Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 385: Kill the five princes

At the first moment when the Five Princes and the others fell into the illusion, Qin Shaofeng, who was moving slowly and deliberately, was a thousand meters away, and the corner of his mouth curled slightly and he laughed.

"Oh, finally caught!"

A quarter of an hour ago, after Qin Shaofeng noticed the five princes and others, he had a plan in his mind.

More than two hundred meters away from the group of people who killed them, Qin Shaofeng arranged a magical formation.

This phantom array was naturally arranged by Qin Shaofeng's spirit stones in exchange for points.

After completing the arrangement of the magical array, Qin Shaofeng deliberately left straight from the direction the Fifth Prince was chasing.

And in order to let the five princes automatically fall into the illusion array, Qin Shaofeng deliberately ran to a kilometer before, and in the end, just as Qin Shaofeng planned, the five princes of the Huoyun Kingdom finally fell into his own illusion array.

After realizing that the illusion was triggered, Qin Shaofeng rushed back as soon as possible.

Qin Shaofeng, who rushed back again, soon entered the magical formation.

But for the first time, he didn't go directly to the five princes, but shot the five princes' subordinates.

However, before taking the shot, Qin Shaofeng glanced at his own points at the moment, gritted his teeth, shrank from his own points to tens of thousands of points, took out 10,000 points, and directly purchased a five times experience bonus card.

"Sister, I'm going all out. With this five times experience bonus card, after solving the five princes of the Fire Cloud Nation, I am about to level up!"

After gently flipping his right hand, Qin Shaofeng entered the magical formation after using the purchased five times experience bonus card.







The five princes in the phantom array felt a vibration from the surrounding area from time to time, and then heard a series of screams.

The face of the fifth prince became ugly, because he could hear that those screams were all made by his own men.

Needless to think about it, the five princes knew that all of his men had been killed.

"Damn, this man is too nasty!" A slight anger, the Fifth Prince's expression became more sordid.

But at this moment, a chuckle suddenly came.

"Damn it? Oh, the five princes are really joking. If you say it is damnable, you should still be the damned person, because in the end it is you who chase me down!"

Suddenly hearing such a chuckle, the five princes naturally knew that the Lord had appeared.

Looking up, the five princes saw it, and the white mist in front of him dispersed slightly, and a person walked out of it.

However, the first thing that attracted the attention of the Fifth Prince was the blue light above the man's head.

Because there is a bronze token floating there!

The Qianshan Order of the Bronze Step!

This is the Qianshan Order that allows people to enter the preparatory camp for Qianshan Sect inheritance disciples?

Looking at the azure Qianshan Ling, the five princes were full of greed.

But the next moment, when he saw clearly what the person looked like under the blue light, he suddenly exclaimed.

"It's actually you, Qin Shaofeng?"

Qin Shaofeng didn't change his appearance, because Qin Shaofeng knew that no matter what, when everything was over, when he entered the Qianshan Sect, his identity would definitely be exposed. Naturally, there was no need to hide his appearance.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, this person who seems to see his appearance has no intention of staying alive. It does not hide his appearance and has little meaning.

However, Qin Shaofeng was surprised when he heard the five princes call out his name directly.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the noble five princes of Huoyun Nation also knew the name of me as an ordinary person. It was my honor!" Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, without any tension on his face.

But at this moment, the five prince's expression was a little more solemn.

Because he thought of Zhao Yun'er and the three of them at this time, this made the fifth prince somewhat uncertain about Qin Shaofeng's identity.

Especially when Qin Shaofeng spoke his name directly, the feeling made the five princes feel that Qin Shaofeng was not easy.


His gaze fell on the blue light above Qin Shaofeng's head again, and the fifth prince flashed greedily in his eyes, and sneered in his heart.

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, since you know my identity, then you should be honest and hand over that token!"

Qin Shaofeng was amused by the words of the five princes.

"Hand it over?" Qin Shaofeng's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm when he heard something unexpected.

"Five princes, are you okay with your mind? You really thought I didn't know the role of the bronze order Qianshan Ling above my head?"

The fifth prince's heart sank. He just tried Qin Shaofeng for the last time.

The reason why he didn't directly call out the Qianshan Order, but replaced it with that token, was because he wanted to know whether Qin Shaofeng really understood his current situation.

If he doesn't understand, then Qin Shaofeng obviously doesn't have any strong background. In that case, he doesn't need to worry too much.

But obviously, from Qin Shaofeng's words, the fifth prince knew that his final plan had failed.

Knowing the existence of Qianshanling is obviously a person with a background.

This is a little troublesome!

But when I thought, if I could get the bronze-step Qianshan Order, I could successfully enter the preparation camp of the Qianshan Sect inheritance disciple. Even if I killed someone, there would be no worries at all.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng sneered, the fifth prince's tone fell sharply.

"Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, if you don't know how to promote, then don't blame me!"

After speaking, the five princes flashed fiercely and attacked Qin Shaofeng.


With a surge of spiritual energy, the fifth prince reached out with a punch and slammed Qin Shaofeng's forehead.

This attack was all about taking Qin Shaofeng's life!

