Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 391: Extreme upgrade begins

After half an hour, after purchasing all the points on his body and purchasing the lower-grade spirit stones, Qin Shaofeng found a place, and then arranged some mazes and illusions.

After arranging a large number of illusions and illusions, Qin Shaofeng safely entered the deepest and strongest illusion and began to take Shengyuan Pill.

After swallowing a ten-year-old Yunling Grass, Qin Shaofeng felt that the aura in his body was slowly increasing.

In the end, after a system prompt, Qin Shaofeng's aura suddenly reached a limit.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully upgrading to the pinnacle of the current legendary realm and triggering the ultimate upgrade task of the current realm!"

After the task was triggered, Qin Shaofeng didn't check it out for the first time, this time the limit upgrade task.

Because of the improvement just now, Qin Shaofeng felt a little abnormal, and he couldn't help opening his attribute interface.

At this look, Qin Shaofeng's face showed a slight expression like that.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Legendary pinnacle

Experience value: 9,999,999/999,999

Occupation: Devil

Aura value: 10 million / 10 million (the legendary tenth has 1 million aura points, and the Yi Jin Jing is 10 times)


Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that a ten-year-old cloud spirit grass and a rising yuan pill would not only raise himself to the pinnacle of the legendary realm, but also raise his aura by 200,000 points.

This allowed his aura value to reach the tens of millions level after the Yi Jin Jing bonus.

With the addition of the five cloud pills from his dantian, Qin Shaofeng is now confident to challenge the master of the Xiaoyuandan realm.

Of course, it was a challenge. At best, Qin Shaofeng could only challenge a master who had just entered the Xiaoyuan Dan realm. No matter how high he was, he would not have that confidence.

This is self-knowledge Qin Shaofeng still has.

After all, after the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, what the body possesses is not aura, but a higher level of spiritual power condensed with aura!

However, such an improvement is a good thing for the current Qin Shaofeng.

After all, for Qin Shaofeng now, the stronger his strength, the better.

No way, whoever makes himself the sweet bun in the eyes of others, if the strength is not strong, it is definitely the rhythm of the game.

After reading the attributes of the pinnacle of his Legend Realm, Qin Shaofeng clicked on it, this time the limit upgrade mission, check the content of the promotion mission this time.

Extremely limit upgrade: special task, when the player is in the legendary realm to the small yuandan realm, and the experience value reaches the current upper limit of 9,999,999 points, the system will automatically trigger this task.

Because the trigger time of this extreme upgrade task is affected by the current situation of the player Qin Shaofeng. Therefore, the content of this extreme upgrade mission is an extreme kill mission.

During the extreme kill mission, the player Qin Shaofeng cannot increase his experience, and his realm remains at the pinnacle of the legend. During this mission, the player Qin Shaofeng will be evaluated by the system by killing the number of people who chase him down! The mission time is seven days!

One-star completion: within seven days, kill ten legendary seven masters and get 10,000 points!

Two-star completion degree: within seven days, kill fifty legendary seven masters and get 20,000 points!


Five-star completion: within seven days, kill 30 legendary masters of the Ninth Layer, and 100 people below the legendary Ninth Layer, and earn 100,000 points! The system randomly rewards a land-level skill.

Six-star completion: within seven days, kill 50 masters of the legendary Ninth Layer and 100 people below the legendary Ninth Layer to earn 200,000 points! The system rewards a land-level skill (which can be selected by the player).

Seven Stars of Completion: Within seven days, kill 30 Legendary Top Ten masters and 100 people below Legend Top Ten, and earn 500,000 points! The system randomly rewards a day-level skill.

Eight-star completion: within seven days, kill one hundred legendary top ten masters and get 1 million points! The system randomly rewards one day-level skill and one chance for a normal lottery!

Nine-star completion: within seven days, kill 300 legendary top ten masters and get 2 million points! The system randomly rewards one holy level skill, three ordinary lottery opportunities, and the level is increased by one level.

Ten-star completion: within seven days, kill five hundred legendary top ten masters and get 5 million points! The system randomly rewards a god-level skill, three ordinary lottery chances, one special lottery chance, and the level is increased by two!

After reading the content of this extreme upgrade mission, Qin Shaofeng once again felt the human touch of the system.

"Kill-type mission?"

Seeing the content of the task, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "Oh, that's not bad, it only takes seven days. This is enough for me to complete the previous assessment task of entering the sect!"

Qin Shaofeng was worried for a while because of the task of entering the sect for the assessment.

There are only 20 days left in the three-month period.

If this is a one-month limit upgrade task, then Qin Shaofeng will cry.

And now this ultimate kill mission can be completed in only seven days.

This is good news for Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly as he moved his gaze slightly and fell to the nine-star and ten-star position.

"To complete the degree of nine stars, you need to kill three hundred legendary tenth masters, and to complete the degree of ten stars, you need to kill five hundred people. This seems a little difficult! But well..."

