Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 388: Goodbye little princess

"Ding Dong!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging and killing one of the ten legendary masters, gaining the leapfrog killing bonus bonus, and gaining a total of 30,000 points of experience!"

Without even looking at the corpse on the ground, Qin Shaofeng flashed away, and directly swept away everything on the twelve people. Then, the next moment, Qin Shaofeng hurriedly left.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt another wave of people, and he was already approaching here quickly.

This time, there were thirty or fifty people on the other side, and half of them were masters of the legendary top ten. Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to stand firm.

Because what caused Qin Shaofeng's headache the most was that Xiaoqiuqiu told him that the third and fourth waves in the distance were also approaching quickly.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Why are there so many people suddenly?"

Qin Shaofeng complained while running, but soon Qin Shaofeng seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly wry smile.

"I'm dizzy. It was not the rapid movement I had before, so what did those people misunderstand?"

Thinking about it this way, Qin Shaofeng really thought it might be because of this, otherwise, even if he was hunted down, he wouldn't have so many people here at once!


Not long after Qin Shaofeng left, several figures flashed from those twelve corpses.

"There is a situation!"

With an exclamation, these people found the corpses on the ground for the first time, and they came forward to check.

"Twelve of the dead, ten of them were killed by the lightning force, and the other two were killed with sharp swords. Only two of them took action!"

After such an analysis, these people are all excited.

"Great. Judging from this situation, the person holding the Bronze Light is probably only a sword master and a lightning master."

"Well, maybe, plus the person who holds the bronze light, there are only two people left!"

"You can't be careless, maybe there are still people who haven't shot, after all, the strength of these twelve people is not very strong!"

"It is indeed possible, but it is completely certain now that the person holding the bronze light does not have much power around him!"

"Yes, this is our opportunity!"


Several people expressed their guesses one after another, and their hearts were slightly excited.

Then, after a large number of figures appeared, these people immediately led them to catch up.

Now the situation is clear. The person who holds the bronze light has no threat anymore. He must find the other party as soon as possible, otherwise it is very likely that others will be taken first.

Because of Xiaoqiuqiu's suggestion, Qin Shaofeng not only deliberately used different methods to kill those who chased him during this period.

In addition to deliberately creating, he is not the illusion of a person.

I have to say that the small ball is still very foresight.

The previous deliberate arrangement has finally played an absolute role.

Greatly reduced strength?

Short of manpower around?

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng probably only has a word.

Oh, brother has always been just a person!

But for these things, these hunters don't even know.

They had long been completely lost in their minds by the bronze order of Qianshan.

This is the case with these thirty or fifty people!

After killing the twelve people, all the spoils Qin Shaofeng obtained from the opponent and others were thrown into the recovery furnace, Qin Shaofeng's points again increased a lot.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't take a second look at all, so he replaced all these points with low-grade spirit stones.

After finally arriving in a relatively lush jungle, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and he walked in, then took out thirty-six low-grade spirit stones and arranged a formation.

It is not a magical array, but a simple maze.

At best, this formation can only confuse the enemy, and because of its simplicity and few lower-grade spirit stones, this confusion formation is not very useful.

But even if hundreds of legendary top ten masters enter it at the same time, it will be able to trap these one hundred masters for a short while, it is estimated that it will look like two or three minutes.


After the arrangement was successful, Qin Shaofeng looked back at his back and sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"It's just that these thirty or fifty people, this maze can last at least ten minutes, this is enough!"


After a sneer, Qin Shaofeng immediately hid.

At this moment, a loud shout faintly sounded from a distance.

"Quick, hurry up, the other party stopped in front, it is very likely that other people will find it. We can't fall behind, and we can't let that bronze step Qianshan Ling fall into other people's hands!"

Hearing this shout, Qin Shaofeng was immediately happy.

Oh, I thought before, if you can't come, I will come forward to hook you up!

But now it's alright, I didn't expect you to cooperate so well!

Huh huh!

In Qin Shaofeng's sneer, the thirty or fifty people who caught up quickly fell into the puzzle formed by Qin Shaofeng.

You can close the net!

When there were still a few people who didn't enter the maze, Qin Shaofeng started the maze.


The objects in the foreground suddenly swayed, and the seven or eight people who had not yet entered the maze immediately lost the traces of other companions, which surprised several people.

At this time, they did not realize that their companions had fallen into a puzzle.

But one thing they can be sure of is that an enemy has appeared!

Because at this time, a blue light figure suddenly flashed, attacking them.

"The epee has no edge!"

With a violent shout, several people just suddenly felt an unstoppable horrible sword aura and blasted them down.

These people were shocked in their hearts, condensing the wall of inner Qi for the first time, and made a defensive move.

But at this moment, three silver blade lights flashed like lightning, and they shot directly at the three people who were a little slow.

