Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3918: Rescue

"Forget it, no matter so much, please help!"

The black gnome gritted his teeth severely and made his decision.

Due to the nature of this black dwarf, he is very friendly to any race, but he also knows that because of his interests, many races in the Cangming Realm cannot believe it.

Humans are the race he fears most, and there is no one.

It's not that he is not optimistic about human beings.

But human nature is too elusive.

At least he has witnessed countless times with his own eyes, the existence of human beings comparable to the saints, the existence of human beings that are more cruel than the blood race, the generation of people who see benefits and forget justice.

It can be said that human beings are simply a hodgepodge of all races, adding too many unimaginable things.

If you meet good people among human beings, they are indeed saved.

In case of encountering bad people among human beings, they are definitely worse than continuing to be chased by ghost slaves.

But now, the humans in front must have discovered them.

Even if they don't ask for help, if the humans in front are malicious, they will definitely not be spared.

That being the case, it is natural not to let the humans in the front prepare for the oriole to follow.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Bai of the Baishi clan spoke directly: "Human friends in front, please help us!"

The brain capacity of the Baishi tribe is really too small.

When the black dwarf spoke to Xiao Bai, he had already seen a human powerhouse who was much stronger than them, already galloping towards them.

It's too late to say, then fast.

They are all powerful stars, and the two sides quickly approached each other. In just a few blinks, they have reached the position where they can see each other clearly.

"It's him?!"

The black gnome suddenly widened his eyes, staring incredulously at Luo San who was rushing towards them.

Xiaobai of the Baishi clan naturally saw the people coming.

But with his IQ, he still hasn't figured out what's going on.

Between sparkling flints.

Luo San passed by with them: "Which of you still has the strength to fight together, kill the five ghost slaves first!"

When Luo San spoke, he had already displayed his ultimate move.

Don't look at him when he took Qin Shaofeng to escape, killing a ghost slave was like cutting melons and vegetables, mainly because the difference in cultivation level was too big.

The five ghost corpses slaves facing today are all shining stars.

Even though his cultivation was in the late stage of Heavenly Stage, the weapon attack in his hand was only a few fire lights on the neck of the ghost corpse slave.

That's all, the five ghost and corpse slaves were wounded, and the whole picture stopped following the footsteps, roared at Luo San, and attacked together.

"The five ghost slaves who have just entered the position of Yaoxing still want to besie me?" Luo San couldn't help but sneer.

"Dark Night Seven Star Palm!"

The palm prints slapped, and the whole day seemed to turn into endless night.

A little bit of starlight suddenly flashed.

If the wise race sees this situation, they may be surprised at the horror of such martial arts, and even from the martial arts, they can feel the difference between the martial arts of the two sides.

But ghost slaves are different.

Their bodies are comparable to magic soldiers of the same level, and their hardness makes them fearless.

The five ghost and corpse slaves roared together, and all rushed towards Luo San.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were five loud roars in succession.

Just about to approach the ghost corpse slave beside Luo San, Qi Qi flew out toward the rear.

"Dark Night Shadow!"

"Dark night thorn!"

Luo Sanlian did not appear even for a moment of lag.

The moment the five ghost corpse slaves blasted off, the figure turned into countless shadows.

In the shadow, a little bit of cold light shone, and it fell on the neck of the ghost slave one after another.

The tinkling sounds kept coming.

The endless fire light constantly flickered on the ghost corpse slave's neck.

"He is so powerful!"

The black dwarf witnessed Luo San's shot with his own eyes, his eyes suddenly widened.

Xiaobai of the Baishi clan was staring at him.

In an instant, the black dwarf knew that he was wasting time, and hurriedly shouted: "With the help of this strong man, we will surely be able to kill the five ghost and corpse slaves. Let's take action together."

"it is good."

Xiaobai of the Baishi clan nodded in response, and immediately rushed towards a ghost slave.

The black dwarf naturally won't waste any time.

With the two of them joining the battlefield, the battle situation suddenly became clear.

Even if Luo San in the late stage of the heavens dealt with five ghost slaves at the same time, he would definitely be able to win.

But likewise, his consumption will also be an extremely terrifying number.

But with the help of the two alien races, he only needed to deal with the three ghost slaves with all his strength, naturally it was too much simpler.

Rao is so.

The battle also continued for more than half an hour before it finally ended.

the other side.

Qin Shaofeng did not let Luo San carry it.

But he didn't always wait in the distance, but had already rushed over with Ya'er early and watched the melee in front of him in person.

As the battle came to an end.

Every time Luo San controlled the ghost corpse slave, he would go up and make a knife.

"system hint……"

The sounds of the system sounded one after another.

The five shining star ghost corpses still brought him fifty thousand stars and moon value, and five hundred shining stars.

The moment the battle ended.

Before Qin Shaofeng could speak, he saw the black dwarf sitting on the ground.

The black dwarf lives up to its name.

The blood flowing out of his back is probably about to be fatal, his face is still pitch black.

Now that the danger was removed, Qin Shaofeng immediately stepped forward and stuffed a pill into the mouth of the black domain dwarf.

Immediately, another pill was taken out, crushed and applied to the wound of the black dwarf.

The pills he took out were all made by Medicine King Di Shan.

The medicinal materials used may not be considered top grade, but under Di Shan's refinement, the effect is also extremely obvious.

The wound on the back of the black dwarf, at least there is no blood flowing.

Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Wiping the blood stained on his hands, he said: "He is in a very serious injury. You two will come with me. Let's take care of the injury first."

The Baishi clan immediately looked at the black dwarf.

He couldn't figure out whether Qin Shaofeng might be disadvantageous to them, but he believed that the black dwarf's decision would not be wrong.

The black dwarf was relieved when he saw that the rescuer was Qin Shaofeng and he nodded lightly.

Immediately, his head tilted and he fell into a coma.

Another three days passed in a flash.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't thought about saving pills.

In a full eight days, with the power of the pill, his injury had already fully recovered, even the black dwarf had already recovered some.

"Thank you little brother for your life-saving grace."

The black dwarf finally woke up from a coma. After barely able to speak, he found that the Mist Flower was still in his hands. The first sentence was a word of thanks.

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