Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3889: Let go

"Naturally not just let it go."

Qin Shaofeng stroked his forehead with his sleeve, making a frightened expression.

After taking a deep breath, he explained: "The junior said that although this kid is wrong, he will not be abolished. It is better to make him pay some other price."

"What else?"

Zhang Shuang really didn't expect what Qin Shaofeng said.

The Qin family youth is different.

As a person of family origin, he clearly knows that money can sell his life.

"I am willing to dedicate all my belongings, and ask seniors for forgiveness."

The young man is not stupid, and he said: "The kid is just a fledgling ignorant person. Please seniors to let me fart."

Where is his arrogant attitude before?

Hearing this smooth begging for mercy, everyone was speechless.

The ones just installed are like two to five or eighty thousand.

In a blink of an eye, he turned into an egg.

"As a fart?"

Zhang Shuang couldn't help his eyes widening.

In the arena of casual cultivators, people often say such things, but they are only low-level casual cultivators.

Whenever the cultivation base can reach the sky and moon position, where will there be such a counselor?

I really didn't expect that this young man from the Qin family would be so trash.

"Since you have said it yourself, you are just a fart, then the old man will treat you as a fart, and take the things out and leave the name behind. If the old man feels not enough, he will naturally go to your family to ask for it." Zhang Shuang Shen Speak loudly.

Is there still not enough possibility?

Zhang Shuang was really taken aback, and hurriedly said to Qin Qiaoqiao next to him: "Sister, didn’t we get a long sword at the pinnacle of heaven when we came? Anyway, we don’t need it now. Lend it to me and I will definitely make a better one for you in the future."

Jin Qiaoqiao frowned and showed her brows.

The relationship between the two is obviously good.

She just got upset for a while and took out a long sword at the top of the sky.

Although my brother is not taken seriously in the family, the relationship between their brothers and sisters is pretty good.

She didn't want to let Zhang Shuang really run away because of a long sword.

The young man hurriedly put the long sword into the storage bag, holding three storage bags in both hands, and handed it to Zhang Shuang: "Predecessor, my name is Qin Ersi, this is my stuff."

"Qin Ersi? You don't even have a proper name, it's really a trash, go!"

Without even looking at him, Zhang Shuang turned to Lao Zhen and Qi Tomb and said, "Everyone, we should also leave. If we don't hurry to explore other places, maybe our trip will really be in vain."

"It needs your reminder to go."

Lao Zhen beckoned, but his gaze was still on Zhang Shuang, and said, "Lao Zhang, you can take that sword. Lao Liao was scolded by that kid. What should I get?"

"You won't go ask that kid?"

Zhang Shuang gave him a white look, but he couldn't see any anger, and said: "If you feel that the deterrence is not enough, the old man can come and pester the old man. The old man can even give you a part, you can meet again later, the old man will call you full name."

"This... or not."

Old Zhen was immediately stunned, but looked at the Qin family fiercely.

Qin Qiaoqiao and Qin Ersi noticed his gaze, and immediately ran faster.

At first glance, Monster Beast Cave Mansion seemed to have no crisis at all.

But it was only a deterrent from Qin Shaofeng and others.

In order to avoid them, the Qin family ran to the area where the alien beast dared to appear.

The next moment, amidst a rumbling sound, the screams were already resounding.

"Then...what is that? Bright Star Position Alien Beast?"

Many casual cultivators have seen the situation there.

Feeling the terrifying aura of Yaoxing's position, everyone backed up one after another, their legs already trembling.

"It turned out to be a dazzling star alien? Everyone quickly withdraw!"

Qin Qiaoqiao discovered that he had just entered, and he had directly killed a strong celestial moon, where is the confidence he had before?

No wonder so many terrifying powerhouses joined forces and failed to kill them.

The Yaoxing position strange beast is sleeping on their group of people who are in the sky and moon position, and they will even launch a sneak attack, and staying there is simply looking for death.

"I can't catch even an attack, and I want to beg for inheritance. I really don't know whether to live or die." Old Zhen snorted contemptuously, and greeted Qin Shaofeng: "Boy, come with us!"


Qin Shaofeng greeted everyone to follow.

Before many casual cultivators had seen it with his own eyes, Qin Shaofeng followed in the team of the Huang Family in Tianji Tower.

In a blink of an eye, there was a new backer.

Everyone's eyes started to turn red.

Why do I have no such luck?

Qin Shaofeng and the others didn't pay attention to their thoughts, leading everyone to follow them out of the monster cave.

"Come out, someone is out."

"Are they from the Qin family?"

"Should not?"

"The Qin family's talents just entered, how can they come out directly?"

"Could it be that you found that everyone else died in it?"

"What are you kidding?"

"It's normal for Qin Shaofeng's group to die inside, but the others are strong in the rankings. How could they die so easily?"

People outside the Monster Beast Cave Mansion found that the fog in the archway was rising.

Even though they couldn't see who the figure was, they started to talk about it.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng and his party all walked out.

The discussion of those casual repairs suddenly became louder.

"It turned out to be the strongest people in the rankings."

"Did they all have magical powers?"

"Huh? Isn't that Qin Shaofeng and his party?"

Their surprises and speculations are constantly being spoken out.

Qin Shaofeng and others wouldn't explain anything to them.

After all, the Qin family and the casual cultivator who entered had a clear understanding of the crisis inside, and they had also obtained their side explanation.


Zhang Shuang opened his mouth full of resentment.

All the casual Xiu who watched the excitement around closed their mouths.

He led a group of people and quickly moved toward the deeper part of the Si Beast ruins.

As soon as the forward direction came out, the casual repairers suddenly made more guesses.

But they haven't waited for them to discuss anything.

The scene that Zhang Shuang and others are very clear has already appeared.

First, other casual practitioners who went in went in.

Immediately after that, the Qin family, who had been extremely arrogant not long ago, had all been ashamed and ran out with fear in their eyes.

This group of people just went in for so little effort, and they actually died of three people.

"What happened to you inside, why did you run out so quickly?" a casual cultivator asked a casual acquaintance who went in.

"Don't mention it, there are all the strange beasts of the shining star rank, and all the strange beasts are very sinister. From the underground attack, the Qin family's talents lost three manpower as soon as they entered." Na Sanxiu explained.

"What? So scary? How could Qin Shaofeng's group survive?" The free cultivators exclaimed.

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