knew that the enemy he faced this time was probably even stronger.

Just now Qin Shaofeng learned that someone had come, and when the opponent entered the range of the illusion array, Qin Shaofeng activated the illusion array.

For the first time, Qin Shaofeng killed two legendary nine masters.

Then Qin Shaofeng focused on this team, one of the most powerful legendary ten-fold pinnacle realm masters.

A sneak attack took advantage of the situation, first a phantom with a slight stepping wave attracted the opponent's attention, and then attacked the opponent with the epee of the profound iron epee without front.

Things went smoothly. The opponent was caught off guard because of the surprise attack. Faced with the strong sword energy of the epee without the edge, he chose defense in the first place.

Qin Shaofeng had also guessed this, and at the moment when he cast the epee without a sharp edge, he summoned the Flying Feather Sword and then launched a blow to Xiao Li's Flying Sword.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng's calculations were correct, and the only opponent who threatened him a little bit was solved immediately.

Because of the crystallization of luck and the bronze order of the Qianshan Mountain, Qin Shaofeng now kills a legendary fifth to legendary ninth person, with a basic experience value of 6,000 points.

And if it is a leapfrog kill, after five times the basic experience, it will be 30,000 experience points.

Then, on this basis, once again with a five-fold bonus card bonus, and finally kill a legendary ten-fold master, Qin Shaofeng can directly gain 150,000 experience points.

For this reason, Qin Shaofeng, who is more urgent to upgrade, even knows that he is pressing for points now, and finally bought a five times experience bonus card.

After solving the most difficult person, the rest of them were relieved to Qin Shaofeng.

Soon, in less than a quarter of an hour, this team was killed by Qin Shaofeng with the help of the magical array.

However, that young master was left behind by Qin Shaofeng.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng left the other party was not because the other party clamored that he was the eldest young master of the first family in the country.

It's not because the other party said that his uncle was the elder of Qianshan Sect.

Now that he chose to shoot, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not leave the other side to live.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know what the situation was about the Qianshan Order of this bronze tier, and now naturally intends to inquire about the situation from this young master.

At the beginning, the young master planned to resist, threatening Qin Shaofeng to let him go.

But after Qin Shaofeng used some torture methods, he was honest, and began to explain.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng completely understood what was going on from the captive young master.

It turns out that this time Qianshanzong was recruiting some outside disciples on the surface.

But in fact, Qianshan Sect planned to recruit some people this time to supplement the blood of the preparatory camp for the inheritance disciples.

The preparatory camp for inheritance disciples is just as its name is the place where Qianshanzong specializes in training inheritance disciples.

But the so-called inheritance disciple is the true disciple of Qianshan Sect.

These disciples of the inheritance practice are the true **** of the Qianshan Sect, and they are the disciples who will become the future powerhouse of the Qianshan Sect.

The preparatory camp is to cultivate disciples who can stand on their own side and represent the inheritance of the Qianshan Sect.

Because of this, the preparation camp has the best cultivation environment in the entire Qianshan Sect and can allocate the most abundant cultivation resources.

But even for such a reserve camp, there are very few people qualified to enter.

And even if they are qualified, they may not be able to enter the reserve camp.

In a word, in order to enter the preparatory camp for the inheritance disciples, only a genius is not enough. You must be a genius like a monster to be eligible to enter the preparatory camp.

According to the young master, the preparation camp of the entire Qianshan Sect, in the most cases, has 1,000 disciples.

A thousand seems to be too much!

But Qin Shaofeng knew that according to the pamphlet given by Senior Brother Zhao Kun, there were so many outer disciples of the Outer Peak of the Qianshan Sect.

There are three hundred outer peaks, although at most only one-third of them live with the outer disciples of the Qianshan Sect.

But every peak in the outer peak is much larger than the hundredth peak, and it is not impossible to live with hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.

Approximately, there are probably tens of millions of outer disciples of Qianshan Sect.

This is almost the case for the Three Hundred Inner Peaks. Although it is impossible to have tens of millions, there are still millions.

It is such a large number of people, like an empire's Thousand Mountain Sect, who can enter the preparatory camp for inheritance disciples, only one thousand people, so when counted, it is naturally less.

Some time ago, I didn't know what happened that caused the death of a large number of disciples in the Qianshan Sect's reserve camp.

The number of disciples in the preparatory camp for the disciples of the Thousand Mountain Sect inheritance will remain at 1,000. This suddenly vacates a large number of vacancies, and naturally it is necessary to recruit.

But this time, Qianshanzong seemed to have a strange situation, that is, among the vacant places, one hundred of them were actually prepared for the legendary realm below the Xiaoyuan Dan realm.

Many forces are puzzled by such an inexplicable request.

But these are not important, as long as this is the case, wouldn't they allow the legendary geniuses of their forces to enter the reserve camp?

If this can be trained in the reserve camp from the legendary realm, then the future achievements are probably even more extraordinary.

Over the years of the Qianshan Sect, it is not a person who has joined the reserve camp in the legendary realm who has not appeared before.

Although the number of such people is extremely rare, each such person, if they can survive, can definitely become a super strong in the Qianshan Sect.

It is said that among the top ten powerhouses of Qianshanzong, three of them entered the reserve camp in the legendary realm, and finally became the super powerhouse.

Therefore, many forces are tempted by this hundred places.

Then, this time the entrance examination of the Qianshan Sect was more than the largest examination for the entrance of the Qianshan Sect in hundreds of years.

For this reason, the Thousand Mountain Sect had to deliberately designate the first 100 peaks as assessment areas.

You know, in ordinary Qianshan Sect entrance examination, at most, the first ten peaks are opened.

However, Qin Shaofeng learned another thing from the eldest young master, and finally understood why this happened when he merged with the Qianshan Order of the Bronze Stage.

This time the entrance examination, of course, is not the so-called top 100, so you can join the preparatory camp for the inheritance disciples.

The top one hundred, that's just a qualification.

Although this time the requirement of the Qianshan Sect's entrance examination is that only after becoming a Xiaoyuan Dan can join the Qianshan Sect and become an outer disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

But in fact, not all the outer disciples of Qianshan Sect are all in the Xiaoyuan Dan realm.

In the Three Hundred Outer Peaks and Three Hundred Inner Peaks of the Qianshan Sect, there are people under the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, and there are still a lot of them.

And this time, the top 100 in the sect assessment still need to fight with the legendary realm among the thousand mountains sect.

But there is one difference, that is, those who can kill the monsters and collect the Qianshan Order fragments during the entrance examination period, and finally merge the bronze order Qianshan Order, and inspire the bronze light, can avoid everything and become directly Disciple of the preparation camp.

Moreover, if you want to inspire the light of bronze, only the monsters killed during the entrance examination and the Qianshan Order of the fusion of the fragments in their bodies can be excited, and the others cannot.

The most important point is that all the monster beasts invested in the entrance examination this time have at most 109,999 fragments.

That is, there are only ten people who can really join the reserve camp smoothly.

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