Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3825: Hole cards

"Go all, put down your gains according to the level."

Wu Shuang thought for a while and said.

Chu Yao and Tang Haohan walked out together.

They went to the place where the star beast corpses were placed in the endless college, and they took out their respective gains.

The team lost Qin Shaofeng and Meng Na one after another, and their gains were too few.

Tang Haohan took out five star beast corpses, but Chu Yao only took out seven star beast corpses.

It was the superposition of the two again that they could be compared with the second person in Yunxian Academy.

The faces of the people in the two colleges all became weird.

Endless Academy, is there really a chance?

The gap between the cultivation base and the number of people is already there.

Even if most of their gains are on Wu Shuang, it seems that there is no way to compare with the few people in Yunxian Academy, right?

"You only gain this little bit?"

The third person from Yunxian Academy came out.

He looked at the star beast corpses placed on the ground by both sides, his expression was extremely strange.

This person's cultivation is not weak, but he is extremely arrogant.

Character issues.

It made him know that the occasion was wrong, but he couldn't help saying: "If you only have this little gain, we don't seem to have the meaning of continuing to compare."

He shrugged and took out twenty star beast corpses one after another.

Once these numbers are displayed digitally.

The faces of the students at Endless Academy suddenly became extremely ugly.

Even the two instructors Ye Leng and Nie Xuanxing had anger in their eyes.

Without this kid's words, everything is fine.

The exit of that sentence.

Everything is not what it was before.

"Four celestial moon positions and 16 barren moon positions are indeed very powerful." Wu Shuang's eyes were cold.

Although she is also very cold on weekdays.

But her arrogance is not so big.

How can you endure being mocked by the other party?

She strode forward.

The Space Ring kept rummaging, and one body after another was thrown out by her.

Not long after, more than seventy star beast corpses appeared on the ground.

Adding in the ones that others took out before, it turned out that the number reached 97.

Wu Shuang stopped, but did not turn back.

Looking towards Yun Lan, the captain of Yunxian Academy, he said, "The five of us have captured ninety-five, fifty-two wild moon positions, and 42 eternal moon positions. You might as well try first. Can I exceed it."

She opened her mouth and reported the specific figures.

The faces of the people in the two colleges all became weird.

In particular, she personally said the star beast level and kept the last star beast corpse, making everyone guess.

What level of existence should be the last star beast corpse she did not take out?

"It seems that the last star beast corpse you haven't taken out should be your assassin, right?" Yun Lan said calmly.

She squeezed the corner of her mouth lightly, and said: "Since you want to accept the blow, then I will do it for you, Zhang Hen, take the two of them to put down the corpse of the star beast."

"Yes, senior sister."

Zhang Hen waved at the two of them.

They stepped forward quickly.

Large corpses of star beasts were also quickly thrown out by them.

There are only five people.

The five weakest people, the corpses of the star beasts that were taken out were already extremely close to the number at the endless college.

There may be a gap in quality, but it is definitely not big.

Yun Lan was still not in a hurry. Maybe he asked Li Xian to put down the star beast body, but said: "Our two colleges are in alliance. I don't want you to be too embarrassed. If you are willing to give up, you can The last corpse is taken out and I will give you a chance to surprise the audience."

"you are dreaming?"

A smile suddenly appeared in Wu Shuang's eyes.

If there were only six of them in the endless college, Yun Lan gave the steps, and she would naturally walk down.

However, there is still one person in their endless college.

An existence that is likely to be able to reverse the number of gains that crushed the thirteen of them alone.

She thought silently in her heart, and she had already taken out the blood wolf corpse.

"This is one of our hole cards!"

Wu Shuang held the blood wolf corpse in his hand and spoke loudly.

She deliberately said ‘one of the hole cards’ very loudly.

"The outlier blood wolf should be at the peak of the sky and the moon. Although it is old, its defense is still comparable to the peak of the earth and the moon, its attack is comparable to the yellow moon, and the speed is comparable to the peak of the moon." Wu Shuang said. The voice said it.

The people in the two colleges were shocked instantly.

At the peak, should it be the existence of the sky and the moon?

After all, the two academies are just academies.

Although it is standing at the peak of the Cangming Realm, everyone who has officially graduated from the academy has a post-mortem cultivation base.

But where are the people they came, how many exist?

Not to mention the more tyrannical Tianyue position.

This group of little guys who had just entered the academy and had the highest cultivation level but the third-order Zhouyue position, unexpectedly joined forces to kill one such existence?

The sky and the moon position defense, the yellow moon position attack, the cosmic moon position speed.

Even extremely old.

Putting it all together, I'm afraid there is already a yellow moon rating, right?

This is an advanced class, and there are few that can compete with it!

Ye Leng and Nie Xuanxing breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They finally knew why Wu Shuang was not so worried when Ye Leng asked.

Feeling has such a killer feature.

"This hole card is indeed very good."

Yun Lan's expression finally changed.

Of course, only some.

"So, do you have similar gains?" Wu Shuang sneered.

"Naturally, there is no gain for Huangyue."

Yun Lan pursed her mouth and smiled: "But the corpse you brought can not be said to be a yellow moon star beast. Since you can make a comprehensive calculation, I naturally have a similar existence here."

"Li Xian!"

She yelled, and Li Xian strode forward.

Walk quickly to the place where they put the body.

Li Xian directly poured out the corpse in a spatial ring.

Snakes are all snakes.

It is densely packed and colorful, and you don't need to think about its type, and you can guess that its toxicity is absolutely terrifying.

Finally, the two bodies of Yuyue's pinnacle were thrown out by Li Xian.

Li Xian is a girl after all.

After pouring out all the snake corpses, he quickly retreated to the back trembling.

She was still shaking all over until she was far away from the snake corpse.

"This is the talisman I got when I entered the sect with a piece of it, something that belongs to me, something recognized by the two academies, and the group of red demon snakes destroyed."

Yun Lan proudly said: "The snake swarm is close to the position of the moon, and the two snake kings are even the pinnacle of the moon, not to mention the general yellow moon. Even the strongest of the yellow moon, dare not provoke the existence."

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