Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 395: Burn it!

"Damn it, won't we be the only ones left now?"

"This, I'm afraid that's it!"

"Oh my God! What is this person's background, he has such a skill?"


The crowd began to become noisy, and those geniuses were very unstable at this moment.

After all, the current situation really chilled them.

"Don't panic everyone, the people here are at the lowest level of the legendary tenth level, so many people are afraid of him?"

Suddenly, at this moment, a loud shout came out.

A closer look reveals that this person is the boy who organized the group to attack the large fantasy formation before.

Some people reacted to his opening, and they all followed suit.

"Yes! Don't be afraid, everyone, that kid is now the only one left, and this may be the other party's trick. Other people's people may be trapped elsewhere!"

"Yes, this person has always been cunning, don't be fooled, now he deliberately gathers us together, maybe it is the idea of ​​letting us kill each other!"

When these words came out, many geniuses woke up one after another.

That's right!

I'm afraid it's like this, suddenly appearing in front of us, gathering us a lot of legendary top ten masters together, nothing more than hoping that we ourselves are fighting.

After all, there is only one piece of the Qianshan Order of the bronze rank, which is not enough!

At this time, the boy who had spoken out before also said again.

"Yes, this must be the other party’s trick. Don’t be fooled. Let’s say yes and kill that person first. As for the bronze-level Qianshan Order on him, in my opinion, we people will have a competition. How can the person who wins get the Qianshan Order?"

As soon as the boy's words fell, they were approved by others.

That's right, this is not the time for internal chaos, and it is a good way to determine the ownership of that piece of bronze order Qianshan Order by trial.

After all, the geniuses present have absolute confidence in themselves.

At this moment, there seemed to be a lot of people on the scene, but after all, it was only some geniuses, and the vast majority of the rest were just subordinates of those geniuses.

After several of the most powerful geniuses agreed to this method, no one opposed it.

Qin Shaofeng on the other side listened and smiled coldly in his heart.

Assign now?

Really worthy of yourselves!

Do you really think I'm at a point where I'm skeptical?

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, a flash of killing intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Small ball can I start?"

Looking at the crowd who had approached him quickly, Qin Shaofeng didn't panic at all, but asked Xiaoqiuqiu softly.

"Well, it's okay, it's not set up, but once you start, this little Zhoutian illusion formation can only last for three minutes at most. Is this enough time?" Xiaoqiuqiu returned and finished speaking. I also asked.

"Three minutes? Enough!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, with a hideous expression at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with a six-pointed star pattern, and each hand grasped a handful of the ordinary version of the first-grade nine-layered spirit pill.

Then, his eyes closed and then opened sharply.

A cold sound resounding throughout the Xiao Zhoutian illusory array, instantly echoed.


Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted this, which shocked the hearts of the group of legendary top ten masters.

But Qin Shaofeng just shouted, and didn't move, he sneered again in his heart.

Humph, bluff!

But soon they knew that this was not a bluff.

Because in the next instant, the front group of people suddenly screamed several times!



"Damn it, what is this, ah! It's painful!"


There was a chaotic scream, and then the people behind realized that the people in front of them were actually burning with a black flame at this moment.

For a while, many people panicked.

But at this moment, it was still the boy, and he stood up again.

"Don't panic, everyone, this is just a phantom formation, even if it is a high-level phantom formation, it does not have an attack. If the opponent does not move, it can only show that this is still the power of the phantom formation. This is illusory, not real. Don't be fooled!"

Hearing what the boy said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes indeed!

This is a phantom formation, and that person didn't make a move, so what kind of black flame attack would suddenly appear!

Thinking about this, many people laughed again.

Ha, it's so funny, you can make an illusion, and make it more real!

Black flame?

How can anyone emit a flame of this color to attack the enemy?

But smiling, everyone felt that something was wrong.


Is there such a burning smell?

And I've already talked about hallucinations, why do those people call them so miserable?

Many people were puzzled.

And after these doubts fell to the ground in front of them and turned into a charred corpse, not many people could calm down.

Is this really an illusion?

Is it an illusion?

Was it an illusion, they soon realized it!

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was opposite everyone, gritted his teeth fiercely, and the cloud pill in his body burst into a billowing spirit.

Then, the intensity of the black flame skyrocketed instantly!

Under normal circumstances, Qin Shaofeng uses a kaleidoscope to write round eyes to launch Amaterasu, and it will only consume at most one million aura points in one minute.

However, if it is overloaded, Qin Shaofeng can consume 10 million or even tens of millions of Aura points in an instant, bursting out endless black flames of Aura.

But this is also an extremely painful process for Qin Shaofeng himself!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes had become blood red, and two tears of blood flowed from the corner of Qin Shaofeng's eyes, passing through Qin Shaofeng's face, and directly dripping to the ground.

