Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 386: Inexplicable youth

"Ding Dong!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging and killing the legendary tenth level master Huo Lie. After the five times bonus card bonus and the leapfrog kill bonus bonus, he gained a total of 150,000 experience points!"

After the Fifth Prince fell to the ground, Qin Shaofeng quickly received a system prompt.

In addition to the experience points gained by killing the five princes, this time the five princes and 16 people gave Qin Shaofeng 1.1 million experience points.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng's current experience value has reached 8.41 million points.

It is only less than 600,000 points of experience left to upgrade the legendary ten.

But for this situation, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all. Even after killing the Five Princes, Qin Shaofeng didn't even glance at his attribute interface.

After concealing the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes and putting away the Amaterasu flame, Qin Shaofeng still did not relax. With the writing wheel eyes in the state of three hooks in his eyes, he looked not far away, and then suddenly spoke.

"Since your Excellency is here, let's show up for a while!"

Qin Shaofeng spoke like this suddenly, but it was extremely strange.

But just after his words fell, the white mist of the illusion swept lightly, and then a person appeared in vain.

"Oh, it's worthy to be the first person who inspired the light of bronze to find me, which really surprised me!"

With a gentle chuckle, a twenty-four-year-old young man appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

But after the youth appeared, Qin Shaofeng looked like an enemy, his face extremely solemn.

When fighting the Five Princes before, Qin Shaofeng was suddenly reminded by Xiaoqiuqi that there was a master who came here.

Moreover, people came so fast, even ignoring Qin Shaofeng's illusion array, almost just two or three breaths, and came behind Qin Shaofeng. It is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng, who had originally planned to fight the Five Princes several times again.

In the end, I was really helpless, I could only open the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, and use the sky to second the five princes.

But even if he had been prepared before, after seeing this young man at this moment, Qin Shaofeng instantly extinguished his thoughts of fighting with the opponent when he got Xiaoqiuqiu's answer.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng couldn't even think of running away in the face of this youth who seemed to have no breath at all with a gentle smile on his face.

Because this young man is a master of the Heavenly Origin Realm!

That's right, the young man who suddenly didn't know where to fight, not only surpassed the Yuan Dan realm, reached the Three Yuan realm, and was even a master of the Tian Yuan realm.

Facing such a strong man, Qin Shaofeng was completely helpless.

The opponent is too strong!

And at this moment, the small ball on the experience tree of Qin Shaofeng's original space also had a solemn face.

Although from the perspective of Xiaoqiuqiu, a mere Tianyuan Realm was not considered powerful at all.

But Qin Shaofeng was only in the legendary realm now, facing the strong of the Tianyuan realm, he could only be slaughtered.

"No way, you have to notify it quickly and let it come quickly, or the big devil may belch!"

Outside, looking at the young man in front of him, Qin Shaofeng took a breath in secret, and then said: "I don't know who your Excellency is. Is it possible that with your strength, you have also taken a fancy to the bronze light on the boy's head?"


This time it was the young man's turn to be surprised.

After taking a look at Qin Shaofeng, the young man asked with interest, "What? Can you still see my realm?"

For Qin Shaofeng's ability to discover himself, the youth was already very surprised.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's words, it seemed that he could still sense his own realm.

Although the young man didn't believe it in his heart, he had a hint of interest at the moment.

But Qin Shaofeng had no thoughts of interest.

Whoever is suddenly stared at by a master of the Heavenly Origin Realm, how can he be interested in it!

As if seeing Qin Shaofeng's guard against him, the young man suddenly lost his interest in teasing Qin Shaofeng. He just raised his head and glanced over Qin Shaofeng's head, revealing a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Hey, how come you are the one who inspired the bronze light?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong.

It feels like the other person knows himself!

"This, this, er, this big brother, do you know the kid?" Qin Shaofeng asked in a low voice.

The young man gave Qin Shaofeng an angry look, snorted, and said, "Hmph, isn't your kid Qin Shaofeng. If you didn't know you, Ben Shao would have picked off the token on your head long ago, so there is no kung fu. You are here in ink!"

Really know?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked and at the same time lost.

It seems that he didn't know such a master!

Seeing the confusion in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, the young man said again: "Okay, okay, get out of here! Looking at you, this young man, Ben Shao feels unhappy in his heart, and quickly disappear for me!"

Although I don't know who the other party is.

But after hearing this sentence from the other party, Qin Shaofeng decisively stepped away immediately.

Special, if you don't go now, maybe you won't be able to go later!

Qin Shaofeng went very simply, and he didn't even collect the spoils of the five princes.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to ask for the one-hundred-fold lower-grade spirit stone originally arranged for the illusion array.

Because Qin Shaofeng was frightened, the powerful young man suddenly changed his mind and then shot himself.

Facing such a strong man, Qin Shaofeng had no confidence to resist.

No way, this gap is too big!

