Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3896: Rich

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed immediately.

When he came to the Cangming Realm, he really felt the lack of his cultivation.

It was because of his current status that he couldn't just go to the mountains and forests to find star beast upgrades like he just went to the land of shining stars.

Especially as he learned more and more about Cangming Realm.

The way to upgrade has become more and more tangled.

Fortunately, there are not too many races he has seen now, but if one is not good, he will kill the wrong star beast, which will cause him a lot of trouble.

I thought there might be some disputes after Ximen Lingzhong arrived.

I didn't expect it.

Ximen Lingzhong really planned to train him as a thug.

Before there was enough strength.

Ximen Lingzhong obviously wouldn't do anything to him, let alone ask him anything.

In this way, he only had to kill the ghost slaves with peace of mind.

"Then I will now prepare the things I will use for the past six months."

Qin Shaofeng immediately rushed into the restaurant not far away.

This time just shortly after noon.

Only a few people in the restaurant have yet to sit down.

The shopkeeper and Xiao Er are even going to close the door to clean up, seeming very lazy.

Seeing him rushing in so violently, they all looked at him in surprise: "This guest officer, please..."

"No need to please."

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand and said, "Let the chef take out all the ingredients in your restaurant. I only give you one hour and time. As much food as you can make, I will come and get it in one hour."

After he finished speaking, he rushed out.

The shopkeeper and Xiaoer were both taken aback.

How many meals he can make in one hour?

Isn't that kid playing with us?

The two were shocked.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng had rushed into the restaurant opposite them, the high-pitched voice could be heard clearly even through a noisy street.

The shopkeeper was still shocked by Qin Shaofeng's approach.

But he has been in the restaurant all his life, and he has seen some similar things with his own eyes.

Generally, people with precious treasures such as space rings do this kind of thing before going to experience.

That kid is not enough in cultivation, and he has done it himself, he should be just a servant of a big man who is going to experience it?

Thinking of this in the shopkeeper's heart, he hurriedly yelled: "Quick! I greet everyone to go to the back kitchen to help. This is our restaurant's biggest business this year."

"Huh? That kid really wants to buy so much wine and food?"

Xiao Er was completely shocked, he had never heard of such a thing.

"If you don't hurry up, don't blame the old man for quitting you!" The old shopkeeper was so angry that his beard cocked.

Xiao Er trembled all over, where would you dare to talk nonsense?

For the first time, he ran towards the back kitchen.

Qin Shaofeng ran all the best restaurants nearby in a row before starting to run to the place where the medicine was sold.

All kinds of Qi-returning elixirs were directly packaged, healing elixirs and anti-drug elixirs, all kinds, so that the two people who followed but did not follow up were all a little staggering.

"Luo San, should you be with that kid during this time?" Ximen Lingzhong asked.


Luo San dared not answer.

"Then can you tell me which forces this kid has robbed recently?" Ximen Lingzhong asked.

"Huh? Robbery? What robbery?" Luo San was shocked.

"If that kid hadn't robbed a certain force, how could he be so generous?"

"If I remember correctly, this Yanyun Tower should be the chassis of Yunxian Palace, right?"

"Is it possible that this kid is still planning to rob Yanyun Tower?"

Ximen Lingzhong did not remember wrong.

Of course, the large shops branched from the top powers are all extremely famous. As long as they have heard it once, it is difficult to remember them wrong.

"This...should be impossible?"

Luo San is not sure.

He has been following Qin Shaofeng for a short time, but he also feels that Qin Shaofeng can't do such daring things.

Of course, that was just his feelings.

"Then how do you explain this scene? That kid seems to want to empty out all the top pills in the entire Yanyun Tower!" Ximen Lingzhong's mouth twitched slightly.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's massive expenditure, even his heart couldn't bear it.

Although he is a powerful person in the magic way.

But he didn't bother to **** some low-level martial arts finances, so much so that he had never had such a spending time.

Inside Yanyun Building.

"By the way, do you have any top-notch body-building objects here, whether it's medicine pills, treasures of heaven, material and earth, or any auxiliary equipment?" Qin Shaofeng asked again.

With his expenses this time, it is not an ordinary Yanyunlou waiter who can call the shots.

Accompanied by him at this time was a sub-host with the highest status in the city.

"Pill medicine and heavenly materials and treasures are also somewhat."

The sub-host stared at him with suspicion for a moment, and solemnly said: "But my little friend, the price of top forging items is very expensive, and even any one of them starts at the price of the crystal."

"The things you just bought are already worth 7,000 Sky Crystals. If you take these again, I am afraid that even if the old man is eligible to give you a discount, I am afraid it will not be less than a soul crystal!"

"Bring them all to me, the money is naturally indispensable for you."

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at the host, and said, "My time is very precious, but I don't have time to spend more time with you here. If I can't get it as quickly as possible, I won't want it."

"Since the little friends have spoken in this way, I immediately have people take everything over." The sub-host has a background in Yunxian Temple, and he is not afraid of any tricks.

Upon an order, someone soon took a few storage bags.

The sub-host directly handed it to Qin Shaofeng for him to check.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not be polite. He glanced roughly at the treasure of heaven, material and earth, and then took out the refined pills.

After smelling bottle by bottle, he nodded in satisfaction.

"You just say that the discounted price is good."

He is really rich now, but he won't be stingy at all.

The sub-host was overjoyed upon hearing this.

"For your kindness, my little friend, these things are worth about 13,700 Celestial Crystals, and the old man can only give you a 5% discount."

The sub-host calculated the price and said: "In this way, the little friend only needs to give me 12,000 Celestial Crystals."

"Twelve thousand?"

Qin Shaofeng did a little calculation and took out a heart crystal.

Since coming to the Cangming Realm, he has only received money from the Cangming Realm once, that is the time when endless text bet him against the Dean of Yunxian Academy.

He got three hearts from it.

The quantity looks pretty good.

But if it is converted according to one to ten thousand, that would be a total of thirty thousand soul crystals and three hundred million sky crystals.

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