The corner of his mouth turned slightly, and Qin Shaofeng closed his mind and sneered at the mazes and phantoms he had laid down at this moment.

"However, my current status can be regarded as a very special situation. Maybe in seven days, I can really attract 500 legendary ten masters!"


Worried that the legendary ten masters are not enough?

Qin Shaofeng would be really worried if he hadn't inspired this bronze light before, hadn't heard from the young man who killed the first group of people by himself, and the number of people killed by himself during this time.

This time, can we make up five hundred legendary ten masters?

But now Qin Shaofeng has completely lost his heart in this regard.

Aside from other things, Qin Shaofeng understood only that one encounter with him, the powerful team of the Hundred-member Legend Ten Layers led by that young boy.

Entering the last ten peaks is the real test.

The master of the legendary tenth realm here is nothing.

On the contrary, if some people of the realm below the legendary seventh level appeared, it would arouse Qin Shaofeng's curiosity.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had no worries about the number of people.

Qin Shaofeng's only worry now is how he can attract five hundred legendary ten masters.

That's right, after Qin Shaofeng understood this ultimate upgrade kill mission, he made a decision in his mind.

Ten-star goal completion!

It was this time with the generous rewards that Qin Shaofeng felt that he had to achieve this step.

And let's not talk about the distant ones, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng would be able to score one-fifth of the five hundred.

Because at the time Qin Shaofeng stopped here, the mazes and illusions he arranged had already broken into many people.

Among them, the number of people in the legendary tenth layer has exceeded fifty.

As soon as he made a decision, Qin Shaofeng stood up, and then began to control the formations he had laid before.

This time, Qin Shaofeng arranged ten formations, seven mazes and three phantom formations at once.

However, Qin Shaofeng faintly connected these ten formations according to the instructions of the small ball before the arrangement.

After a little manipulation, Qin Shaofeng had an additional formation gap in front of him.

But at this moment, because of the sudden appearance of a gap, more than 20 of them found Qin Shaofeng all at once.

Among these twenty-odd people, there are five Legendary Tenth Masters, and the remaining nearly twenty people, the lowest being Legendary Eightfold.

As soon as they found Qin Shaofeng, the two dozen people shouted.

"Look, it's the bronze light!"

"Haha, God really helped me, I didn't expect this kid to take the initiative to send it to the door!"

"Chong! Kill this kid, let us have one more disciple in the reserve camp!"


These two dozen people were obviously from the same family, and after seeing Qin Shaofeng at this moment, they were all excited to kill.

But facing these people, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, his eyes flashed, and three gouyu appeared instantly.

Then, his right hand sank and after summoning the profound iron heavy sword, Qin Shaofeng rushed out instead.


With a secret cry in his heart, the profound iron epee in Qin Shaofeng's hand became a lot heavier.

Then, Qin Shaofeng shook his hands, raised the profound iron heavy sword, and shouted at the two dozen people who rushed.

"The epee has no edge!"


With a violent sound, a violent sword aura broke out on the profound iron epee, like a violent storm, sweeping towards the two dozen people.




A few screams sounded, those people who were only in the eighth realm of the legend, were swept away by this violent sword aura, and they vomited blood one by one, obviously by the violent sword aura of the epee without the edge. , I was seriously injured directly.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng realized that his current strength seemed to be much stronger than he had imagined.

Just a blow with a heavy sword without the edge of the sword, the ordinary Legend Eightfold can't hold it?

At this moment, the expressions of the two dozen people, especially the legendary ten masters, turned pale.

From that violent sword aura, they all felt the strength they couldn't match.

"Damn it, you're fooled, the strength of this person who inspired the bronze light is not something we can contend with, everyone, run away!"

Finally, the captain spoke.

What he said was to let everyone escape. Obviously he already understood that, with his own strength and others, if he continued, there would be a dead end!

At this moment, he regretted it a long time ago.

A large team of nearly a hundred people was taken to Yunque Peak, and now there are only 20 people left.

These are all elite disciples in his family!

After finally seeing the person who inspired the light of bronze, he thought that his efforts this time had finally reaped a reward.

I don't want to, what kind of gain is this, it is clear that I encountered a beast that cannibals.

It's a pity that it seems to be too late to understand this.

Seeing that the other party wanted to escape, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, his heart moved, and Qiandiao Liu burst out instantly.

call out! call out! call out!

In an instant, twenty or so rays of lightning burst out, hitting everyone, and then, except for those few legendary ten-fold people, who were forced to die, the rest of the people were penetrated by the lightning and turned into a corpse.

Even the captain was pierced through his shoulder and seriously injured at this moment.

Under such circumstances, he closed his eyes in despair in the face of the next thunder light.


When the thunder light exploded, the captain just felt a pain all over his body, and instantly lost all his intuition.


Completely violent killing!

After just a few breaths, a team of more than 20 people with several legendary top ten masters was solved by Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all. He turned his gaze and fell on the formation not far in front of him!

The extreme upgrade begins now!

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