After taking Qin Shaofeng away, the young man shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Oh, why am I stunned with this kid? Fortunately, the little girl is not there, otherwise I will suffer. However, after all, this kid Qin Shaofeng is quite mysterious, he was born in a remote place in Lianyang country. But it has so many means!"

With that, the young man looked at the phantom array around him, and then he was surprised.

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect it. It's just a phantom array with a hundred low-grade spirit stones, which can actually have such a powerful power. If it weren't for the bronze light, I'm afraid I would lose my eyes if I didn't pay attention. However, with this Compared……"

After a sound, the young man came to the corpse of the fifth prince, carefully observed it, and then sighed with emotion.

"What a powerful flame! I didn't expect that black flame can directly burn human aura. What kind of method is this? How come I haven't heard of it?"

Even when the youth recalled the previous scene, they secretly compared it.

If you encounter such a flame, what will happen to you?

But after remembering the previous scene, the young man got something in his heart that shocked him.

I am afraid that he is facing such a black flame, and I am afraid that he can't put it out, so he can only resist it with a strong force.

"This Qin Shaofeng is really interesting!"

With a sigh, recalling the way his little sister had described Qin Shaofeng, the young man had to admit that the other party was indeed an interesting person.

"Oh, forget it, there is no way, if the first person to inspire the light of bronze is that kid, I can't do it anymore."

With a light sigh, the young man flew up in disappointment, planning to leave directly.

As for the things of the five princes on the ground, although for a legendary master, the five princes are absolutely rich.

But in the eyes of this young man, he looked down on anything about the five princes.

But just when the youth was about to leave, an old and slightly angry voice suddenly came out of his ear.

"Boy Mo family, did you take the words of this seat into your ears? How dare you actually plan to make a move?"

The moment this voice sounded, the young man had a bitter face, and then he pleased with a smile: "Hahaha, it turned out to be Senior Lei! What is that! Oh, by the way, my ancestors greet your elderly!"

"Get off, don't mention the old bastard, the hippy smiley is the same as the old bastard! It's the kind of the old bastard!" The old voice was fiercely angry, and the aura around the young man instantly agitated.

But after hearing this, the young man was not at all nervous, but he rebelled in his heart.

What is the kind of old bastard!

Although you are a senior, you can't talk nonsense!

If you want to say that, I also say my grandpa!

That's my ancestor!

But even though he complained like this in his heart, the young man didn't dare to say it. He smiled flatteringly and didn't speak.

This made the owner of the old voice speechless.

Finally snorted, the old voice sounded again.

"Hmph, this time it's the case, just get out of here! Looking at you kid, I feel unhappy in my heart, I quickly disappear for me!"


Hearing this sentence, the youth instantly felt pain.

Why is this so like what I said to Qin Shaofeng just now?

on purpose!

This old guy definitely did it on purpose!

The young man muttered uncomfortably, but considering the strength of the other party, the young man said in a low voice in the end.

"Senior Lei! This won't work! My ancestor gave me a death order, let my little sister..."

"get out!"

The youth hadn't finished speaking, the old voice was furious, and it seemed that he couldn't help talking about the youth at last, and an unresistible force of the youth who didn't know where to fight, blasted out.

Then, the young man's whole body was shot and flew out.

But at this time, the young man's face showed a satisfied smile.

Because at the moment he was photographed flying, he finally got what he wanted to hear.

"Okay, I'll be the master, let that Lan girl enter the reserve camp, so don't mess with me!"

With this sentence, the youth knew that there was no problem at all for his little sister to enter the preparatory camp for the disciples of the Qianshan Sect inheritance.

call out!

With a flash of white light, the young man's figure flew to the sky and disappeared completely.

As for the old voice, it slowly faded.

At the same time as the voice disappeared, the inexplicable force that had been shrouded in this place at some point had also completely dispersed.

But at this moment, a pile of grass not far away, there was a rustle, and then a little guy rolled out.

As soon as the little guy appeared, he mumbled to a certain position.

"Stupid human beings dare to disturb my sleep, what a damn!"

After grunting angrily, the little guy's big watery eyes rolled around and took aim at the body of the fifth prince.

"Hey, it's not a waste of time!"

Hehe smiled, this little guy actually started to scrape the wealth of the five princes.

After some scraping, the little guy twisted his butt, flapped his wings and flew up.

Then, weirdly, without knowing what this little guy did, a gap suddenly opened in front of it.

At the same time, a clear, melodious sound came from that mouth.

"Little dragon, don't sleep, we are going to set off!"

"Oh oh oh, here I am!"

The little guy hurriedly replied, and the little tail flicked into the space.

After the little guy got in, the gap in the space disappeared silently.

No one noticed this scene.

At most, the scorched corpses of the five princes of the Huoyun Kingdom witnessed everything just now.

Neither the young man before nor the powerful existence of the old voice seemed to notice that when they were talking, there was a little guy next to them.

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