Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 394: The lore of the pit kill trilogy

The magic array is naturally divided into strengths and weaknesses.

The general confuses the sight, that is only a small confusion.

If the line of sight can be covered with a white mist, so that the people in the formation can't feel the existence of other people, then this formation is a true phantom formation.

But this is also the most common phantom formation, and a little higher, it is like the large phantom formation Qin Shaofeng used to arrange with a hundred low-grade spirit stones.

Not only can the people in the formation and the people in the formation deliberately, once trapped in it, they will not be able to see other people, and they will not be able to contact others.

Such a phantom array is already a very good one.

But this is not an advanced magic array!

The high-level illusion can directly distort the sight of trapped people or monsters, and even feel. In short, it is an illusion on the senses, even if it is clearly known to be false, it can give people a real feeling.

For example, the small Zhoutian illusion array arranged by Qin Shaofeng at this moment is just such a high-level illusion array.

Of course, even such a formation is still a small fantasy formation among a large population.

The appearance of the advanced phantom array obviously caused the trapped crowd to panic.

If the trapped people were just ordinary people, they wouldn't panic like this, because they didn't understand the high-level phantom formations and would only use one of them.

But most of the people present are geniuses with high identities, and their knowledge is naturally not low. Although they don't know much about advanced phantom formations.

But there is one thing, all of them are very clear.

The high-level magic array is terrible!

"Damn it, it's a high-level fantasy formation? Has that person always pretended to be?"

"No, maybe this is his last resort!"

"Yes, this must be this person's last life-saving trump card. I have heard of some powerful formation masters, but they can refine formations!"

"The formation? Yes, it must be like this. That formation allows people who don’t understand formations to be able to deploy a powerful formation. That person must have a high-level phantom formation, otherwise it will be a legendary realm. How could it be a master of formation?"


Several powerful legendary pinnacle geniuses, looking at the surrounding yellow sand at this moment, seemed to be comforted by themselves, the panic finally had a trace of calm.

But the next moment, the yellow sand flows, and the surrounding sight is distorted again.

"Be careful, everyone, it's changing again!"

With an exclamation, those geniuses became nervous again.

What made them even more nervous was that after this time, they discovered that before they knew it, the number of people around them had decreased.

They are separated!

At this moment, the entire Xiao Zhoutian Illusion Array suddenly changed into thirty-six small areas.

There are only two dozen people in each of these small areas.

Seeing that there were only 20 people around them, everyone was frightened, especially when many people also discovered that the people around them were not familiar with them, which made them even more alarmed.


It was just such a separation. After a series of effects caused by the panic of most people, the entire Xiao Zhoutian Illusion Array was in a state of confusion.

What Qin Shaofeng needs is such chaos!

His eyes flashed slightly, and Qin Shaofeng directly opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, and Qin Shaofeng's eyesight suddenly skyrocketed as the six-pointed star cluster appeared.


The profound iron epee instantly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's right hand, and with a strong grip, Qin Shaofeng rushed into one of the small areas.

Qin Shaofeng didn't separate people at will. With this point, he separated the people below the legendary tenth level from the legendary tenth level masters.

The first area Qin Shaofeng entered at this moment was only two dozen legendary eight-fold people.

The strength of the legendary eight-fold realm was no longer a threat to Qin Shaofeng now.

Even as he entered this small area, Qin Shaofeng's body flashed slightly, and a layer of thunder and lightning appeared.

Thunder Dunk Ninjutsu Thunder Dunk Bodyguard!

With the Thunder Guardian body, facing a group of people in the eighth realm of legends, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​defensiveness. Once entering it, it was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, holding a large mysterious iron heavy sword, and frantically attacking those legends. Eight masters.

Those two dozen legendary eight-fold masters, after a brief surprise at the beginning, faced Qin Shaofeng's attack, they could still resist.

But when he finds that his attack is ineffective to the enemy, the enemy is raising the wide giant sword in his hand, and one by one, the people around him are photographed into a horrible scene of flesh and blood.

This made them terrified, completely panicked, and fled frantically one by one.

But unfortunately, in this small area, they can't escape at all.

In the end, in just half a minute, these two dozen people collapsed on the ground one by one, and the corpses were photographed in human form.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't even glance at them, he didn't even have the thought of collecting trophies, and rushed to the next small area.

Must be fast!

Because Qin Shaofeng understood that after the initial panic, someone would definitely start attacking the Xiao Zhoutian Illusory Array. By then, how long this Little Zhoutian Illusory Array could last, it was impossible to say.

After all, there are too many people trapped this time.

Qin Shaofeng can only make a quick battle now!


Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng shot directly when he first stepped into the second small area.

This second area is also a group of twenty or so legendary eightfold people.

It was another killing poke, an absolute crushing massacre!

Just here, one area after another, under Qin Shaofeng's brutal force, the entire Xiao Zhoutian Illusion Array Legendary Eighth Realm was quickly beheaded by Qin Shaofeng.

