Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3903: Super harvest


Ke Jiuxiao made a turn, holding a sword and blazing a new blood path from behind.

Luo San stretched out his hand this time, grabbed Qin Shaofeng and rushed towards the outside.

Qin Shaofeng didn't need to continue his hands, causing their speed to skyrocket to an unimaginable level.

After more than an hour, they returned to the edge.

Luo San took the tent Qin Shaofeng took out and installed the tent in a blink of an eye.

Qin Shaofeng quickly took out some food.

He didn't mind to eat, got into the tent and fell asleep.

Said it was a day off.

He slept for two and a half days before finally waking up.

Two months of uninterrupted killing, even he was very unbearable.

When he walked out of the tent, he saw that many bodies had appeared outside the tent.

And not far from Ke Jiuxiao and Luo San, there were even two full moon ghosts lying down.

"You finally woke up, come first and kill the two Heavenly Moon Ghost Corpse Slaves." Ke Jiuxiao smiled.

"How long have I slept, have you actually got two ghost corpses slaves?" Qin Shaofeng's face appeared astonished.

"Two and a half days."

Luo San replied for him.

Two and a half days, two ghost slaves?

Qin Shaofeng's heart suddenly moved.

He suddenly realized that Ke Jiuxiao and Luo San took him, but it seemed that they were unable to exert their full power.

Just thinking about it, he had another plan in his mind.

Now I am not in a hurry to speak.

He went up with a knife and killed the two ghost slaves before taking out the wine and food to eat with them.

Just after he was full of food and drink, a voice rang from his sea of ​​knowledge.

"Shao Feng, please see if there are other people around, my cultivation level has reached its limit, and I will soon break through."

The voice came from Li Naling in Fan Mansion.

"To break through?"

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed immediately.

Since learning about the role of soul crystals, he has sent nine thousand soul crystals into the fan house.

Unexpectedly, the effect of the soul crystal could really be so huge.

"Uncle Ke, please help me to see if there are any other strong people around to investigate." Qin Shaofeng said quickly.

Ke Jiuxiao also heard the breakthrough he said.

Recently, he had seen too many breakthroughs made by Qin Shaofeng, and he knew that the person who wanted to make a breakthrough was not Qin Shaofeng.

Ke Jiuxiao unfolded the divine consciousness in the first time.

Qin Shaofeng didn't pause for a while.

At the same time as he ordered to go down, he asked the Heavenly Void Insect King to dispatch all its descendants.

The whole world was immediately surrounded by them.

Enough tea time.

"Safe around."

"no problem."

Ke Jiuxiao and Tianxu Insect King gave him the answer together.

Qin Shaofeng no longer hesitated, and immediately opened the Fan Mansion.

Li Naling walked out of the fan house.

She rose into the air for the first time, and the horrible suction power fluctuated. I don't know how far away the aura of heaven and earth pervaded, all rushing towards her.

In the city not far away.

"What a terrifying sucking power!"

"Someone has broken through to the realm of the mighty!"

"Who is it, who is breaking through?"

A series of exclamations sounded from the Holy Ghost City.

More than a dozen figures rose into the sky.

These people are all powerhouses in the void realm, and they looked at Li Naling's breakthrough.

"It turned out to be in the land of ghosts?"

"Which celestial peak powerhouses have recently entered the land of ghosts?"

"Recently, there seem to be a few people, but before they go in, they seem to be very calm, and there should be a few years before the breakthrough?"

"No matter so much, it is the strong man of our humanity anyway."

"Go, go and take a look!"

One person proposed to speak, and everyone disappeared.

As the strong guarding the ghost city, they don't need to go to the barrier.


They rushed over here at the same time.

Above Qin Shaofeng and several people, an old figure appeared first, and a wave of his hand enveloped the entire void.

It disappeared instantly.

Their movements almost all occur at the same time.

Rao is the powerhouse of the Void Realm who can walk through the void with a speed comparable to teleportation.

When the dozens of Void Realm powerhouses arrived, all they saw was nothing but nothingness.

"No? How could it not?"

The faces of a dozen people suddenly became difficult to look.

It stands to reason that most people break into the realm of the mighty, and they want to make the whole world known.

Why did this one disappear instead?

Moreover, the act of absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth has just begun, and those who break through can never leave so quickly.

In other words...

There are strong cultivation bases above the Void Realm, but after discovering the changes here, they are forcibly taken away?

"This... how could this be?"

"Does the person who broke through doesn't want us to discover, or is it because of his special identity?"

All the strong think about it.

The excitement they had had long since disappeared in their hearts, they just secretly hoped in their hearts that the person who broke through, must not be the existence of the magic way!

If a Demon Cultivation who has an enmity with humans breaks through, it may not be a good thing for the entire human race.

They are still worried.

Above the sea, the absorption of terror began again.

Only for such a short time.

They have truly penetrated into the ocean.

Although the absorption strength of the breakthrough of the heavenly powerhouse is terrifying, it is not enough to spread the breath of breakthrough to the land.

The Void Realm powerhouse who forcibly brought them is naturally Ximen Lingzhong.

Ximen Lingzhong manipulated the void so that even though they were all in the air, they still seemed to be stepping on the ground.

Qin Shaofeng looked at Li Naling who was breaking through high in the sky, and then looked at Ximen Lingzhong, who came to him at some unknown time, holding a ghost king in his hand, and said, "Uncle Lingzhong, when did you get this one? Ghost King?"

"Two days ago."

Ximen Lingzhong said, "You are so courageous. Although Poison Fairy has been missing for thousands of years, her record a thousand years ago is too terrifying. If it were discovered by those in the city, it would be very bad."

"How could I know that the breath of heaven breakthrough is so terrifying?"

Qin Shaofeng choked silently.

"Forget it, you kill the ghost king first and raise the ghost pattern to the silver pattern level." Ximen Lingzhong shook his head, and didn't worry about this issue.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly flashed.

The ghost king is on the verge of death.

Naturally, he wouldn't have the slightest hesitation, he would kill him with a single blow.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for beheading a ghost king in the void."

"System reminder: Player Qin Shaofeng's ghost pattern has been upgraded, and he is currently a silver trace warrior."

"System prompt: As the player Qin Shaofeng kills the enemy's level gap is too large, the system is calculating..."

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