Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3888: Xiongtai?

The young man's cultivation is indeed good, but he is really a nameless **** of the Qin family.

Do not say that Qin Shaofeng didn't know him.

It's all the casual cultivators, or the four people from Qi Tomb, who don't even know his name.

The expression of Qin's youth changed.

When he saw Qin Shaofeng and his group, he had already recognized that all of their five casual cultivators were among the top powers in the rankings.

But he only knew three people, Liao Bufan.

Seeing that the person who opened his mouth turned out to be Zhang Shuang, and because of his list of 173rd, he was shocked.

"This Xiongtai, I'm talking about Liao Bufan, it's none of your business." The young man hurriedly explained.

"Xiongtai? Hahaha!"

Zhang Shuang and others all laughed together.

They were all born in casual cultivators, so naturally they knew what age the other party was.

A little guy in his early twenties, dare to call Zhang Shuang Xiongtai?

It was a laugh.

They were willing to let Qin Shaofeng call the eldest brother because of their recognition of Qin Shaofeng.

This Qin guy is a hairy again?

"Little guy, your grandfather is over 130 years old this year, how dare you call him Xiongtai?" Sun Zhi said with irony in his eyes.

He is ranked ninety-seventh.

Even if they knew they had inherited.

When needed as a hole card, he still has to follow the inheritance.

The young man of the Qin family dared to be in front of him and Zhang Shuang, and used such words to mock Liao Bufan. To them, it was simply referring to Sang Huai.

have to say.

Their casual cultivators are not very good in other aspects.

But in terms of self-protection, they are definitely hundreds of thousands of times more tyrannical than those of family background.

The voice of this angry shout immediately made everyone in the Qin family burst into anger.

"Who are you?"

A Tianyue Peak Martial Artist walking behind the girl finally couldn't help it. He strode over and spoke coldly.

"Hehe, it's really interesting."

Sun Zhi sneered a few times: "Even if those elders of your Qin family are in front of us, you must be polite. You are just a dog of the Qin family, and you have not even made the rankings. What qualifications do you have to shout in front of Lao Tzu?

The people of the Qin family became more and more angry.

The casual cultivators who came in with them, there was a look of horror on their faces.

The Qin family's eyesight isn't enough.

Those of them who walk the rivers and lakes must know the people at the top of the list clearly.

They knew exactly what kind of existence this one was.

For fear that Zhang Shuang and Sun Zhi would regard them as members of the Qin family, all the casual cultivators quickly distanced themselves from the Qin family.


The ranking list is forty-two, ninety-seven, one hundred and one, one hundred and three, one hundred and seventy-three, a full five of the top powers.

If they join forces with the Qi tomb of the Zunxian Temple, they will not be able to kill them. Why should they fight for the inheritance qualification?

Not to mention, these people must be offended before the horoscope of the inheritance has been written.

They would not do it like this.

If the inheritance is right in front of them, they will be offended if they offend, but now they have not even thought about it.

"You don't want to **** the inheritance, why did you all run away?"

When the Qin family stood at the back, the strong man responsible for protecting the girl's safety saw this, and knew that it was not the time to speak, but couldn't help but ask.

All casual repairs ran away?

The girl and the young man were suddenly shocked, and looked back together.

Seeing that the casual practitioners were staring at them as if they were looking at cancer, their hearts sank.

Who is that person who dared to shout in front of them?

How can these casual cultivators be so scared?

"Qin Qiaoqiao, if you want to die, don't bring us. Even if the ancestor of your Qin family comes here, you still have to give them three points. How dare you humiliate them like this?" The Qin family has some friendship.

His words are ugly, but they are also a reminder of the Qin family.

It has been considered as benevolent.

"My ancestor must give him three points of thin noodles?"

Qin Qiaoqiao is the young girl headed.

She had already heard about the casual cultivator. Although she was uncomfortable with the casual cultivator, she couldn't help asking, "Who are they?"

"The earth list is one hundred and three, the earth list is one hundred and one, the earth list is 97, the earth list is forty-two, and Master Qi of the Zunxian Temple." That San Xiu dare not say the names of everyone.

His opening made Qin Qiaoqiao's whole body tremble.

The young man trembled even more.

They even offended such a group of people all at once, and the fear in their hearts immediately made their hearts completely confused.

"Me, did I provoke such a horrible group of people?"

Young people in the Qin family are not people with backgrounds.

As Qin family men, their status is very low, and their father is directly like an outsider who fell into the Qin family.

If let the family know about this.

In order to calm the anger of such a group of people, he might be killed directly.

"Boy, don't be there for you, me and me. Hurry up and leave your name. When this matter is over, the old man will go to your Qin's house personally." Zhang Shuang said again.

The youth just didn't know Zhang Shuang's identity.

When the San Xiu introduced just now, he waved his hand.

This is the 47th strongest in the ranking.

Although he has not yet entered the Yaoxing position.

But people in the entire Cangming Realm are very clear that the top 100 people on the ground list are people who are likely to take that step at any time.

Even if only Zhang Shuang came to the family alone, he would definitely die.

"I, I..."

The young man from the Qin family was even more afraid to give his name this time, and he hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed and said, "Senior, the junior didn't know the identity of the senior before, and he didn't intend to offend the senior, and ask senior to forgive him."

"Forgive? Hahaha, it's really interesting!"

Zhang Shuang laughed loudly: "If the ignorant is not guilty, so many powerful people will fall into the hands of your family power if we are in a casual cultivator?"

"Since you have humiliated the old man, you have to save some money. You can choose your own hands and feet!"

He is really domineering.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but become curious.

Zhang Shuang shouldn't be so angry, and there are too many examples of killing snakes and getting bitten.

Although the young man of the Qin family is not capable now, he may not be able to play black hands behind his back in the future. This coolness is still too light.

"Senior Zhang Shuang, this kid is just a spoiled kid with no eyesight, why should you be angry with him?" Qin Shaofeng said actively.


Zhang Shuang looked at it suspiciously.

Since Qin Shaofeng spoke, he naturally wanted to give face, but he couldn't show it, and said in a deep voice, "Boy, according to what you mean, this kid has offended the old man, should he let it go?"

His voice is still cold, but he is already acting.

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