Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 384: The helpless Qin Shaofeng

Three days later, somewhere on the 91st peak, a loud roar rang out.

"Damn it quickly caught up with me, and actually trapped this young master for three days, I will never spare him lightly!"

The young boy who had just broken through the illusion, at this moment, his still childish face was full of hideousness.

He swears in his heart to give the people who trapped him to pieces.

If not, how can he wash away the humiliation in his heart?

In his capacity, he was trapped in this way for three days. This is definitely the biggest insult he has suffered in his life.

You can't spare the other party lightly.

But when he took out his Qianshan Order and felt the cyan light on his Qianshan Order, the young boy's face was immediately shocked.

"this is?"

Feeling the position of Qianshan Ling's blue light in his hand, the little boy cried out in exclamation.

"He actually entered Skylark Peak?"

Damn it!

After exclaiming, the young boy's expression suddenly changed, and the weather became uncertain.

"How did he get into that place? The Skylark Peak was a place my father had told me to not enter. What should I do now?"

For Skylark Peak, the young boy is actually more curious.

Because he is a strong man like his father, he seems to have some scruples about Yunfeng Mountain.

After learning that the opponent had entered Skylark Peak, the young boy suddenly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to catch up.

Because at this moment, even if he thought, these people around him would never allow it.

Because before he came, his father deliberately gave some death orders to the people around him, even he could not violate it.

This can't go to Skylark Peak is one of them!

"Damn it, let him escape!"

With an angry growl, the little boy looked ugly, and finally raised his head to look at the location of Skylark Peak and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, I hope you will survive by chance, or else my humiliation will not be washed away!"


At the same time, the five princes of the Huoyun Kingdom took his dozen or so men, and after three days, he finally caught up with his goal.


Looking up at the distant peak, the fifth prince hesitated.

Do you really want to go in?

This is Skylark Peak!

Although he is the five princes of Huoyun Nation, Huoyun Nation has nothing to do with Fire Skylark. The Fifth Prince doesn't think that after entering this Skylark Peak, he will be treated kindly by those Fire Skylarks.

In fact, after confirming that the person who inspired the first bronze light entered Skylark Peak, the Fifth Prince hesitated, hesitating whether to continue chasing.

But when I thought, once I could enter the preparation camp of the disciples of the Thousand Mountain Sect inheritance, it would be much more attractive than the throne of their Huoyun Kingdom.

In fact, in terms of talent, the fifth prince knew that his eldest brother and second elder brother, that is, the first prince and the second prince of Huoyun Nation, had even better talents.

But because the two princes had been scheduled to enter the reserve camp of the Qianshan Sect long ago, there was no plan to compete for the throne of the Fire Cloud Kingdom.

If not, it would not be the fifth prince to wait for these princes.

Although he seldom hesitated and was more afraid of Skylark Peak, after thinking about it and comparing it, the Five Princes finally led people into Skylark Peak.

Such an opportunity cannot be missed.

Even Yunque Peak is very dangerous, but compared with the bronze-step Qianshan Ling, this danger is worth taking.

Just when the Five Princes were brought into Yunque Peak, at the same time, somewhere on Yunque Peak, Qin Shaofeng had just ended a battle.

"Huh, exhausted!"

After killing the last legendary Top Ten Master, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but squat on the ground.

Originally Qin Shaofeng thought that after entering Yunque Peak, there would be fewer people chasing him.

But obviously, Qin Shaofeng found that he still underestimated the allure of the bronze order Qianshanling.

After entering Skylark Peak for three days, Qin Shaofeng still encountered a large number of people chasing and killing him.

Fortunately, this is the site of Skylark Peak. Others don't want Qin Shaofeng to have dazzling eyes and the super perceptive ability of small balls.

Therefore, many people who entered Skylark Peak were dealt with by Skylark Peak.

Skylark Peak is also extremely strong in its sense of territory, and it does not allow outsiders to enter, and will drive out once it is found.

If even a Fire Skylark was killed during the chase, the chase would become a chase.

When the time comes, swarms of fire skylarks, like patches of fire-colored clouds from the sky, will kill them all over the sky.

Qin Shaofeng himself had experienced this situation several times.

Every time, Qin Shaofeng relied on small **** to barely escape.

Such a situation caused Qin Shaofeng to turn around and ran away when he saw Fire Skylark, not daring to provoke him.

But other people are different, and only a very small number of people can completely avoid Fire Skylark.

If he was driven away by the fire skylark, he would choose to retreat in the first place and would not dare to face the fire skylark.

But even so, there are still many people who are bold and greedy, and Qin Shaofeng has been caught up by many in these three days.

This caused Qin Shaofeng to face the dual pressure of chasing and killing Skylark, but he was exhausted.

Even during these three days, he hadn't rested much.