"Huh, don't you finally want to continue talking?"

With a cold smile, Qin Shaofeng let out a slap in the face, and threw a punch in the same way.


The two slammed their fists and collided, and a dull bang erupted fiercely, and then their bodies fell back.

The fifth prince's expression remained unchanged, but he withdrew a meter or two.

On the other hand, Qin Shaofeng's face turned slightly ruddy, and the whole person retreated three to five meters away.

After all, there is a level difference in realm, and there is a difference of 4 million points in aura value.

In this first confrontation, the five princes took the lead.

"Hahaha, it turns out that you are only in the realm of Legend Nine Layers!"

Suddenly, the fifth prince laughed loudly, his face full of excitement.

Because just after the punch, he clearly sensed that Qin Shaofeng's realm was only the ninth level of the legend.

After discovering this, the five princes were very happy.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are dead. You are so stupid that you dare to encroach on the bronze order Qianshanling in a legendary nine-fold realm!"

The fifth prince sneered, and then said proudly: "However, this is also a great thing for me. As long as I kill you, I will turn off the bronze light and send it out. In this case, those who enter the reserve camp, can It's me, hahaha!"

"Kill me? Just rely on you?" Qin Shaofeng still unmoved, replied disdainfully.

"Hmph, it's a good tongue! In that case, I will let you see, my strength is better!" The five princes' eyes instantly fell cold.


With a flash of cold light, the fifth prince had a sharp sword in his hand.

"Qin Shaofeng sees that you have brought me a place to enter the reserve camp, so I will try my best to send you to death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the fifth prince raised his sword to cut at Qin Shaofeng.

"Fire Cloud Sword Technique!"

With a violent shout, the five princes directly swung the sword to cut out a hot sword aura.

So strong!

Feeling the scorching heat and sharpness from that sword aura, Qin Shaofeng was slightly startled, and he summoned the profound iron heavy sword without thinking about it.

"The epee has no edge!"


As soon as the profound iron epee was released, Qin Shaofeng instantly used the epee without any edge, cutting out a violent sword aura.

With a bang, under the violent sword aura of Epee Wufeng, the Fifth Prince's fire cloud sword aura was directly dissipated.

This made the five princes feel a little surprised, his eyes fell on the giant sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This giant sword is a little weird!

But then he sneered again.

"Hmph, I thought you had any abilities, it turned out that you just relied on a weird giant sword. If Qin Shaofeng is only this level, then you can go to death!"


As soon as the words of the fifth prince fell, the whole body's spiritual energy surgingly cut out a powerful sword energy condensed by flames.

This sword aura was several times stronger than the previous sword aura.

If Qin Shaofeng could notice the attribute information of the five princes at this moment, he could find that after cutting out this flame sword qi, the five princes' auras actually consumed five million in an instant.

The sword qi exploded from such a huge spiritual qi, the natural power is amazing.

And the reason why the five princes broke out such a powerful attack was to avoid Ye Changmeng. After all, he was not the only one who chased Qin Shaofeng, if the fighting time was long.

Even if he killed Qin Shaofeng in the end and obtained the Qianshan Order of that bronze step, he couldn't retreat completely.

Because after getting the bronze order of the thousand mountains, he needs a little time, such as refining the order of the thousand mountains, fusion can turn off the bronze light.

Combining these factors, the five princes plan to fight quickly.

The Fifth Prince thought so, what is wrong with Qin Shaofeng?

Quick battle and quick decision are Qin Shaofeng's consistent style.

"Hmph, let me die, just an attack of this level is not enough!"

With a cold snort, Qin Shaofeng gripped the profound iron epee tightly and yelled violently.

"Broken sword style!"


An invisible sword aura burst out, and the flame sword aura that exuded incomparably hot and powerful aura was crushed and disappeared in an instant.

Such a situation shocked the five princes, extremely strange.

Seeing the expression of the five princes, Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, planning to say something.

But at this moment, the sound of the ball suddenly rang in his ears, and then Qin Shaofeng's expression changed instantly.

Damn it!

He cursed in his heart, and when he looked at the five princes again, Qin Shaofeng's eyes changed.


His eyes flashed slightly, and the three-hook jade that appeared on Qin Shaofeng's pupils turned in vain into a six-pointed star pattern.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng stared slightly, watching the fifth prince spit out two words.


At this moment, the Fifth Prince, who was still shocked by the strange destruction of his sword spirit, suddenly felt a crisis hit.

But before he could react, he felt a scorching pain in his body.


After a scream, the fifth prince realized that a black flame was burning on his body inexplicably.

Such a weird flame and the astonishing pain shocked the Five Prince's heart, but what shocked him even more was that no matter what methods he used, he could not get rid of the black flame.

The black flame not only burned his body, but even the spiritual energy in his body was also devouring and burning crazily.

This made the five princes unable to condense even the inner wall of Qi.

In despair, the five princes planned to ask Qin Shaofeng for mercy.

But it's too late!

The Amaterasu without defenses burns the human body at an extremely fast speed!

This made the five princes too late to ask for mercy, and then fell straight down!

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