Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 383: Skylark Peak

In the distance, in that powerful lineup.

The young boy, who was protected by several legendary ten-fold pinnacle masters, looked at the orderless Qianshan order in his hand, with cold expression on his face.

That indifferent expression was not at all like the expression that a fifteen-year-old could have.

"Huh, I didn't expect someone to collect the first piece of bronze light faster than me!" As he said, the young man turned his head fiercely, and angered the several legendary top ten masters around him.

"It's all to blame for you dog minions. The collection of fragments of 10,000 Qianshan Ling is so slow. What use do I want you to do?"

Those few legendary top ten masters were reprimanded by this young man with anger, and their faces were immediately full of anxiety. They did not have the trace of the legendary top ten masters at all. They seemed to be just as the little boy said, in front of the boy, they Just a minion.

It was a 17 or 18-year-old girl dressed as a maid beside the young boy. At this time, she said gently: "Young Master, don't blame them. This person who can gather the first piece of bronze order Qianshan Order must have used extra With the power of, let the people of the Trinity Realm help! Otherwise, Grandpa Master would not give a warning!"

Hearing what his maidservant said, the little boy's expression eased slightly, but the next moment, a cold light flashed in the little boy's eyes.

"Hmph, even if that is the case, then they should know that this first bronze light should be inspired by this young master, and they dare to take the lead? This is simply impatient!"

As the young man said, a strong murderous aura radiated from his body. It is hard to see that this little young man actually possesses such a murderous aura. I am afraid that he could only kill a lot of people.

After a cold snort, the young boy's eyes fell into the distance, and then he said coldly to the people behind him: "You have heard clearly for me, no matter who this person is, kill me directly. This young master finally got it. After an interest, I came here to have fun, and there are people who make this young master so disappointed. This is something that this young master absolutely cannot tolerate!"


Everyone responded in unison and rushed forward one after another.

But not long after, after the young boy took these people and entered a distance of about one kilometer from Qin Shaofeng, the young boy suddenly discovered that something was wrong.

Obviously, according to the Qianshan Order in his hand, the azure light that inspires the bronze light is in front of him, and the others are constantly approaching.

But what made the young boy feel weird was that he soon felt that the distance between himself and others was constantly widening.

At first, the young boy thought that the other party had noticed his powerful team and had to start to escape.

This made the young boy urging his subordinates to start chasing after frantically.

But something weirder happened, because even though he and others accelerated, the young boy still felt that the other party was getting further and further away from him.

Soon, the young boy suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly frightened.

"Damn, we are in a phantom formation!"

The identity of this young boy is not simple, but he knows the phantom array better.

But precisely because of this, besides anger, there was shock in his heart at this moment.

The illusion that the other party can arrange it, making him fall into the formation unconsciously?

Who is this person?

Could it be that the other party is running towards that goal?

Gradually the little boy calmed down the anger in his heart, but began to think seriously.

In the end, the little boy snorted coldly, his tone still extremely bad.

"Hmph, no matter what your background is, and what your goal is. Now that you dare to trap this young master with a phantom array, you'd better not fall into the hands of this young master, or you will die!"


Thousands of meters away, a figure was galloping fast, this is Qin Shaofeng who escaped the first time after setting up a powerful fantasy formation and trapping that group of teams.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart was extremely painful, because the opposing team's lineup was too strong. In order to trap the opponent for more time, in the end Qin Shaofeng directly used three hundred and sixty low-grade spirit stones according to Xiaoqiuqiu's statement. Xiao Zhoutian illusory array.

Although it was only the last Xiao Zhoutian Illusory Formation, in the end it not only used Qin Shaofeng's three hundred and sixty low-grade spirit stones, but also got the magical celestial beads from Zhao Zifa.

A big loss!

"I wiped it, Xiaoye finally saved some points, and used some of the wealth, now it's gone!"

With a whispered complaint, Qin Shaofeng glanced back, an uncomfortable flash in his eyes in the direction behind him.

"What's the matter, kid, wait for the little master, you'd better not fall into my hands, or you will look good!"

That's what I said, but the speed at Qin Shaofeng's feet didn't slow down at all.

After the Wukong technique was displayed, Qin Shaofeng raised his speed to the limit.

Xiaoqiuqiu said, even though the Xiao Zhoutian Illusory Formation has Huan Chenzhu as the eye, but with the strength of that team, I am afraid that it will be able to trap the opponent for three days at most.

And if the opponent uses any hole cards, one day is the limit.

However, according to Xiaoqiuqiu's expectations, that Xiaozhoutian illusion formation is also a good formation, and it has not appeared on this Nine Cloud Continent.

Therefore, without knowing the Xiao Zhoutian illusion formation, if you want to break the formation, unless you are a master of the Trinity Realm, it is indispensable to be trapped for three days.

