Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3824: Competition

"President, except for the 131 people who fell in Yunling in our Yunxian Academy, all the rest have returned." A middle-aged man from Yunxian Academy stepped forward to report back.

There were tens of thousands of people participating in the autumn hunt in Yunxian Academy, and in the end only a hundred people fell.

Such figures can already be seen.

The two colleges care about these students.

Dean Yuncheng had clearly anticipated this.

He nodded lightly and said: "Place the bodies of the students who died in the battle properly. After returning to the academy, they ordered people to send them back to their respective families."

"Yes, Dean."

The middle-aged man folded his fist and bowed, then stepped back.

His report is over.

A person also walked out from the endless college.

This person is a woman.

She is also one of the directors of the college.

Although her status is far behind Luo Tianyang, she is always in charge of most of the academy's affairs.

It can be said that she is the person in charge of the most in Endless Academy.

The woman stepped forward and said: "Dean, 97 people of our endless college died in battle, and the lower class Qin Shaofeng and Meng Na have not returned, the top class Long Haoyue, Long Xiaoxiao, Zhang Ye, Ren Tiankuang, Shen Jun, Liu Kaishan And Lu Liu did not return."

Everyone has seen their situation before.

After the woman said it, many people in the two colleges still couldn't help whispering.

"It's okay, they must be back soon."

Endless Wen nodded and said, "Yun Cheng, why don't we let them start taking out the spoils first?"

"Are you not going to wait for the situation?"

Yun Cheng frowned and looked back at the mountain.

"Have you not discovered that Luo Tianyang and Qi Bai have not returned yet?"

The endless essay shook his head and said: "Their cultivation is our two major academies. Except for you and me, they have not returned, so what can we worry about?"

"What you said is not bad."

Yun Cheng nodded and said, "Then, everyone is ready to start. Who is there to show the harvest first?"

Since Yuncheng said the words.

A young man from Yunxian Academy immediately took a step forward.

Just about to speak.

The young man noticed that the dean and everyone else looked towards Yunling.

He also looked back curiously.

I saw Meng Na's beautiful frost-like figure, slowly walking out of the mountain.

"Did she fight in the mountains alone?"

The young man's brows frowned slightly.

Although the autumn hunt this time was mainly based on their gains, the two major academies also dispatched people to focus on their situation.

But if someone in the advanced class of a college specializes in small tricks, it may not be impossible.

At least something similar happened on their side.

Encounters on the road were specially left behind by the senior class leaders, but there are not a few star beasts seriously injured!

Meng Na is only coming back now.

Will she also come up with something?

"Meng Na, why are you coming back now?"

Hentai Wen looked at her.

"During my experience, I found a medicinal plant that I needed, and realized the opportunity for a breakthrough in the battle, so I practiced in the mountains for a few days." Meng Na said.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

This is hunting in the autumn!

Even students in advanced and top classes may not be able to do these things.

She represents the gains of the lower class.

Did you run away to practice halfway?

Really...has character!

"Where are your gains?"

Endless text frowned slightly, and his unhappy mood was self-evident.

Meng Na didn't talk nonsense.

She flipped the space ring and threw out three bodies one after another.

These star beasts were not weak in existence.

But the number is too scarce.

"Three Eternal Moon Star Beasts?"

Hentaiwen's face went black at once.

The others who stared at Meng Na rolled their eyes even more.

Everyone in the two academies finally understood.

This Meng Na is the strongest person in endless academy, why she is just a dispensable member in the team.

This kind of irresponsible person.

Give her a good identity, I'm afraid I won't have to participate in this autumn hunt.

"There are only three star beasts?"

The young man who came out of Yunxian Academy opened his mouth.

Seeing Dean Yun Cheng's gaze, he took out the corpses of star beasts stored in his space ring.

His cultivation is insufficient, but when they fight, they distribute their gains according to their output.

Otherwise, all the gains will be on one person, wouldn't the others have no chance to show their faces?

They all think so.

Seven to three.

The first person to walk out of Yunxian Academy directly crushed the endless Academy.

The first thing that was taken out really made them excited.

But it's just a moment.

After all, this is a competition between teams. Before the last person will be cut out, no one knows whether a shocking reversal will occur.

Immediately, Qilong walked out of the crowd.

He also threw three bodies on the ground.

The combination of the two people's gains was not as good as the gains of one person in Yunxian Academy, and the people at Wu Endless Academy suddenly became nervous.

None of them are blind.

Naturally, it is clear that Meng Na, the strongest in the endless college, did not contribute, and the team leader Qin Shaofeng was missing, and the five of them alone could not bring much gain.

But what the two took out was not as good as the one the other came to test.

This is too unreasonable.

Qilong walked back, and Zhang Mucai strode over.

There were also only three star beast corpses he collected.

Until the three people walked out of the endless college, they put down all the gains.

The second talent of Yunxian Academy came out slowly.

There were twelve star beast corpses taken out by that person.

It was just this person who directly crushed the three of the endless colleges.

The expressions of the people in the endless college became subtle.

"Wu Shuang, how much did you gain this time? If the gap between you and the other party is too great, the face of our Endless Academy will be lost." Ye Leng stepped forward and asked softly.

"It's okay, let them be happy for a while!"

Wu Shuang smiled.

Her cultivation base is not very high, and the number of gains is also very small.

But her eyesight is pretty good.

Regardless of the two people who came out of Yunxian Academy, they took out a lot of star beast corpses, but they were all at the level of Zhouyue and Huangyue, which was not worthy of her but cared too much.

After all, she has a killer in her hands.

Although it may not be finalized.

But Qin Shaofeng hasn't returned yet?

After the defeat in World War I.

She became very curious about Qin Shaofeng.

I have seen Qin Shaofeng fight against the dying blood wolf that is comparable to Yuyue with his own eyes, and you can know how terrifying Qin Shaofeng's combat power can reach.

Who knows if he will bring another amazing performance when he returns?

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