Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3919: committed to

"I am ashamed to say, we originally thought that the little brother was just taking a strong man, if the little brother needed our help, we would definitely go for a while, but we didn't expect to be saved by the little brother instead." The black gnome scratched his head.

The black dwarf is still as easy to talk as before.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but smile.

"Xiongtai, what are you talking about?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed: "I, Qin Shaofeng, think that I am not a good person, but I also have my own principles. Since Xiongtai and Taiwan have given me kindness, if I don't help me when I see you being hunted down, am I still a person?"

"Hehe, hehehe..."

The black dwarf laughed awkwardly.

In order to find the Misty Flower, he and Xiaobai of the Baishi clan have been walking in the human arena for too long.

He has naturally seen too many different humanities.

When Qin Shaofeng said these words, he had completely understood it.

Qin Shaofeng is exactly that kind of person with principle.

But what he couldn't think of was that Qin Shaofeng chose to help them only because of his racial personality and his subconscious kindness.

Who says that good people must not be rewarded?

Did you get a good report now without seeing me?

"It turns out that the little brother is called Qin Shaofeng, so don't call any brothers. I am the boss in my house. Everyone calls me Dahei. You can also call me Dahei."

The black dwarf said again: "He is Xiao Bai."


Qin Shaofeng and Luo Sanqi's eyes widened.

The Baishi clan, who is nearly three meters tall, is called Xiaobai, while the black dwarf, who is only forty to fifty centimeters tall, is called Dahei?


The names of these two groups are too individual, right?

"Brother Qin Shaofeng, my Dahei is also a wise race, knowing that you saved us only because you are willing to save, but you don't know the purpose of our coming to seal the land of ghosts, you must not say anything that does not need to be repaid." The black gnome continued.

"Your purpose?"

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously looked at the mist flower in the hands of the black dwarf.

When he looked over, the black dwarf had also picked up the mist flower in his hand, and said: "Speaking of which, our black dwarf and the Baishi clan are pure-minded races, and are easily unwilling to set foot in the mixed world of fish and dragons."

"But some problems have occurred in the ancestral land of our two races, and Mist Flower is in urgent need of assistance."

"It's just that the price of Misty Flower is too high in your human world. Even if we exhaust all of our two races, we can't buy it. After we get the news, we will come to this ghost land to venture out and hunt for treasure."

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help being speechless.

Secretly said: The big head of this black dwarf is not white!

They said that the two races were pure, but in fact, I was afraid that they had known it for a long time. They had already seen what the mist flower was, so they would specifically say such things, right?

"Brother Qin helped us get the Misty Flower, which is equivalent to saving our two clans. If Brother Qin needs to come to us in the future, even if we come to Black Misty to find us, even if our two clans are destroyed, we will definitely do it for you. It's a request." The black dwarf continued.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly took a breath.

The promise of the black dwarf Da Hei is not an ordinary one!

He has read countless books, and he naturally knows what the promise of the black dwarf means.

In the entire Cangming boundary.

The race that promises the first is the blood race.

Although the blood race is the enemy of human beings and most races, the promise of the blood race, no matter what race it is, has to believe.

The second place is the dragon family.

The promise of the dragon is as heavy as Mount Tai.

Although the black dwarves are only a weak race, their commitment strength ranks third.

And this is because the black dwarf is too weak, and the promise of the black dwarf is rarely seen in history, and this will only rank third.

According to the predecessor of the ancient book, if the black dwarf is willing to walk the rivers and lakes.

Their promise may be comparable to the blood race.

This kind of commitment can already be seen how heavy it is.

"Brother Big Black is serious." Qin Shaofeng shook his head quickly.

"Nothing serious."

The black dwarf also shook his head and said, "The reason why Brother Qin feels serious is that we don’t know where our two races have gone, and my **** has already promised on behalf of our black dwarf, unless our black dwarf is destroyed, otherwise This promise is always valid."

Qin Shaofeng was completely speechless now.

What is keeping promises?

He has also seen it in the human world, but he has never seen someone who keeps it so overbearing.

No matter what you say, anyway, I promised that we, the black dwarf, must do it.

This this this...

Qin Shaofeng no longer knew what to say.

But he couldn't help but remind him of another race.

A few months ago in the ruins of Si Beast, I saw the blood of the blood race.

Xue Se merely promised casually, and in the subsequent encounter, he even helped himself to cover up at any cost.

The top three races in Cangming Realm kept their promises, it really wasn't as simple as just talking about them.

"Since Brother Dahei has spoken to this point, then I am disrespectful." Qin Shaofeng clasped his fists and smiled bitterly.

He always respects me, and I respect others.

If there is any trivial matter in the future, go to find the black dwarf to fulfill the promise.

"That's right!"

The black dwarf Dahei finally laughed.

The others are not loud, but the laughter is not small.

But the laughter was soon suppressed by another voice.

It was a sound of ‘gululu’.

The face of the dwarf in the black field suddenly appeared crimson.

Although the color was extremely dim, it also allowed Qin Shaofeng to clearly know how embarrassing the black dwarf Da He was.

"Brother Big Black hasn't eaten for a long time, right?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed clearly.

The Cangming Realm is different from the Land of Yaoxing.

After the cultivation base reaches the shining star position, although it can also achieve bigu, it also has a certain degree of limitation.

Only when you reach the realm of a powerful person can you hope to get nutrients from the void.

But that also requires a little practice.

It doesn't mean that as long as the cultivation base is reached, there must be no problem.

Like Qin Shaofeng.

In the previous few days, even though I was practicing every day, I didn't miss three meals a day.

He immediately patted the space ring and took out some food from it.

For the past six months, he has bought all the inventory of several large restaurants in that small town, and there are still many, so he is not worried about the lack of food.

The black dwarf is really hungry.

Seeing the food, he wanted to restrain himself a little, but couldn't hold back the hunger, so he picked up the plate and started to slam it into his mouth.

That speed made Qin Shaofeng worry about him.

Don't just choke to death because of overeating.

That's a great anecdote in history!

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