The only benefit is that Qin Shaofeng's experience value has increased a lot.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Legend Nine

Experience value: 7.379/9 million


"The experience value is already 7.31 million, and there are only more than one million left to upgrade. It's fast! It's a pity, because the previous little Zhoutian Illusory Array consumes too many points, or else buy a five times bonus card. If you do, I’m afraid I’ve already reached the legendary tenth level."

Looking at the experience value column of his own attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng's mouth raised slightly, finally feeling a touch of joy.

But at this moment, the small ball gave a sharp reminder.

"someone is coming!"

"Damn it!"

After being reminded by Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng cursed in a low voice.

"There are so many special things, how can these people be like dog skin plasters, they can't get rid of them!"

With a frown, Qin Shaofeng felt very upset.

"How many people are on the other party this time, and what's their strength?" Qin Shaofeng asked. Although he was helpless at the moment, it was nothing he could do.

"Sixteen people, ten legendary ninefold, six legendary tenfold, among them is a legendary tenfold peak person, the strength is not bad!" Xiaoqiuqiu immediately said what he felt.


The strength is okay?

Qin Shaofeng paid attention to the words of Xiaoqiuqiu.

This allows Xiaoqiuqiu to tell someone who is good enough, that's not easy!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng opened the properties interface and began to check the opponent's properties.

Because the opponent had already entered the realm of perceiving, Qin Shaofeng successfully obtained the information about the opponent's attributes.

Character: Huo Lie

Level: Legendary Top Ten

Aura value: 10 million / 10 million

Talented roots: Nine Burning Fire Cloud (Mutated 8-Rank Thunder and Fire dual system spiritual roots)

Identity: Five Princes of Huoyun Country


Ten million!

After seeing the other party's aura, Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

This is the first time Qin Shaofeng has seen a person with a spiritual energy value of 10 million. Don't think about this situation, the opponent's strength is definitely not low.

Moreover, the other party's spiritual root is still the eighth-rank mutant lightning and fire dual-system spiritual root, or the nine-burning fire cloud spiritual root.

This alone is definitely not a simple role.

But when he saw the identity information of the other party, Qin Shaofeng was surprised again.

The five princes of Huoyun Kingdom?

Isn't that the brother of the Seventh Prince that he killed?

A slight surprise in his heart, Qin Shaofeng sneered afterwards.

"Heh, what a coincidence! But since it is such a coincidence, then I will show mercy to send your brothers to reunite underground!"


A quarter of an hour later, a team of 16 people appeared here, the team led by the Five Princes.

After arriving here, the five princes were shocked when they saw more than 20 dead bodies on the ground.

After three days of hunting and killing, the outside world got the news that the five princes already knew that the person who inspired the bronze light was only one person, and there was no other person around him.

And it was for this reason that the Five Princes ventured into Skylark Peak.

However, after seeing the corpse in front of him, the five princes face changed slightly.

Killed so many people just by one person?

The other party is really not easy!

"Well, after all, the other party is the one who inspired the first bronze light. It's not surprising that it can behave like this!"

He said a few words softly, and then the five princes moved in his heart, a little joyful.

"No! The strength of these two dozen people is not simple. Even if I deal with it, it will be extremely difficult. The person who inspired the bronze light, no matter how strong the strength is, it is not much better than me. Go, maybe even worse than me, then..."

His eyes fell on the corpse on the ground again, and a sharp light burst out in the eyes of the five princes.

"The one who solves so many people at once, that person may be injured!"

Thinking of this, the five princes were overjoyed, and the fierce opponent shouted in a low voice: "Quickly, hurry up and catch up with me. Maybe that person is already injured. This is a good opportunity!"

Speaking, the five princes stepped forward first and ran towards the direction guided by Qianshan Ling in his hand.


The opponent is more than a thousand meters away from my current position, so it is easy to catch up!

The thought that he would catch up with the opponent, and then kill the opponent to obtain the first bronze order of Qianshan, the five princes felt fiery.

But this was just one or two hundred meters away, and an accident that caught the Five Princes by surprise suddenly happened.


In the process of fast pursuit, the five princes suddenly felt the surrounding environment changed.

After a while, the five princes found themselves in a place full of white mist.

"Well, it's a hit, this is a magical array!"

At the moment when he felt the surrounding abnormalities, the five princes knew that he had fallen into the enemy's plan and entered the phantom array arranged by the enemy.

Especially after feeling that there is no one of his own by his side, the face of the five princes has completely changed.

"Damn, this person is so cunning, using the illusion to divide the strength of himself and others, do you want to solve it separately?"

With a cold gaze, the five princes blasted out a punch, trying to destroy the big formation.

But what disappointed him was that his full-strength punch couldn't shake this phantom array.

At this moment, the five princes finally understood, why the two dozen people before, died under that person's hands, this is entirely because of the magic array!

But the five princes were still not nervous, because the phantom formation was just a phantom formation, and it could not affect his performance.

As long as his strength is still there, he doesn't believe that the opponent can beat himself.

Hmph, I'm waiting for you here, I want to see you, the first person who inspired the light of bronze, how sacred you are!

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