The three people barely condensed an outline in the inner Qi wall, and they suddenly noticed that a silver blade flashed, and instantly defeated the outline of the inner Qi wall they had condensed.

Then, the three of them felt a chill in their hearts, and the next moment, there was a pain in their chest, as if something seemed to pierce their heart.

With eyes wide open, the three of them have mixed feelings in their eyes.

Surprised, shocked, confused!

With such emotions, the three of them fell to the ground one after another.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng received three system prompts.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all. Instead, he raised the profound iron epee in his hand and blasted it under a heavy force, directly blasting the inner Qi wall of a legendary tenth-fold initial realm master.

Even at the moment when the opponent's inner Qi wall was blasted away, the huge profound iron heavy sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand slapped the opponent's chest fiercely.


That legendary ten-fold early stage master violently felt that his chest was hit hard, his breastbone was instantly shattered, and the whole chest became a **** blur, and the whole person's consciousness had begun to blur.

Because just after the blow, his heart was smashed to pieces by the brute force of the giant sword.

At the same time, at the moment when this legendary ten-fold master's body flew upside down, Qin Shaofeng's right hand tightened, and the huge mysterious iron heavy sword suddenly flashed thunder.

Lei Dun Chidori!


A sound like a thunderbird screamed suddenly, and then a few rays of thunder light shone, and the remaining few legendary nine-level masters were hit by the thunder light. Their bodies were instantly blackened and fell to the ground.

After this blow, the seven or eight people who did not enter the maze were wiped out.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to have done a trivial thing, just took a light look, and then his gaze fell into the puzzle formation not far away.

At this moment, there was a faint burst of attack from the maze.

Obviously the trapped person discovered the anomaly and began to attack the formation.

This did not surprise Qin Shaofeng. The corners of his mouth curled slightly, Qin Shaofeng showed a sneer, and then moved in his heart, the maze in front of him split instantly, and several people appeared.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't greet him, raised the profound iron heavy sword, and killed those people.







In another ten seconds, there were seven or eight more bodies on the ground.

Then, the maze opened again, and a few more people were released by Qin Shaofeng's control of the maze.

After repeating this several times, the large team of thirty or fifty people was killed by Qin Shaofeng before the maze completely failed.

But at this moment, after seeing the enemy wiped out, Qin Shaofeng didn't have a hint of joy.

"Damn it, it's so close!"

Looking at his attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng was a little upset.

These thirty-five people had more than a dozen legendary ten-fold masters, and nearly thirty legendary nine-fold masters, which gave Qin Shaofeng a lot of experience points.

But unfortunately, the distance upgrade is still a little bit worse.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Legend Nine

Experience value: 8.79 million/9 million

Occupation: Devil


Less than 30,000 points!

With less than 30,000 experience points, he can rise to the legendary tenth level.

"This is also the matter of a legendary ten-fold master!"

Looking at the 8.97 million experience points, Qin Shaofeng said that it hurts.

However, something that surprised Qin Shaofeng soon appeared.

After removing the storage ring of the suspected leader of the team, Qin Shaofeng subconsciously explored his mental power to feel it.

This is already Qin Shaofeng's habit!

See if there are things you can use, such as Lingshi and Qian Ling Pill.

Of course, the most important thing is to see if the other party has Yunlingcao, especially the ten-year-old Yunlingcao.

For this, Qin Shaofeng was entangled very much.

Up to now, he has killed many people.

There are some Yunlinggrass, but the problem is that there is not a single Yunlinggrass that has reached ten years of age.

Perhaps because of giving up like this, Qin Shaofeng didn't report any hope this time.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's face was full of ecstasy.

With a gentle flip of his right hand, Qin Shaofeng had seven more green plants in his hands, like emerald-like grass.

This is Yunlingcao!

However, what delighted Qin Shaofeng the most was that these seven Yunlinggrass exuded this extremely rich spiritual energy.

They are all ten years old Yunlingcao!

"Finally got it!"

Holding the seven cloud spirit grasses, Qin Shaofeng felt very emotional, and at the same time it was very painful.

"It's so special. If it doesn't appear, it won't appear. If this appears, there will be a seven-shot burst. What is the standard for my luck!"

Good or bad?

Qin Shaofeng's expression was very helpless.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's face changed slightly, his eyes were slightly cold, and he looked forward.

Because he found out that someone actually appeared.

However, this time, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to do anything else.

Because he had noticed in advance that this wave of people are his acquaintances!

Huh huh!

Twenty or thirty figures flashed in a row, appearing not far in front of Qin Shaofeng.

And the one headed is actually a pretty young girl!

A person familiar to Qin Shaofeng!

Lian Yufeng, the little princess of Lianyang Kingdom!

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