Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 392: The layout of the pit kill trilogy

A quarter of an hour later, all the low-grade spirit stones of Qin Shaofeng's formations were consumed.

However, Qin Shaofeng had already left this place before the formation disappeared.

Only the corpse in that place is left!

When half an hour later, someone discovered this place and was shocked!

It is not difficult to imagine that this is the place where the person holding the bronze light is staying.

Many felt that the person who held the bronze light before, but stayed here for a while before leaving.

But I don't want to, after the other party left, there were so many corpses left.

Three or four hundred people are dead!

And among them, there are more than fifty masters who have reached the legendary tenfold realm.

After such a thing happened, for the first time, these geniuses who were so eager to get the bronze order Qianshan Order finally realized it.

This person who holds the Bronze Light is probably very powerful!

If it is not strong, how can the corpses of three or four hundred masters in this place be explained?

As soon as they feel that the other party possesses such a powerful strength, many people have the idea of ​​giving up.

But there are also many people who think this must be an opportunity.

Because of the careful people, there were many traces of the formation on the scene.

This discovery made many people feel that the opponent's strength is not really strong. If it is really strong, why does the opponent still rely on the formation to kill the enemy?

And one more thing is, after arranging the formation of attacking three or four hundred masters, how much material does the opponent have to continue to arrange the formation?

Perhaps, from now on, the other person is the time when he is truly weak, and also his greatest opportunity.

There are many people who have this idea.

Therefore, the hunt still continues.

But this time, even if I think there is a chance, not many will catch up immediately.

Many people are waiting for others to try how powerful the person who holds the bronze light now has.

But next, what happened, Qin Shaofeng had more ulterior motives.

After this pit kill, Qin Shaofeng kept walking and stopping for the next two days.

Sometimes, Qin Shaofeng was deliberate, and sometimes he was caught up.

But no matter what, Qin Shaofeng did it deliberately.

Not only that, during this period, all those who were killed by Qin Shaofeng, their bodies, Qin Shaofeng deliberately put away their corpses.

Of course, it wasn't that Qin Shaofeng had any bad habits.

This was all because Qin Shaofeng planned to make a big move.

Even for this big move, Qin Shaofeng released a few corpses from time to time, set up a simple battlefield, and then deliberately stopped before leaving.

Sometimes there are a few corpses, and sometimes there are a dozen corpses, and no more than twenty corpses at most.

Moreover, as Qin Shaofeng left fewer and fewer corpses, the layout of the battlefield was also extremely messy, and it seemed that at the same time, a large number of people were chasing somewhere.

This gives people a kind of look like in a battle, one side loses, kills the other few people, and finally manages to escape.

In such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was naturally the one who ran away.

Not to mention, Qin Shaofeng's plan was still very successful.

After these two days, many people think that the person holding the bronze light has now fallen into an extremely bad situation.

At the beginning, he was still able to defeat the people who chased him, but after two days passed, the opponent can only barely escape now.

Think about it, after all, five days have passed since the other party sparked the bronze light.

For the past five days, the opponent was in a state of being chased and killed all the time, without rest at all.

Fortunately at the beginning, the other party can inspire the light of bronze, obviously he is also a person of some identity, and there must be many entourages around him.

But it seems that three days ago, a lot of people were lost in a battle.

Then, two days ago, they used a lot of formations to kill the enemy.

Most people now believe that the formation of the pit kill two days ago is undoubtedly because the other party wanted to use this to warn themselves of these chasers.

But the more so, the more it can be said that the other party is bluffing.

After these two days, it seems that the person holding the bronze light is really bluffing.

And now the other party can't stand it anymore.

As soon as he noticed such a situation, even if he had damaged ninety people's hands, only a few geniuses were left. At this time, he gritted his teeth and rushed to the place where the bronze light was.

Despite this situation, Qin Shaofeng did not see it with his own eyes.

But when Xiaoqiuqiu told him that there were already a large number of people and approached him again, Qin Shaofeng knew that his plan had succeeded.

Then, it's time to close the net again!

That night, Qin Shaofeng did not rest again!

After swallowing a few of them and refining them with the small ball method, a kind of pill to relieve fatigue, Qin Shaofeng diligently began to get busy.


It's another formation!

And this time, Qin Shaofeng was heartbroken and used his points to purchase three hundred and sixty low-grade spirit stones and set up a small Zhoutian illusion array!

And after arranging the Xiao Zhoutian Illusion Array, Qin Shaofeng arranged some illusions in the Xiao Zhoutian Illusion Array.

If there is a master of Qianshanzong's formation technique here at this moment, he will definitely be amazed by Qin Shaofeng's actions at this moment.

