Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3949: Feeling

Qin Shaofeng just glanced over there casually, and concentrated all his mind on the blade of grass in his hand.

From pure observation, the grass blades seem to be very unusual.

It seems to be just a common plant.

But when he condensed all his mind into the blade of grass, and started to study with the power of the soul crystal, he suddenly discovered something different.

On this blade of grass, there are dense restrictions.

Or it cannot be said to be condensed on it.

To put it another way, it should be said that countless prohibitions in the space fell on it, thus turning this blade of grass into a terrifying baby that gathered countless prohibitions.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly felt brightened.

His vision may be very high.

But he has never seen prohibition.

Suddenly seeing it, just thinking about it, it seems difficult to come up with a reason.

But the appearance of this blade of grass overturned all his thoughts.

Who stipulated that prohibition can only act in nothingness?

The talisman and formations of the Cangming Realm are all structures such as lines on a certain carrier.

He can't directly condense the restriction out of thin air now, can't he construct the restriction on a certain carrier?

My current cultivation base is indeed insufficient.

But as long as he raises his cultivation base, I believe that one day he will be able to understand why the prohibition appears in the air, and then personally create a prohibition that only works in the air.

After thinking about it, he just picked a blade of grass from the ground.

Thinking about the structure of the prohibition in his heart, he began to condense out of thin air a simplest and preliminary prohibition, imprinting it on the blade of grass.

The prohibition seems simple, but in fact it is not.

When he printed the restriction towards the leaves, he clearly saw the weak blade of grass, which could not bear the power of the restriction at all, and suddenly turned into a ball of dust.

"What a tyrannical restraint!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, and then, once again plucked a blade of grass from the ground.

It also condenses an initial level of prohibition.

This time, they didn't directly imprint on the grass blades, but randomly placed them on the grass blades.

After being suspended in the air for a while, it has slowly fallen on the grass.


Starlight circulated on the blade of grass, and then it became ordinary.

It seems that it is still just the original ordinary blade.

But he could faintly feel a little dangerous aura fluctuation from that blade.

Those breath fluctuations are very obvious, and if you don't pay attention to it carefully, you can't find it at all.

He also knew that, after all, this was just the simplest prohibition brand.

If he could follow the other blade in his hand and imprint the dense and almost endless restrictions, I am afraid that it would be an extremely simple matter to kill a person like him.

He just thought about it for a moment, and he gave up.

After all, he doesn't have so much time now.

As long as they can thoroughly understand the prohibition and allow them to move forward quickly, they have already achieved the set goal.

For everything else, it is not too late to plan slowly after they leave.

He thought about it in silence, and then began to study in depth.

Time passed very quickly in his slow research.

It was another three days in a blink of an eye.

The first soul crystal he used before was exhausted, and he replaced the second soul crystal to finally complete his research.

Nearly half of the time passed.

Although he could not completely understand the situation of the prohibition, he already roughly understood the composition of the prohibition.

At least it is not too difficult for him to condense most of the restrictions he has seen before.

As for the dismantling, naturally there is a certain degree of assurance.

This situation is enough for them to move forward.

"Shao Feng, you can be regarded as finishing the research, how about it, are there any findings?" Qi Tomb hurried over.

"I roughly figure out the composition of this weird thing. If it is not too difficult, I believe I have some certainty to crack it." Qin Shaofeng smiled.

After hearing the words, everyone's faces were full of joy.

After all, three days ago, the three of them had personally seen the horror of that illusion.

Even Fairy Ruan Zhen, who is quite conceited, didn't dare to rush over to ask for trouble.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's arrogant words, everyone sighed in relief.

"It's good that you finally found something. We have been delayed here for a full 13 days. Before the ruins are closed this time, only the last 17 days are left, and we have to add the time for the return journey. "Qi Mu smiled.

"Seventeen days may be a little nervous."

Qin Shaofeng nodded and said in a deep voice, "But it doesn't matter if we can't do it in a certain period of time. We have already made a major discovery this time. If there are more dangerous situations in it, we should treat it as a big deal. Up."

The people from Qi Tomb nodded together.

Even Ruan Zhen had to admit that the three people she sent to protect Shen Jun and his group were all top players.

Even if her cultivation is already at the bottleneck, if she breaks through, she won't be able to enter next time.

But there are other dangers inside, and even if they want to pass, they are just idiotic dreams.

"Okay, everyone don't waste time anymore, hurry up and act!" Qin Shaofeng immediately looked at everyone.

"Xiao Liu, you and Qi Zhen Qi Huang are exploring the way ahead, but don't rush into the place where such weird things exist. If you find anything, please tell us in time, and we will go in together."

"The others are still moving forward as they did 13 days ago, go!"

Qin Shaofeng is backed by Qi Tomb and Qi Xian brothers, making him seem to have become the leader of this temporary team.

He gave an order and immediately brought everyone together.

Ruan Zhen and the rest of the fairies in the Lingyun Immortal Palace did not have even the slightest other opinion. After all, the situation here is too weird. It is a great thing for them to take the initiative to take the lead.

They have already started to move, but they don't know.

After Qi Xian used the big formation, the space in the entire ruins began to become unstable.

Even if there is no change on the spot, it is already on the verge of ending at any time.

People who have had countless pieces of information have already found the previous location, and have faintly felt it, it seems that it is easier to move forward than the rumors.

But at that time, it was only a faint feeling, and it was impossible to go deeper.

But when they really walked towards the depths of the ruins.

With their deepening, the gaps that were already weaker than before, I don't know how many times, have become bigger.

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