Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3864: Turn on

"Listen, everyone, as long as the remains of ancient fierce beasts are in their own world, the scope is extremely wide."

"If everyone encounters any danger after entering, you need to find a way."

"In addition, the relic space will suppress our cultivation base to a certain extent, and the degree of suppression is related to our cultivation base."

"Ordinary warriors are not restricted, the Tianyue warriors have been slightly suppressed, and the Yaoxing warriors have been suppressed by nearly half, so even if we encounter danger, we may not be able to rescue them."

"If anyone wants to retreat, they can opt out now."

The strong star of the Tianji Building stood up and spoke out the situation loudly.

This is a well-known thing.

But after all, he represents the Tianji Tower. If you don't explain the situation clearly in advance, I'm afraid you will encounter a lot of trouble by then.

Since everyone is here, naturally they have been mentally prepared.

Rao was very oppressive in his words, but he didn't let anyone choose to retreat.

The elderly don't persuade too much.

He has already said what he should say anyway, and no one can say anything if he doesn't save him.

He stood behind Huang Tianji again.

Qin Shaofeng had already noticed this old man.

Hearing the words of the old man, he observed more closely.

The old man can't tell the specific age, his appearance seems to be about sixty or seventy, with a national character face, long beard, and he looks very domineering.

"Senior Shen Wang, is that old gentleman also from your Tianji Tower? Yaoxing is a strong one?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

Since ninety-nine percent of them are going to be the enemy, it is natural to find out the details of the opponent first.

And he asked in the voice of a curious baby, even Huang Tianji and others couldn't say anything.

"That is Senior Qian Xingmo, Yao Xing is strong, and the branch of the Huang Family of Tianji Building worships the strong." Shen Wei found that Huang Tianji didn't even turn his head, and began to explain.

Qin Shaofeng had never seen this name on the sky list.

After all, Cangming Realm is too big.

The martial arts grading ladder is obvious.

The star position is not into the stream, the moon position is only the starting point, and the star position is the rank of the strong.

There are too many strong stars in the Cangming Realm.

There are only a thousand positions in the sky list, and not everyone can get in.

"It turned out to be a strong Yaoxing, so powerful."

Qin Shaofeng seemed to be very shocked and called me.

His words almost made Long Haoyue and others slobber.

This guy can mobilize dozens of Yaoxing powerhouses casually.

Although the old man in front of him is also a shining star, he still has a few big gaps compared with the people he mobilized.

If he would be surprised by this, that would be a great wonder.

"Let's go!"

Huang Tianji glanced back at him, a look of contempt in the depths of his eyes.

It's really just the waste waiting to come out of the wasteland.

Although this old guy is also a martial artist in the rank of Yaoxing, he is just a little shrimp from our Huang family.

After all, it was just to get rid of the Shen Wang couple with this action, how could it bring too strong existence?

Look at the strength of everything that kid.

It's really contemptuous.

Huang Tianji gave the order and walked toward the depths of the white mist first.

His move.

People in Tianji Tower moved one after another.

It's just that some caring people have a weird look, and there seems to be something wrong with the movements of the people in Tianji Tower.

It is clear that Huang Tianji is the person with the highest status.

It happened that the thirty powerhouses of Heaven and Moon that he had brought, surrounded the Shen Lian couple and Qin Shaofeng and his party in the middle.

As if for fear that they would be attacked.

This performance is indeed weird.

But even the person who feels something is wrong can only suppress all the guesswork in his heart.

You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, otherwise catastrophe is imminent.

The white mist seemed to envelope the entire valley.

And the intensity of the white mist was just as Qin Shaofeng felt, even his eyesight could only see things within a foot of the surrounding area.

Under normal circumstances, he needs to always pay attention to the people around him.

But under the layers of people with the Tianji Tower, he didn't need to worry about the crowd dispersing at all.

Baiwu Space had walked for more than half an hour before finally passing.

When he walked out of the white fog, he saw a place like a ruined palace, surrounded by countless space cracks.

As if this space is extremely unstable, it only takes a little fluctuation to break.

The imaginary Simon inheritance does not seem to be around here.

When he glanced around, he found that the blood and spirit races had arrived earlier than them.

The two clans did not have the powerhouse of Yaoxing to follow.

However, in their pioneering team, there are four star beasts with shining stars.

When he was observing the situation on the blood side.

The brown-winged man headed by the blood clan was also looking towards them.


That blood clan didn't see him, but Huang Tianji, who was headed by their team.

"Little guy, since we have all come to the ruins, naturally we have to follow the previous rules. The two sides opened the door to the ruins. The other side must not fight for destruction. The battle among the ruins is life and death." The man said.

"Scramble for the relics, life and death are fate."

Huang Tianji also said something.

He was clearly just a younger brother in the Tianji Tower, but he also said such words, which made Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but remember a certain agreement between the two races.

When he was reading, he didn't pay much attention to it.

But now it seems that the agreement has a special meaning for the two major races.

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles, sometimes it seems to be true.

He is just a small shrimp now, and he is simply his own small shrimp.

"We go right."

Huang Tianji waved to everyone, and walked towards the right side of the palace.

Qin Shaofeng has entered many treasures.

But this is the first time the ancient beast remains.

He naturally paid close attention to the focus of both parties' search.

There is no verbal communication.

Regardless of the blood clan or the Huang family, they subconsciously ignored the existence of the ruins of the palace and walked towards both sides of the palace.

When they came to the palace and approached the very end, Huang Tianji waved, and several people in the position of Tianyue strode out.

Their groping method was completely different from the method of breaking the formation he knew.

He does not have a lot of such research.

Observed hastily for a while.

He secretly used the memory spar, recorded all the movements of those people, and handed it back to the professionals in the fan house to study.

The search for those people did not take too long.

It was another misty passage, which appeared from under their hands.

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