Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3897: Heart crystallization

Although what he took out was only a heart crystal, it was still a full ten thousand soul crystals.

And all the things he bought together had just reached one soul crystal.

This kind of denomination property was shot, and the sub-lord who had just reached out and was about to pick up the soul crystal was dumbfounded.

"Heart, heart, heart..."

After a long time, I couldn't tell why.

Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly changed.

The reason why he chooses to shop in Yunxiandian branch store is because he is worried that no one will be unable to find it after going to other places.

But I didn't expect that as the owner of the Yanyun Tower sub-building, he would be frightened by the heart crystal he took out.

"Ahem, that sub-host, don't froze for now." Qin Shaofeng said quickly.

"No, no, no."

The sub-host was dumbfounded, and said: "Dare to ask the little friend his surname, how did you get this heart?"


Qin Shaofeng raised his brow slightly.

The sub-host knew that he was too shocked and asked the wrong words, saying: "Little friends, even the elders of the major forces, rarely use the heart crystal as a coin, if this heart crystal is your adult You can return it as soon as possible."

"I still don't understand, what do you mean?" Qin Shaofeng asked suspiciously.

"Little friend, you are too young to know some things are normal. After all, soul crystals and heart crystals are too valuable, and most people rarely know the secrets inside." said the sub-host.

Qin Shaofeng became more curious.

Are these spars not just as simple as trading money?

"Since the little friend can take out this thing, the old man will tell you in detail that the three types of jade crystal, profound crystal and sky crystal are the real money. This is also when the above division is made, each coin is worth tens of thousands. The reasons for the division of units."

"And the old man just said that there are 12,000 sky crystals, but he didn't mention soul crystals because of this."

"Soul crystals can no longer be regarded as coins, but an extremely precious, extremely rare cultivation resource."

"After the martial artist's cultivation reaches the peak of the heavenly position, if you want to improve, you need to refine the mind and soul, and the soul crystal is an excellent treasure to help that level of martial artist in the cultivation."

"And the heart crystal is even more remarkable, it is a necessity for the cultivation of Void Realm."

The sub-host introduced a little bit.

He said earlier that Qin Shaofeng could indeed understand.

But when he talked about heaven and emptiness, Qin Shaofeng was at a loss.

What level of cultivation are they?

"Why do you look at me like this?" The sub-host found that his expression was wrong.

"That...what are the heaven and the void?" Qin Shaofeng asked embarrassedly.

"You don't even know?"

The sub-host was even more shocked.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's seemingly false expression, he had to explain: "After martial arts practice enters the Yaoxing position, the practice method will change."

"The martial artist of the Yaoxing rank is divided into three levels, the third level is heaven, earth and the three realms, the second level is powerful, and the first level dominates."

"It is said that we humans still had several masters when we were still in the Void Realm, but now there should be no one."

"After the cultivation base reaches the third level of martial arts, the heart and soul need to undergo extremely rigorous training before they can become powerful."

"This is also the reason why there are countless shining stars, but powerful ones are extremely rare."

"The Mighty One has two levels, one level of the void, and the second level of the void. The heart crystal is a necessity for the cultivation of the powerful in the void, but the number of products produced in the Cangming Realm is extremely rare."

Outside the Yanyun Tower, hidden in the dark, Ximen Lingzhong and Luo Sanquan, who overheared their conversation, both stared.

Luo San didn't expect that Cangming Realm's money would still have this effect.

Ximen Lingzhong almost broke his silver teeth.

"Soul crystals still have this kind of effect! Ximen endless!"

Ximen Lingzhong was really going to die of anger.

The endless hatred between him and Simon was so great that soon after the Cangming Realm settled down, he was forced to flee to the island and become a penance practitioner.

It was not until he met a Wu Xiu who had also gone to the island to practice and learned that Ximen Bingning was born, he secretly returned to the Cangming Realm and stole it under the pressure of huge hatred.

His goal that time was too terrifying, no matter where he dared to contact too many people, he naturally didn't know the effect of the soul crystal.

Unexpectedly, he missed such a big way of fast training.

After all, it is all to blame his elder brother Simon Hentai!

How can he not hate?

Qin Shaofeng finally understood why he was so shocked.

There are still so many twists and turns in the cultivation way of the Emotional Cangming Realm. No wonder the sub-owner of Tangtang Yunxian Hall's largest shop is scared by a heart crystal.

Although he understood the preciousness of the heart crystal, he didn't care too much.

After all, what he needs for his cultivation is the various experience points gained from killing. Whether it is a heart crystal or a soul crystal, it does not have a great effect on him.

But when he heard these words from the sub-host, his heart was moved.

Since the soul crystal has such an effect, it is more worthwhile to spend this heart crystal.

With nearly ten thousand soul crystals, should Li Naling and others take the cultivation base further?

There are not many strong people he can trust in Cangming Realm.

This is especially true for the existence of the late cultivation base reaching the Glory Star status.

But Li Naling, Mo Ya, Di Shan, Luo San and Wang Sheng, among others, he trusts very much.

After all, the enemies of these people in the Cangming Realm are too powerful.

Maybe it doesn't matter if Luo San doesn't follow him.

However, if the identities of other people are exposed, they will directly attract the bombardment of many top forces.

If the cultivation base of several people can be improved, it will only benefit him endlessly.

"Thank you for telling me so much, but the heart crystal in my hand is a reward for meritorious deeds, and I only have this heart crystal for money. If I don't spend it, I can't buy the current stage of cultivation. Resources." Qin Shaofeng said with a wry smile.


The sub-host directly widened his eyes.

He exclaimed for the first time: "What forces can directly take out the heart crystal as a reward?"

"Endless Academy."

Qin Shaofeng understood that he was not spying on the news, and he would not care so much, and said with a smile: "It is true that this heart crystal is our dean from the elder of the hall, the dean of the endless college came from a gambling fight, and the bet is ten. A heart crystal, in view of my greatest contribution, so I was rewarded with one."

"You, you are Qin... so that's it!"

The sub-host immediately understood who the young man in front of him was.

The countless thoughts that had just surfaced in his mind suddenly disappeared.

"Since it's Little Brother Qin, take the things away first. When you have the Sky Crystal, you can just use the Sky Crystal to pay back the money." The sub-host smiled.

Qin Shaofeng was young and weak in cultivation, but his name had spread throughout the Yunxian Temple long after that gambling fight.

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