Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3902: Two months

The difficulty of increasing the martial value has greatly increased, making Qin Shaofeng even more crazy.

In order to accumulate enough martial arts value as soon as possible.

He even greeted Ke Jiuxiao.

have to say.

The effect of the soul crystal on the powerhouse of heaven is really huge.

Ke Jiuxiao's breath exploded, it turned out to be the breath of the peak of the heavens, and it seemed that he was only so close to the breakthrough.

Qin Shaofeng gave an order, and the two powerhouses immediately followed him mad.

There are too few high-level ghost corpses in the outlying areas.

Even the ghost and corpse slaves in the position of the moon, they are all two or three kittens.

Their killing this time went straight towards the depths.

It took another full 13 days.

The martial arts value finally reached the most preliminary increase requirements.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng's martial arts promotion, the current Unreal Moon Spirit is Tier 1."

The system sounds loudly at the same time.

Qin Shaofeng had a looming feeling.

He seemed to feel a familiar breath, that was the breath of his hometown, the Void Realm, his Void Realm.

The breath is very dim, and it seems that you may lose your sense at any time.

But it was such a bit of breath perception that immediately made him crazy.

It seems that what Master Chen said is true.

As long as the cultivation base reaches a certain height, the Void Realm can be pulled out of the Void.

But Lord Cheno knew too little.

It's no wonder that none of the strong men sent by Lord Cheno can pull the illusion world out of the illusion.

If he is still in the land of shining stars, even if he cultivates to the peak, he doesn't have to think about it.

Only when the martial arts reached the illusory moon spirit, there was only a hint of feeling.

Want to pull the Void Realm out of the illusion, I really don't know what kind of cultivation level he needs to achieve.

Shining star?

I'm afraid it's still not enough, right?

He just thought about it in his heart, and he felt that the road ahead was long.

Open the character interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: First-order yellow moon position (200,000/2 million)

Star Position: Mark Warrior (White)

Martial Arts: Unreal Moon Spirit (Tier 1)

Shining star value: 57650/0

Strength value: 0/20

Ghost Mark: 9-35

Martial Skills: Ghost Three Slash, Thunder Thousand Flashes, Heavenly Secret Technique, Taixu Dafa, Infinite Seal Jue

Inheritance Spell: Si Beast Thunder

Sky Map: Space Level 2 (0/10000)

Ghost Fire Gold Pill: 1 million/1 million

Star and moon value: 0/100 million

Talent skills: illusory true spirits, gods and demons

Knowledge Sea: Sky Dragon City

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Yaoshen Clothes, Yaoshen Fan Mansion

The martial arts value continued to increase and doubled, but the acquisition of the star and moon value increased tenfold.

After Qin Shaofeng glanced at it, he was slightly relieved.

He is really afraid of the improvement of his martial arts, and it is also an increase of several or ten times.

That would really kill him.

"Go, continue to kill!"

The martial art was finally improved, and that one hundred million star and moon value would surely enable him to improve his cultivation to a good level.

As long as he can improve his martial arts again as soon as possible, his cultivation will be able to quickly increase to the point where he can save his life in the Cangming Realm.

The mood is electric.

Holding a ghost war knife, he followed them again and killed him.

Cut after cut.

Since their battle began, there has been almost no pause.

But when the two of them caught him again a Tianyue ghost corpse slave, his face changed again.

The value of one million stars and moons is only one million.

Real system tips...

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for killing a ghost slave of Heaven and Moon."

"System prompt: Due to the suppression of the cultivation base, the martial arts value is obtained, the player Qin Shaofeng gets 100,000 stars and moon values, and 1 martial arts value."

After Qin Shaofeng heard the two voices that appeared one after another, he almost spit out blood.

The earth and moon ghost corpse slave can also bring him one million stars and moons.

The existence of the sky and the moon can only give him 100,000 stars and moons.

How can he not be angry?

Angry ghost angry.

He didn't plan to relax at all.

After all, the acquisition of martial arts value is too difficult.

Even if the star and moon value is suppressed very severely, I believe that after he obtains enough 100 million star and moon value, he may not be able to accumulate the 20 martial arts value enough.

"Our speed is still too slow, should I call other people out as well?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but speak to the two.

Calculating the time, he has been in the land of ghosts for more than a month.

The cultivation level seems to have been improved a lot, but the gap between him and his plan is too big.

"No way."

Ke Jiuxiao stopped him immediately.

"Your cultivation is not enough, maybe you didn't feel that there are too many strong people in the land of ghosts, and they must be aware of the strength of our side." Ke Jiuxiao said.

Qin Shaofeng was startled.

Anyway, there are ghost slaves everywhere.

There were Ke Jiuxiao and Luo San two by his side, even if Tianyue a ghost corpse slave appeared, they would definitely not be able to escape the divine sense detection of the two.

Naturally, he didn't need to release the celestial worm.

Unexpectedly, he almost made him do something wrong.

"If this is the case, then we have to continue to accelerate." Qin Shaofeng nodded and continued to speak.

"Okay, then continue to the depths."

Ke Jiuxiao nodded in response, and suddenly looked deeper.

Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth severely.

Take out an elbow from the space ring, and bite it: "Go, continue to speed up the charge."

The Cangming Realm is different from the land of Yaoxing.

With Qin Shaofeng's current cultivation base, he can't rely on absorbing heaven and earth spiritual energy to replace food supplement.

On the contrary, the two of them just glanced at random, and then continued to kill in the depths.

Continue to pass day by day.

An accident happened to Qin Shaofeng.

That was when Ximen Lingzhong disappeared for two full months, and didn't even return.

Is he still unable to find the ghost king?

Or is the power of the ghost king, so that he can't beheaded for two months?

Don't say what about Ximen Lingzhong.

On the contrary, the changes on his side are huge.

For the past half month, they have been wandering around the place where the number of ghosts and corpses is the most numerous, making Qin Shaofeng already obtain 100 million stars and months.

The cultivation base has also reached the level of the ninth-order yellow moon due to the crazy increase in the star and moon value.

But the martial arts value has only reached 15.8.

"Shaofeng, do you still insist on staying?" Ke Jiuxiao looked at Qin Shaofeng's panting appearance and couldn't help asking.

After they entered the place where the number of ghost and corpse slaves was the most dense.

Qin Shaofeng could indeed eat something under their protection, but he never rested.

For more than two months, Qin Shaofeng's fatigue had reached the extreme.

"Then leave here first, let's take a rest for a day!"

Qin Shaofeng really couldn't hold on anymore.

Even if the current cultivation base has reached the ninth-level yellow moon position, the same is true.

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