Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 387: Lingering

On the other side of Yunque Peak, Qin Shaofeng was panting.

For an entire hour, Qin Shaofeng was frantically escaping with his empty dance technique.

Even if Xiao Qiuqiu said that the youth's breath suddenly and completely disappeared, Qin Shaofeng was still uneasy.

In the end, after an hour, Qin Shaofeng finally stopped when he came to a place three hundred miles away from the foot of Yunque Peak.

"Huh, it's finally safe!"

Finding a hidden bush, Qin Shaofeng lay on the ground and gasped for breath.

Facing Qin Shaofeng's appearance, the small ball in the original world space expressed disdain.

"Hmph, it's really shameful to let you run away in such embarrassment in a small Tianyuan realm."

Qin Shaofeng ignored Xiaoqiuqiu's disdain, or he was immune to such a tone as Xiaoqiuqiu now.

However, at this time Qin Shaofeng started thinking seriously.

What is the origin of that young man?

The other party actually knows himself?

But why don't I know the other party?

The more I thought about it, the more puzzled Qin Shaofeng was, and he couldn't think of a clue at all.

In the end, he could only sigh and said, "Forget it, don't think about it, I hope I never meet that nasty guy again!"

At the same time, on a certain mountain peak of the Qianshan Sect, a young man sneezed fiercely, and his heart suddenly became puzzled.

Someone scolds me like this?

Could it be that old guy?

I wipe it, do you need it? Isn't it just a position, in your capacity, you are still nagging me as a junior?

The youth's face was upset for a moment, but the next moment, after a beautiful figure appeared, the youth swept away the grievances on his face and shouted with a smile on his face.

"Ha, my little sister, you are here, come here, and see your second brother and my ability, this position of reserve camp disciples, I got it back for you, you don’t know! Second brother, I cost the boss and boss With strength, the one who begged grandpa to tell grandma got a quota, so ah! Little sister, second brother, I have nothing to say to you..."

Therefore, someone shamelessly took all the credit to himself.

If Qin Shaofeng were to see such a scene, he would definitely groan very painfully.

I was so scared by this guy?

What a shame!


An hour later, Qin Shaofeng took a rest and eased his anger. Xiaoqiuqiu had just told him a bad news about his identity.

The man who chased him is here!

After hearing the news, Qin Shaofeng jumped instantly.

"I circled a cross. Those who have enough days are so diligent! Master, I ran like that for a full hour, how long did they catch up?"

Qin Shaofeng was really convinced by these persevering pursuers.

But now I don't know, it is precisely because of his crazy acceleration before that, everyone is excited.

Because in the eyes of those people, the reason why Qin Shaofeng moved so fast, it definitely shows a problem.

he is injured!

In the past three days, many people in Yunque Peak were killed by Qin Shaofeng.

This makes those who stare at the bronze order Qianshan Ling subconsciously believe that the strength of the person who inspires the bronze light is definitely not low.

And I am afraid that there are many helpers around the other party, because if it weren't, how could so many people be killed?

This also made some people who were enthusiastic about the identity of the bronze step Qianshan Ling suddenly calmed down and stopped blindly chasing the bronze light.

Many people have begun to calculate Qin Shaofeng's situation based on the position of the bronze light in order to plan to seize the Order of the Thousand Mountains.

Although at this moment, the light of bronze covering the hundreds of mountain peaks has disappeared.

But once someone fuses a stepless order of the thousand mountains, they can also get the guidance of the order of the thousand mountains and sense the specific location of the bronze light.

Qin Shaofeng is also very clear about this. Basically, Qin Shaofeng will not stay in one place for long.

But because of that inexplicable young man, Qin Shaofeng fled frantically for an entire hour.

This caused many people who were always paying attention to Qin Shaofeng's movements, subconsciously thinking that the person holding the bronze light was injured.

Even if the other person is not injured, the number of people around him must have decreased.

If this is not the case, why does the other party keep moving for the whole hour?

Obviously the opponent was attacked by a strong team. In the end, although it may have won, it may have caused him to escape.

Then, it was a crazy escape!

Ninety-nine percent of the people who have almost paid attention to Qin Shaofeng's movements agree this way.

Therefore, this is an exaggeration.

Whether the opponent is injured, or the number of people around the opponent is greatly reduced.

There is no doubt that the strength of the person holding the bronze light at this moment must be much worse than before.

Under such circumstances, all those people were afraid, and when they took a step slower, the bronze light was picked off by others, and those who chased them were crazy.

Therefore, when Qin Shaofeng had rested for less than an hour, someone caught up with him.

Qin Shaofeng was facing the previous encounter at this moment, a little bit aggrieved.

At this moment, being caught up suddenly makes my heart even more unhappy.

