Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3950: opened

Faint passages began to form.

This is a ruin resembling a temple, and the general shape can only be seen through all simple instruments.

The handsome young man in Yunxian Hall was staring at Mi Oh and pressing the front position with excitement.

"It's going to go, it's going to go!"

The young handsome man couldn't help shouting: "It seems that what we have prepared is really useful, and it is actually gradually dissolving this possible space node."

He was already so excited that he couldn't help himself, and didn't notice that, following him, the young man who was specially sent by Yunxian Temple to protect him, looked very strange.

"Is this... really the hole that our empty worms gnawed out of?"

"The only thing left is that if you let the third son hear, you will have a lesson."

"Cough cough cough, I am just, just..."

"No matter how the gap appears, it is a great thing for us. Let everyone be ready, and we are ready to go in at any time."

"Everyone prepares immediately. As soon as this space node breaks open, everyone must rush in in the shortest time."



Very far away on the other side.

This is a small lake, on the edge of the lake, there is a huge whirlpool.

There is also a large group of military corrections actively waiting here.

They are from the Tianji Tower.

According to the story passed down from the Tianji Tower, there is most likely a place here that can lead to a deeper entrance to the ruins.

Maybe that entrance does not exist, but it is absolutely impossible to guarantee.


But just such a news made them come near the whirlpool the first time they came in.

Soon, a round of indiscriminate bombing had begun.

Countless attacks fell on the vortex, causing the vortex to open faster and faster.

"Everyone attack together, open this gap as soon as possible!" The youth headed by Tianji Tower shouted, and his attack became more violent first.

Even if it is not, they will take out one by one to attack the talisman and use it.

Although they all have an identity gap.

But in order to make this trip smooth, the ancestor Wentian of Tianjilou was always calculating their situation.

Even if one of them is the one with the lowest status, status and cultivation level to gain inheritance, no one else can go up and grab it.

With this level of guarantee, no one will be passively sabotaged.

Countless attacks fell like indiscriminate bombing, making the entrance of this whirlpool increasingly weak.

Accompanied by a roar that seemed to appear from the air.

The entire whirlpool suddenly turned into a pitch black entrance.

Everyone's eyes flashed suddenly, and they all rushed into the entrance at full speed.

But most of the forces invited by the Zunxian Temple have come multiple times, and they have some preliminary understanding of this place.

Although the location they were looking for was not an easy point to enter.

But as Qin Shaofeng and the others went deeper, and the Yunxian Hall and Tianji Building broke through the space barriers one after another, all other nodes immediately began to break down quickly.

The ruins have been opened too many times.

But every time, everyone is almost looking for opportunities in the outermost world, and there have not been many casualties.

Even some people with weaker cultivation bases quickly got in after discovering a weak spot in the space.

But I don't know.

Is this world as simple as they imagined?

There is indeed no danger in the outer ordinary world.

But Qin Shaofeng and his party just entered from the outermost periphery of the inner world of nothingness, and they almost killed Shen Jun and his party in the illusion.

These people rushed in directly from a deeper place, wouldn't they be looking for death?

But where do they know this?

After finally finding a wasteland that has never been developed, they can't wait to rush in and grab the treasure for the first time. Where else can they think of many others?

Among them, there are more than three hundred people who have a hall of worship.

It can be said.

The moment Qin Shaofeng led people into action, it seemed as if they started howling together in everyone's hearts, and everyone almost moved together.

In a short period of time, Qin Shaofeng had already brought everyone to the first place, where he had trapped Shen Jun and others.

Since the grass leaves here have been picked by Liu Kaishan, there is no danger here.

They passed smoothly soon.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that the sky and the earth seemed to be darkened, and it seemed that a layer of gray mist had appeared around him.

"Xuedi Qin, this is similar to the illusion we encountered for the first time. We should enter a similar place again." Long Haoyue was the first to speak.

Fairy Ruan Zhen also looked at the three girls beside her.

After getting exactly the same answer, everyone's expression suddenly became tense.

"It can be regarded as coming to the place, but this distance is too close, right?" Qin Shaofeng's face was bitter.

If they continue to look at the status quo, they want to explore this place again, and it will definitely not end in seventeen days.

Not daring to think any more, he immediately used the soul promotion brought by the soul crystal completely.

Everything in front of me seemed to be different.

All the existence of prohibition, all appeared before his eyes.


Qin Shaofeng pointed towards a dead tree in the distance.

Since Liu Kaishan received such an order from him, he was already ready.

The first time he heard his order, he stepped forward.

But at the moment he took the first step, the grass blades under his feet seemed to suddenly become sharp swords, piercing the soles of his feet.

"Ah! What the **** is this!"

Liu Kaishan suddenly screamed in pain.

Because of Qin Shaofeng's finger just now, everyone's attention was on the distant tree, and no one noticed the situation on Liu Kaishan's side.

Turning their heads abruptly, everyone took a breath.

The most ordinary blade of grass actually pierced the soles of a martial artist of Heaven and Moon.

Even if Liu Kaishan didn't pay attention to his feet, nor did he get his cultivation to a higher level with the help of others, it shouldn't have happened.

Then the reason can only be that this space is definitely not like what they encountered before.

"Let me try it!"

Qi Zhen spoke immediately. Like Xiao Liu, he has a good control over his figure.

And he is still the peak cultivation base of Tianyue Position.

Even if he wanted the people brought by Qin Shaofeng to take risks.

But Liu Kaishan didn't wait for anyone's request, so he tried it first, and he was directly injured. He couldn't force Qin Shaofeng to send other people, right?

Since it will be his turn sooner or later, it will naturally be easier to get the attention of people above him if he takes the initiative to stand up.

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