However, at this time, Xiaoqiuqiu told Qin Shaofeng that those people had begun to fight back.

The rest of the people, especially those legendary top ten masters, are now starting to attack Xiao Zhoutian's illusory formation.

And just when Qin Shaofeng had solved all the people in the legendary eight-fold realm, Xiaoqiuqiu reminded him that the three hundred and sixty low-grade spirit stones that arranged the small Zhoutian illusion array had consumed 30% of the aura.

"Unexpectedly, it consumes 30% so quickly?" Qin Shaofeng was slightly surprised.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had just solved the last batch of people in the legendary eight-fold realm. Just as he was about to go to the next small area, he heard the reminder of the small ball.

"Fast? This is already slow, okay!"

Xiaoqiuqiu became a little unhappy, and said unhappy: "You have to know that there are more than 800 people trapped by you. Among them, there are more than 300 people in the legendary tenth. Now almost everyone is attacking, even if It's the Xiao Zhoutian illusion formation, it can't hold it! And if it were changed to another formation, it would be broken by now!"

Hearing what Xiaoqiuqiu said, Qin Shaofeng felt that it was the same.

"Then according to the current situation, how long can this little Zhoutian illusion formation last?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

Xiaoqiuqiu thought for a while, and finally turned around: "Well, I should be able to hold on for half an hour!"

Half an hour?

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed slightly, and the profound iron heavy sword in his hand tightened.

That must be accelerated!

Once he had such a plan, Qin Shaofeng no longer kept anything.

Before killing those legendary eight-fold masters, Qin Shaofeng tried his best to consume a small amount of spiritual energy to kill the enemy.

But with the current situation, Qin Shaofeng was a little worried about not having enough time, so naturally he would not be exposed.


After entering a small area again, Qin Shaofeng broke out when facing people who were already in the Ninth Stage of Legend.


With a flash of thunder, Qin Shaofeng's first strike broke out a thousand birds flow, and then killed five or six legendary nine-layer masters.

Then, another series of three silver blade lights flashed, taking the lives of three legendary nine layers.

Even without the help of Feiyu Knife, Qin Shaofeng used a small Li Feidao's three-shot combo, and if unexpectedly, before the opponent had condensed the inner Qi wall, he could still kill the people of the legendary nine-level realm.

This one face-to-face was to kill Pajiu, and the remaining dozen or so people finally reacted.

But facing Qin Shaofeng's second round of violent attacks, they still couldn't resist for long.







Under an attack, these twenty-odd Legend Nine Layers also died violently.

"three minutes?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly after feeling a little.

It took him three minutes to kill over twenty people this time.

Mainly some people, after discovering that they and others were not opponents at all, even if they knew that they had escaped, they kept rushing around, which made Qin Shaofeng spend a little time.

But in this small Zhoutian illusion array, there are more than three hundred legendary nine-layer masters, who are separated by Qin Shaofeng in 15 small areas.

According to this situation, after the kill is finished, but it takes forty-five minutes, then in this way, the remaining more than three hundred legendary ten masters, he only has 15 minutes to solve.

Solve more than 300 legendary ten masters in a quarter of an hour?

Even if Qin Shaofeng had confidence in his own strength, he felt that this was impossible.

"No matter how much you can kill first! And as long as the number of people is small, the formation will suffer fewer attacks. Maybe the formation will last longer!"

With a slight whisper, Qin Shaofeng moved again.




This time, Qin Shaofeng completely turned into a demon.

No, maybe, this time Qin Shaofeng really revealed the side he already had.

The side of the devil!

Because Qin Shaofeng suddenly realized that he had killed so many people, and he didn't feel uncomfortable.

This was the little ball mumbled: "As expected of the devil!"

However, the small ball also said that this is good, because even this point of killing can not pass, that is not qualified to become a real strong.

After more than half an hour, the legendary nine-tier master in the big formation had long been slaughtered by Qin Shaofeng.

This also allowed the formation time to be extended a little.

And for those legendary ten-fold masters, Qin Shaofeng also killed more than a hundred people, leaving one hundred seventy and eighty people left.

But at this moment Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait to put the last one hundred and seventy people in one place, and even the scope of the Xiao Zhoutian Illusion Array was shortened by Qin Shaofeng by more than 300 meters.

Because if that weren't the case, this little Zhoutian Illusion Array would not be able to persist at this moment.

And even if it were, this little Zhoutian Illusory Array could last for at most seven or eight minutes.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally looked at each other face to face with the remaining people.

Although gathered together, at this moment those legendary ten masters, there was a storm in their hearts.

Over one hundred?

Is it that so far, fewer than two hundred people are left?

Although this may be the other party's trick, many people know it very well.

I'm afraid the situation is like this. Except for them, everyone else who came in with them were all killed!

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