It is incredible to arrange some small mazes within a phantom array.

This is much more difficult than connecting several formations in series and uniting them into one formation group.

Such a method can only be accomplished by a master-level master in the formation.

But now it was done by a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

If Qin Shaofeng reveals his hand, I am afraid that the formation masters of the Qianshan Sect will rush to accept him as an apprentice, so what else would he need to participate in the entrance examination!

Unfortunately, Qin Shaofeng didn't know this.

Besides, some of the Everbright people who taught Qin Shaofeng, opened his mouth and closed his mouth with a small formation technique on the left and a small formation technique on the right.

This makes Qin Shaofeng not real, the arrangement of small formations in the illusion is really just a very simple matter.

This made Qin Shaofeng, who had entered the Qianshan Sect, not long after learning about the formation on the Nine Cloud Continent, he was speechless!

Soon, the array layout was completed.

With 10% formation, Qin Shaofeng didn't stay here, but walked back a certain distance.

During this time, Qin Shaofeng often did this.

At first there were people who were on guard, but now no one cares.

This is the effect Qin Shaofeng wants.

After returning for a certain distance, Qin Shaofeng used a hundred low-grade spirit stones to form a super phantom array here.

The coverage of this phantom array is positive and wide, exceeding one kilometer.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's accumulated points were once again exhausted.

Looking at his own attribute interface, Qin Shaofeng smiled wryly with less than ten thousand points.

"Millions of points are gone. I hope that this time I will get back all the points I paid!"


It was the night, when the person who had just arrived holding the bronze light stopped, everyone within a hundred miles of Qin Shaofeng had similar thoughts in their hearts.

This kid finally couldn't stand it, is he going to start resting?

This is just right, let me kill this kid!

For a time, several waves of teams rushed to Qin Shaofeng's location.

But everyone didn't know that the protagonist who should have been panicking in their hearts at this moment was indeed resting.

But the other party is really resting!

At the center of that super phantom array, I don't know when there is a soft collapse.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was lying on it, asleep.

If this is to make those who approach carefully, if they see it, they will probably drop their eyes.

At this moment, the small ball floating above Qin Shaofeng looked at Qin Shaofeng who was asleep very uncomfortably, and grinned viciously at Qin Shaofeng in a low voice.

"Damn the big devil, it is really unreasonable for this lord to take care of him and let him sleep peacefully. What kind of status is this lord, it is really **** that he dares to call this lord like this!"

In the final analysis, the small ball is still very responsible for opening up its perception field and sensing all the surrounding conditions.

In fact, to tell the truth, Xiaoqiuqiu also admires Qin Shaofeng.

After all, if it were changed to someone else, I am afraid that no one would be able to face such a crisis like Qin Shaofeng, and still look careless.

However, it is precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng's determination is firm.

"Forget it, because you haven't slept for a few days, my lord will pity you today!"

With a murmur, Xiaoqiuqiu pretended to be generous and said to Qin Shaofeng.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng, who was asleep, didn't hear it at all.


Suddenly, he felt something, the ball suddenly raised his head and looked somewhere, then a sneer appeared on his small fleshy face.

"Have the first batch of fish finally entered the net?"

In the distance, a place a kilometer away, a team of more than a dozen people is in a panic.

Because just the moment before, they were still slowly approaching the location of the bronze light, but in the next moment, more than a dozen people discovered that the scene in front of them had changed.

"Well, we are in a phantom array!"

An exclamation made everyone in this team panic.

On the contrary, the 17-year-old boy who was in the lead gave a loud shout.

"Why panic, it's just a phantom array!"

Angrily glanced at his dozen or so men, the young man calmly said: "Don't scare yourself, this is just a phantom, and no one comes out to attack us. This shows that the enemy is now powerless to fight and can only rely on the phantom. It’s not a big deal, everyone is not afraid!"

Hearing what the boy said, other people also reacted.


It's been some time since I and others have entered the illusion, but the other party hasn't made any other actions, obviously just like what my young master said.

In that case, the other party has really reached the point of exhaustion?

Can you only rely on the illusion to hold yourself and others?

For a while, these were excited again.

Because if this is the case, then this is their opportunity.

Although only their young master can enter the reserve camp, every disciple in the reserve camp can have a slave.

Although he could not get the training resources provided by the Qianshan Sect, he became a slave of the preparatory camp disciples and entered the special training place for the preparatory camp disciples.

This is something that even the inner disciples of the Qianshan Sect is extremely high!

This is not only an opportunity for their young master, but also an opportunity for them!

This situation happened in several places.

And soon, more and more people entered this phantom array.

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