Under such emotions, Qin Shaofeng broke out completely.


Not far away, a team appeared.

This team is not strong, and only has twelve people, and apart from two of them are Legendary Tenth, the rest are all Legendary Nineth.

Originally, it was impossible for a team like them to risk entering Yunque Peak to chase and kill Qin Shaofeng.

But the captain of this team, relying on his own feelings to be more special, was able to rush to the danger ahead of time, so he took people into the Skylark Peak.

However, even with special sensitivity, their team has changed from a large team of more than fifty people to a small team of twelve.

This made the captain finally give up, ready to leave this Yunque Peak.

But what surprised him was that just two hours ago, he suddenly sensed that the person holding the bronze light was rushing in his direction, and the speed was extremely fast.

This made the captain pay attention.

And the next hour, he found that the opponent was getting closer and closer to him, especially the speed of the opponent's journey, which made him feel a little more guessing.

Like most people, he also subconsciously believed that this person holding the bronze light might have been injured and was now on the run.

With this thought, the captain became excited when he sensed that the opponent had stopped and had not moved for a long time.

Not moving!

That should be healing!


A golden opportunity!

In his opinion, this is definitely God's favor for him, he has no reason to miss it.

So he took the last eleven men and hurried over.

At this moment, sensing the person holding the bronze light, just a few hundred meters before himself, the captain was already speechless with excitement.

Although his special induction power at this moment, some dangerous induction aura faintly spread.

But the captain didn't care, because right here, in a place not far away, there was a group of millions of fire skylarks. He subconsciously believed that it was the group of fire skylarks that made him sense the threat.

Therefore, he didn't care much. After all, the direction he was heading at the moment was not where the group of fire skylarks were.

But at this moment, suddenly, the captain's heart jumped violently, and there was a premonition of a fatal threat in his heart.

As soon as this feeling appeared, relying on years of understanding of his own induction ability, the captain knew that he and others were in danger.

Was it discovered by Fire Skylark?

Shocked in his heart, the captain subconsciously prepared to let everyone leave this place quickly.

But at the next moment, something bad happened to the captain.

Because he accidentally lowered his head and glanced at the Qianshan Ling in his hand, he suddenly discovered that according to the cyan light guided by the Qianshan Ling, the person holding the bronze light seemed to be approaching himself and others quickly .

Is it?

This situation gave the captain a very bad feeling in his heart.

But as soon as such a premonition appeared, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then a cyan light figure suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Just after seeing the blue light figure, the captain suddenly had a fatal halt in his heart.

not good!

The danger I sense comes from this person!

Once he got such an amazing answer, the captain subconsciously prepared to speak, so that everyone didn't do anything.

If you don't do anything, there is no chance.

But the next moment, the only legendary ten-fold master left beside him, laughed fiercely, and became ecstatic.

"Haha, it's really effortless to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. I didn't expect your kid to take the initiative to send it to the door. It seems this time is our great opportunity!"


There was a squeak in the captain's heart, and what made him even more shocked was that before he could stop him, his companion rushed towards the blue light figure.

Damn it!

The captain was angry, but he was also a decisive person. Knowing this action, there was no room for recovery.

In that case, you can only do it.

And he was still a little uncertain at the moment, because the aura of that cyan light figure was just Legend Nine Layers.

A mere legendary Nine, how could he have such a sense of danger?

Perhaps this time, I felt wrong!

But the next moment, what happened, made the captain desperate instantly.

At the same time, he also knew that his sensing ability had not gone wrong, and he was still so sensitive.

Because at this moment, he suddenly saw that the blue light figure shook his right hand slightly, and it was a silver light blade flying out and heading straight to his companion.

The silver blade light was extremely fast, and it came to his companion in a blink of an eye.

Then, something happened that made the captain unbelievable.

I saw that the silver blade light penetrated with the slightest obstacle, and the inner Qi wall of my own legendary ten-fold companion penetrated through the head of his own companion.

This is not over yet!

After solving his legendary ten-fold companion, the captain only saw that the green light figure moved slightly, and an exaggerated wide giant sword suddenly appeared in his right hand.

Then, with a wave of the opponent's epee, several bursts of lightning burst out.

Each light of thunder and lightning is extremely terrifying, possessing extremely strong power and deadly penetration.

With just a slight flash, he found that his ten legendary nine-layer subordinates were all penetrated by the thunder and lightning.

The captain was completely dazed by the scene before him.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, as if his whole body's strength was completely drained in an instant, and the whole person fell straight back.

The moment he fell, he saw a ray of silver light flying back into the hands of the blue light figure.

When darkness struck, the captain had only one thought in his mind.

So strong!

Worthy of being the first person to inspire the light of bronze!

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