Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3863: Negative example

Along the way, it was all in the sight of countless people.

Although Qin Shaofeng and others are not big figures worthy of attention, they have become very conspicuous because of the existence of Tianji Tower.

If one more person suddenly appeared in his group, he would definitely be discovered.

But when they reached the edge of the white mist-shrouded area, they did not hear any shock or discussion.

Come to the forefront.

He was able to observe the powerhouses of various races up close.

Under some observation.

Qin Shaofeng felt even more surprised.

Naturally the strong on the human side needless to say.

There are dozens of people in the list, but only the existence of the list of family forces is eligible to be at the forefront.

On the other side of them, there are powerful people of all races.

Star beast races are extremely complex, and most of them exist in the form of species groups.

What really surprised Qin Shaofeng were those in the front.

Standing at the forefront was a human appearance with blood-red bat wings.

When he spoke, the sharp fangs in his mouth were revealed.

This kind of image reminded Qin Shaofeng of the vampire in European legends.

It's just...Do vampires have bat wings?

He really didn't understand this at all.

After all, what he has watched most is also a Western blockbuster, which is wearing a black cloak without wings.

And he is an orthodox Chinese, how can he go to study Western mythology?

Just looking at the image of the batman made him subconsciously have even thoughts.

"It turned out to be a kinship person."

Long Xiaoxiao's voice sounded as he thought: "Brown bat wings, he should be in the blood clan, and he also has some identity."

"You can have some identity in the blood family? Don't the wings of the blood family have red brown and black? The brown bat wings actually have some identity?" Qin Shaofeng asked puzzledly.

He asked, and suddenly felt that many people around him who heard his words looked at him.

Those contemptuous eyes made him feel like he was a hillbilly.

This is what the book says, can it be fake?

"The wings of the blood family are indeed red, brown and black, but the existence of black bat wings is equivalent to the existence of powerful people among our humans. Unless something major happens, the blood family with black bat wings will never show up." Long Xiaoxiao quickly explained.

What she said was common sense, so it was not recorded in detail in the books.

Qin Shaofeng nodded awkwardly.

But I don't feel it right in my heart.

Isn’t it the mighty one?

They are not really powerful.

There was some inadvertent thought in his heart, but he did not notice that some problems had appeared in his mentality.

In the past year, there have been too many powerful existences.

Poison fairy Li Naling, Qi Sheng Moya, Medicine King Dishan, and Ke Jiuxiao, all exist close to the mighty.

And after he entered the endless mountain, he even saw the masters of the level of cultivation above the mighty ones, as well as a film of senior brothers and sisters of the mighty ones.

The environment he was in made his mind a little biased.

But he still doesn't know.

When he really found out, it was too late.

This is the next story, let alone.

"If that's the case, that guy should be a strong star of the blood race, right?" Qin Shaofeng continued to ask.

"It should be the pinnacle of the Heaven and Moon Position, and the Si Beast Ruins cannot attract the real powerhouses of the blood race. The powerhouses in the Glory Star Position on their side should all be born in various star beast races."

"Although he has not reached the Glory Star position, you must not underestimate it. The blood race's ability is too terrifying, even if he has not reached the Glory Star position, his combat power is definitely not under the Glory Star position."

Long Xiaoxiao was worried that he would underestimate the strong blood clan, and quickly explained.

"I know this."

Qin Shaofeng nodded, and said nothing more.

A total of seven people from the blood family came.

Except for the leader and the two left and right who have brown wings, the other five blood races are all low-level existences with red wings.

And behind them, there are some very thin human appearances.

They are no more than one meter tall, all dressed in black, but they have a pair of transparent insect wings behind them.

He would not be underestimated because of the appearance of this race.

When I was talking about it at first, it was said that the students who walked out of the academy were killed by people with a lower cultivation base than themselves, because of this race.

Spirit race, human appearance, handsome face.

Men and women of the spirit race are extremely handsome.

Perhaps because of the repulsion of the same sex, he doesn't feel like the men of the spirit race, but those spirit race girls, all of them are like precocious loli.

Although he does not have that habit.

But it can be thought that if a spiritual woman wants to use this to assassinate humans, I am afraid that many strong people will not be spared, right?

The three special races under the blood race seem to have only come to the spirit race.

The others are all kinds of star beasts.

As Long Xiaoxiao said, the existence that exudes the aura of the cultivation base of the shining star is all from the star beast race, and there are more than a dozen people.

"Brother, I am not too worried about the others, but you have to be extra careful with those of the Spirit Race. The senior from Class A was planted in the hands of the Spirit Race." Long Xiaoxiao continued.

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, his expression became weird.

The senior at the time was really sad!

He bought the lessons with his own life, and even became the negative teaching material of the academy.

This is not over yet.

Even in Long Xiaoxiao's mouth, there are still negative teaching materials.

If the senior was alive in the sky, I don't know if he would kill them in their dreams at night.

"I know this naturally." Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Knowing doesn't mean you won't make mistakes."

Long Xiaoxiao was still worried, and explained: "You are at this age. If a spiritual woman seduce you, it will be difficult for you to carry it, so it is better to be as careful as possible."

Qin Shaofeng was afraid that she would say this, so he deliberately lowered his voice.

Unexpectedly, she still said this sentence.

Do you look so much like that addiction?

Both Shen Wang and Shen Lian, who stood by and listened to their conversation, almost burst out laughing.

They all knew clearly that Qin Shaofeng had a fiancée who was at the level of a beauty.

When I first contacted.

They all knew that Qin Shaofeng could hold back that fiancee, so how could he be seduced by a spiritual woman?

Unless he really has that addiction.

What kind of hobby does Qin Shaofeng, who is famous in the land of stars, have?

It was a joke.

If so, when he was in the land of the shining star, didn't he want as much as he wanted?

But there have never been any such rumors, which is evident.

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