Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3820: Seal of Mercy

"This kid came here to kill this group of poisonous snakes. There should be other purposes?" Qi Bai is a human spirit who has lived for hundreds of years after all.

He looked at the scenes in front of him, already feeling something unusual.

Subconsciously speak out the doubt.

But he still has reservations.

This seat?

This kid is just a little deserted moon, what right does he have to call himself this one?

Open your mouth and shut your mouth.

Who does he think of himself?

What qualifications do you have to say such a thing?

Although my doubts are endless.

But since he agreed to help Luo Tianyang keep the secret, naturally he would not continue to explore too much.

"Does this still need you to say?"

Luo Tianyang gave him a glance and said, "Don't you find out how many star beasts this kid has killed along the way, and how many times did he actually collect materials from the star beasts?"

"One hundred star beasts, he may not collect materials from one body."

Qi Bai nodded and said yes, and said, "But I am still very curious, what is going on with this kid, really weird!"

"Forget it, what will he do with so much?"

Luo Tianyang shook his head and said: "My martial artist, who has no secrets, when the old man wandered around the rivers and lakes, there were so many secrets that you could not imagine."

He was really just telling a fact.

Rao was Qi Bai and was also a generation of talents.

However, he was born in a family and he had very few secrets, but Luo Tianyang was completely different.

He was born in casual cultivating, and he knew deeply that the more his secrets and hole cards, the greater the chance of survival.

If you don't even keep a secret, you don't even know how to die.

The martial arts are not a scholar, and there is no place to make sense.

When they talked subconsciously.

But Luo Tianyang soon discovered that the Seven Long Haotian had all lowered their heads.

One by one seems to have done something wrong.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Luo Tianyang asked subconsciously.

Fortunately, the seven almost wanted to find a seam to get in.

"Don't ask, these little guys should all come from a family. If you want to get ahead in the family and get more training resources, you have to show yourself in the family, and you've developed a mentality to show yourself all the time. "Qi Bai said.

Several people were even more speechless.

"It is true that you need to show that you are born in a family, but you guys don't even have any reservations?" Luo Tianyang's eyes widened.

Staring at them for a long time, he sighed silently.

"It doesn't matter what it used to be. In the future, I will keep a few more cards even if there are fewer cards. Otherwise, if you come to the academy, you will be sold for the number of people." Luo Tianyang said angrily.

The seven were even more speechless.

But while they bowed their heads and said nothing, they were all curious to find that Mr. Qi Bai, the vice-president of Yunxian Academy, was actually glaring at Luo Tianyang.

This is... what happened?

I heard that the relationship between the two was very good.

Even when Luo Tianyang was hunted down by the Qi family, Qi Bai secretly helped more than once.

It seems that the relationship between the two is not as short as they heard in the hearsay!

"If you want to teach the students, wait until you go back. That kid is almost exhausted, pay more attention." Qi Bai said in a deep voice.

"What's the hurry, can those little snakes kill him?"

Luo Tianyang chuckled in a low voice and said, "Moreover, don't you really think that the power of that kid's vitality is as simple as what you and I see?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Qi Bai wondered.

"It's not interesting, let's watch the show!"

Luo Tianyang smiled faintly. Although he had only cultivated the lowest level of Infinite Seal Jue, he also knew how terrifying the consumption of Infinite Seal Jue was.

The silver light that appeared in the Snake Mountain may not be known to others, but he knew that it was the light that only appeared when the endless seal was cast.

All kinds of things are explained, the martial skills that Qin Shaofeng displays are definitely not as simple as they saw.


How much energy and blood does Qin Shaofeng have now?

He was also guessing in his heart, but he wouldn't say any guesses.

Time is still going on.

Qin Shaofeng's consumption level was only clear to him.

This is the fourth time he has been piled up by a poisonous snake.

After breaking through three times and killing three times, he had to come down, and he also beheaded less than a hundred snakes.

In total, there is only a star-moon value in the early 20,000ths.

But his consumption has really bottomed out.

In the end, there are more than two thousand left.

This time, being piled up by the snakes, Qin Shaofeng simply gave up the anger in his heart.

That's it! That's it!

It seems that in this autumn hunt, it is impossible for me to raise my cultivation base to the position of Zhou Yue.

Then let Tianxu upgrade its body!

After thinking about it, he took advantage of the time when he was covered by the poisonous snakes, and began to quickly restore the power of Qi and blood.

The devouring of the Emerald Dragon King remains the same.

Compared to the previous swallows, the Emerald Dragon King at this time was already too fast.

The growth of the Jade Dragon King does not require a lot of time to accumulate like the dragons.

Relatively speaking, the Jade Dragon King is more difficult.

Because the Jade Dragon King was born weak and just like an ordinary snake, and the dragon clan was born like a human moon.

The Emerald Dragon King needs a short period of training and devours a lot of food.

Every time the Emerald Dragon King improves his growth period, he needs to increase his power with a lot of food energy.

Then make a breakthrough in practice.

The simple cultivation is faster than other dragons, but because of the number and the weakness at birth, the green dragon king wants to grow, and it is too much more difficult than the dragons.

The green dragon king Qin Shaofeng possessed can be said to be lucky or sad.

It is sad because it has the same fate as most Emerald Dragon Kings, and has long lost its consciousness.

Fortunately, its body was taken over by the Heavenly Void Insect King.

With the unlimited help of Qin Shaofeng, he has now reached the pinnacle of Yuyue Position.

Only one step away can reach the state of the yellow moon.

Rao is at this level, and it is far beyond when it just started to swallow.

Its devouring begins.

Almost in a few short moments, Qin Shaofeng regained his mobility.

But his devouring still did not stop.

After Qin Shaofeng regained his freedom, he did not rush to attack, but sat down cross-legged, and began to restore his vitality with all his strength.

It's another short moment.

The devouring of the Emerald Dragon King was finally slowed down by the defense formed by the poisonous snake again.

"Seal of Mercy!"

Qin Shaofeng stood up and ran the Mark of Mercy directly, moving towards the defensive bombardment formed by the snakes.

Still only three attacks.

The snake prison was completely shattered under his attack.

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