In just such a short while, Qin Shaofeng's feet were already reddened.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth and held back, the extremely tingling pain in his eyes and deep in his brain.

Then Qin Shaofeng swallowed all the normal version of the first grade nine-layer spirit pill with a mouth and both hands.

Because in just such a short while, Qin Shaofeng's own aura has consumed a lot, and even the power of the five cloud pills in his Dantian has already consumed more than half.

At present, a regular version of the first-grade nine-fold alchemy can only restore Qin Shaofeng's aura of 3 million, which can't even keep up with the speed that Qin Shaofeng consumes at this moment.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng could only continuously swallow one pill, and even in order to prevent Amaterasu from stopping, whenever the spiritual energy recovery cannot keep up with the consumption, Qin Shaofeng will come up with a special edition. The first grade nine-fold spirit pill served.

In this way, the black flames in the distant crowd quickly spread to everyone.

At this time, no one thought horribly that this was an illusion.

Still hallucinating?

My phantom Nima!

This is all on fire, hallucinations!

However, there are many people who see the opportunity quickly and immediately condense the wall of inner energy.

And those who have not condensed the inner Qi wall, once burned by the black flame, will never have the opportunity to condense the inner Qi wall.

Because once they release aura, before the aura begins to condense, they will be burned by the black flame.

Soon, the original number of one hundred seventy and eighty was reduced by half in an instant.

One minute later, there were barely fifty people who could stand up.

But at this moment, none of these people has a good-looking face.

Although there is a wall of inner energy, they can temporarily resist the weird and terrifying black flame, and prevent themselves from being consumed by the burning.

But I felt that every moment in the body was consuming a lot of aura, everyone was anxious.

Suddenly at this moment, there was a legendary ten-fold pinnacle master who suddenly remembered something and roared in surprise.

"Attack! Everyone quickly attack that bastard!"

This roar awakened everyone.

Although everyone still didn't understand what happened in the end, what they were certain was that the black flame was absolutely inseparable from the person facing him and others.

That being the case, if the opponent were to be killed, wouldn't the immediate crisis be resolved.

Feeling that under the burning of the black flame, he couldn't hold on for long. For a while, everyone violently violently killed Qin Shaofeng.

But facing their actions, Qin Shaofeng still didn't react at all, just standing there.

Then, a strange scene happened.

Because everyone suddenly discovered that they clearly ran towards each other.

But he couldn't get close to each other.

This situation finally reminded everyone of something!

Damn it!

It's this advanced magic array!

In an instant everyone understood that the enemy seemed to be in front of him at this moment, but because this is within the illusion, who can guarantee that the enemy he saw is really there?

Even if the enemy can't be hit, what else can they do?

Finally, someone couldn't hold on, screamed ah, and was directly burned to the body by the black flame.

Then, after just a few short breaths, the screams stopped, and a scorched corpse was added to the ground again.

Faced with this situation, someone finally broke down.

"Please! Please! I beg you, spare my life!"

With a roar and cry, one of them knelt down in Qin Shaofeng's direction and began to beg for mercy.

There were two, and soon several people knelt down.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng was unmoved by this, still letting blood and tears flow in his eyes, madly swallowing the first-grade nine-layer spirit pill.

However, in fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't see the scene of these people kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Because of the overloaded display of Amaterasu at this moment, his vision has been blurred, and even because of **** water, Qin Shaofeng saw only a **** red in front of him.

And because of the constant tingling in his head, Qin Shaofeng couldn't hear the sound for a long time.

Qin Shaofeng only told Xiaoqiuqiu and waited for the enemy to be wiped out before telling him.

In this way, begging for mercy was fruitless, and soon many people turned into a scorched corpse in regret and pain.

In the end, when the Xiao Zhoutian Illusion Array finally couldn't hold on, it instantly collapsed and revealed the real field outside.

This made the nine people who still insisted, madly surprised!

The nine people who have persisted are all true geniuses, each with an aura value close to ten million, and some of them even exceed ten million.

At this moment, when the illusion broke, they finally fled as if they had seen some hope.

It's a pity that only after this move, three of them screamed violently, and the aura in the body was exhausted and enveloped in black flames.

And at this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was finally reminded by the small ball, shook his hands violently and shook out three silver blades.

Then there were three screams, but at this time, Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't hold on, the Kaleidoscope writing wheel disappeared instantly, and Amaterasu stopped.

This made the last three people barely escape.

Although Xiaoqiuqiu told himself that there were three others, Qin Shaofeng was unable to catch up at this moment.

Sitting paralyzed, Qin Shaofeng sat directly on the ground and began to gasp for breath.

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