Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3819: Frustrated

Where did the other venomous snakes go?

Look at Qin Shaofeng, standing proudly in the middle of the group of snakes, holding a war sword and Ghost Qu, but there is a small green snake on his shoulder.

The little snake continuously sprayed out dark green poisonous mist.

As the poisonous snake was shaken out by Qin Shaofeng, the poisonous mist it spit out finally worked.

No matter what kind of poisonous snake, as long as it comes into contact with the poisonous mist, the body will dissipate, turn into a gas, and be sucked into the mouth by the snake.

It was just such a moment.

They were shocked to discover that the little snake had appeared from the earliest time, and it looked like the breath of the universe and the moon had become the breath of the moon.

It looks like it is still in the late stage of Yuyue.


What happened to this little snake?

Luo Tianyang and Qi Bai were also shocked.

They could feel it faintly, as if what happened in it, but they couldn't think of anything.

As everyone knows.

Everything happened when they were talking.

When Qin Shaofeng was just laminated by the layer of venomous snakes, he really could not be broken by the venomous snake, and he was not afraid of snake venom.

But the body can't move at all.

But he can't move, but it doesn't mean that the Emerald Dragon King can't either.

Although the Heavenly Void Insect King can leave the body of the Emerald Dragon King, as long as it leaves, the Emerald Dragon King will directly become a dead body that can no longer be used.

Although the Tianxu Clan is also terrifying.

But compared with the Jade Dragon King, there are some gaps.

Not to mention that although the Heavenly Void Insect King is the Insect King, he is too weak, and now he is nowhere near the pinnacle of the God Star.

It was reluctant to give up the sentence of the green dragon king who could grow up.

After finding that Qin Shaofeng could not move, it began to madly breathe poisonous mist to swallow the poisonous snake that was pressing on Qin Shaofeng.

How terrifying is the toxicity of the Jade Dragon King?

In just a few short breaths, the existence of a small mountain bag has become hollow.

Qin Shaofeng was also able to stand firm.

But the venomous snakes seemed to have discovered their horror, and they entangled one by one, and they turned into a cage.

Under the layers, the Jade Dragon King could no longer be poisoned and swallowed.

Qin Shaofeng chopped three times in a row.

There was still only a little bit of blood spilled, and it did not cause much harm to the cage.

Although Qin Shaofeng's ghost fire golden pill is abundant.

But if it is constantly swinging the knife and cutting, it will inevitably be exhausted.

Anyway, this is in a cage of snakes, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by outsiders.

Endless India will definitely operate.

According to the compassion seal technique he learned, he will display the endless seals.

He has been practicing for a long time.

This is the first time to fight with this.

Under the imprint of compassion, the cage was exploded one by one, and its power was so terrifying that Qin Shaofeng couldn't help taking a breath.

With the power of this seal alone, I'm afraid it can be comparable to the powerhouse of Tian Yue, right?

Yinjue is terrifying, but consumption is equally terrifying.

With his cultivation base reaching the ninth-level barren moon position, he already has nine thousand bloodshots.

With each blow, it would consume a thousand bloodshots.

This is still an attempt to perform.

He could clearly feel that even one percent of the power of the compassion seal had not been exerted in these few times.

Doesn't this mean that he wants to fully utilize the strength of the Mercy Seal, and at least has the cultivation base of Yuyue?

He just thought about it silently in his heart, and he already put away his mind.

Increase the output power of the Mercy Seal.

After a few consecutive blows, the poisonous snake cage was blasted open, and he immediately put away the endless seals, and with a single knife, he cut and slashed towards the poisonous snake cage.

Amidst the roar, the scene that everyone saw was formed.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing three Eternal Moon King Snakes and earning 800 Star and Moon points."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the two Scarlet Roses of the Universe Position and earning 500 Star and Moon points."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the three green scales of the Universe Position and earning 400 Star and Moon points."

System sounds sounded in my mind one after another.

Qin Shaofeng didn't feel excited at all, and he seemed to have killed a lot of poisonous snakes in this short battle.

In fact, the number of deaths in his hands is extremely rare.

The first three, then eleven were killed by the seal of compassion, plus the eight cut by the knife.

There are less than twenty items in total.

But the number of poisonous killings by the Jade Dragon King is probably more than five hundred.

Qin Shaofeng became speechless the more he thought about it.

Looking at the swarms of snakes rushing towards him again, his eyes were turning green.

You can no longer care about consumption, you must quickly kill some.

Otherwise, after this trip, he wouldn't be able to raise his cultivation base to the position of Zhou Yue.

"Ghost cut!"

Qin Shaofeng did whatever he wanted.

The figure suddenly rushed out, and the sword in his hand blasted towards the poisonous snake on the ground one after another.

It was another short moment.

He hadn't been able to kill 20 poisonous snakes, and his whole body was piled up by poisonous snakes again.

Countless fangs continued to bite him desperately.

Bits of poisonous mist continuously spit out from the mouth of the poisonous snake.

"Naughty animal, you must get out of here!"

Qin Shaofeng was really going to be angry.

Didn't this group of snakes point out other exploits?

Let me take the shot anyway?

Coil me before I move, how can I beat it?

It's really going to be cheap, the Green Dragon King!

No matter how he scolded, the three types of poisonous snakes didn't seem to feel it.

The Jade Dragon King began to devour it again.

Just a few breaths.

The snake prison is formed again.

"Naughty animal! Naughty animal!"

With grief and anger, Qin Shaofeng had to cast the seal of compassion once again, and once again blasted the poisonous snake prisoner away.

The battle continued.

Qin Shaofeng's voice of grief and indignation continued to sound.

The nine people who stood not far away watching this battle all felt a mess in the wind.

At the beginning, Long Haoyue and the others were worried about whether the viper would attack them for a while.

But soon they discovered that the poisonous snake seemed to have not seen them.

Do not! In other words, I saw it, but didn't bother to care about them.

Or maybe don't want to provoke the enemy again.

Even the poisonous snake that crawled back, after approaching them, once again went around and headed towards Qin Shaofeng again.

As for Qin Shaofeng, who was besieged by poisonous snakes, it seemed to be extremely frustrated.

If you don’t look at the battlefield.

Everyone might really feel the same.

But but, but but.

Watching the time of breathing several times with their own eyes, the snakes will die tragically hundreds of hundreds. They really can't regard Qin Shaofeng who is like a ‘killing god’ and the person who shouted out grief and indignation as one person.

This is shameless, right?

Those words of yours seem to be called by the three types of poisonous snakes, right?

"Xuedi Qin really...different." Long Haoyue said unbearably.

"Cough cough cough..."

Everyone coughed.

They can hardly accept the scene before them.

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