Although he could trap the opponent for three days, Qin Shaofeng was completely afraid of that team.

The younger sister can't beat him, can he still escape?

With such thoughts in mind, Qin Shaofeng planned to leave the 91st peak and go to another mountain.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng would never go to the 100th mountain.

At least not now.

According to the news obtained from the young master who killed the first batch before, Qin Shaofeng knew that some geniuses from the forces were on the 100th peak from the beginning.

Because the aura on the hundredth peak is a collection of the aura of the first hundred peaks, and the 108 cultivation caves on it are more than ten times better than the cultivation caves on any peak.

But a sacred place for super cultivation, those geniuses who know the real assessment content, but they practiced there from the beginning.

Moreover, most of such geniuses are legendary nine-fold and ten-fold realms, and there are a lot of them.

Qin Shaofeng had never thought about it, and ran to such a place with a bronze light.

Because that is purely looking for death!

"You can't go to the No. 100 peak, and the No. 92 and No. 93 peaks are connected to the 91st. I'm afraid I can't stay too long. In this case..."

His eyes flashed slightly, Qin Shaofeng thought of a place to go, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

"Hey, just go to that place!"

With a chuckle, Qin Shaofeng turned slightly in the forward direction and hurried to a place.

Which place is the direction of the ninety-ninth peak.

The 99th peak is known as the strongest and most dangerous peak among the top 100 peaks.

The ninety-nine peak is not very high, it looks like it is just over 4,000 meters.

However, the area covered by the area is three times larger than that of the 100th peak area.

The area of ​​the No. 99 mountain peak area alone is more than one point higher than the area of ​​a continuous country.

What's more, there are only stretches of endless tall trees and jungles, and there is only one kind of monster living here-the fire skylark!

Therefore, the ninety-ninth peak is also called Skylark Peak!

Fire Skylark, a very special monster beast, this particularity does not mean that Fire Skylark is a powerful monster beast.

On the contrary, although this fire skylark is a legendary monster beast, the fire skylark in adulthood can reach the fifth level of legend at best.

Moreover, in comparison, it was also in the realm of the fifth level of the legend, the fire skylark's battle was far inferior to that of an ordinary legendary triple monster beast, very weak.

This may be related to the size of the fire skylark, because an adult fire skylark is at most the size of an adult's palm.

Even the mighty Fire Sparrow King can grow to less than one meter at most.

It stands to reason that such a weak group of monster beasts is afraid that it will not be able to occupy such a large territory as Mountain No. 99.

But a single fire skylark is indeed very weak, but this fire skylark is a group of monsters.

And it's still extremely terrifying, super social group of monsters and beasts.

Because even the smallest fire skylark community has at least one hundred thousand fire skylarks.

One hundred thousand!

Even if it is only the first level of the legend, if it is a hundred thousand together, even the masters of the Yuan Dan level will have to flee in the wind.

Moreover, according to incomplete statistics, the number ninety-ninth peak, the Fire Skylark on Skylark Peak, has reached tens of billions.

It is no surprise that such a huge fire skylark occupies such a mountain.

The reason for this situation is said to have been deliberately done by a certain ancestor of the Qianshan Sect.

Because this fire skylark also has a special ability, that is, they can build nests like bees, and even collect pollen to make fire honey.

Fire honey is the honey brewed by Fire Skylark.

This fire honey is a good thing, because it contains a lot of spiritual energy, and it has a great auxiliary effect on cultivation.

In the legendary tenth peak realm, if even a tiny bit of fire honey can be obtained, the process of condensing and breaking through the Xiaoyuan Pill will be much smoother.

He even had enough fire honey to make a perfect breakthrough to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm in a very short time.

At the same time, the fire honey brewed by the fire skylark is also very delicious.

Thousands of years ago, a certain ancestor of the Qianshan Sect was very fond of this fire honey, so he deliberately divided the wrong mountain as a place to breed fire skylarks to relieve his greed.

Therefore, there is this Skylark Peak.

However, the Skylark Peak is rarely open in Qianshan Sect. This time it was opened because of special circumstances.

But even if it is open, even if the Qianshan Sect does not have clear regulations, the geniuses of the major forces all know in their hearts that if the Yunque Peak can not go, it is best not to go.

Besides, that Fire Skylark is a monster with a very vengeance. Once one of them is offended, it will definitely be in danger of being hunted down by tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of Fire Skylarks.

No matter which of these two reasons, the geniuses of the major forces have deliberately excluded Skylark Peak.

But because of this, someone smiled sinisterly in his heart and ran directly to Skylark Peak.

Chase me?

Want the Qianshan Order on Xiaoye?

Oh, yes!

As long as you have the guts, let it be Skylark Peak!

Xiaoye is waiting for you at Skylark Peak!

With a few laughs in his heart like this, Qin Shaofeng stepped onto the 99th peak-Yunque Peak!

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