Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3954: Freehand

"Brother Qin, we really don't need them to travel together, just explore it by ourselves?" Qi Xian still asked with some worry.

Upon hearing this, Qi Mu and others also looked towards him.

When they came here, they had already seen that everyone in Lingyun Immortal Palace was already exploring the past in other directions.

Maybe it's reluctant to admit defeat, or maybe it's not enough.

But no matter what the reason is, let them know that they are the only people who will come and go.

"Without their presence, it will only make it easier for us to walk. Don't you think that more people like them can play a role in danger?" Qin Shaofeng shrugged indifferently.

In a word, Qi Xian was dumbfounded.

Judging from everything they had walked in before, it seemed that they were really what Qin Shaofeng said.

The people in Lingyun Immortal Palace were too self-righteous, and they really didn't help much.

Qi Mu believed what Qin Shaofeng said very much.

After all, he had explored with Qin Shaofeng.

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang became a little worried.

Regardless of the previous situation.

At this moment, it seemed that among them, only the two of them and Qi Tomb were left with the three peak martial arts practitioners.

If something unexpected happens, it is really not easy to solve.

"Go, the next dangerous place should be ahead."

Qin Shaofeng looked for a hand at everyone, but he took the lead in walking in.

After experiencing the previous two detections, he did not remove the enhancement of his soul anymore, and he was naturally able to see the situation in front of him at a glance.

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang looked at each other.

But the brothers Qi Xian and Qi Mu, followed closely behind Qin Shaofeng, making them nervous, but they had to follow.

The prohibition in front of him once again created a strange space.

But after Qin Shaofeng had previous experience, he could easily see the situation in this world.

I asked Tianxu insect king in my mind.

After getting an accurate answer, immediately let it act.

Just a breath.

This time it was like a shattered tile.

If something similar is not here, it will definitely not attract anyone's attention.

But in such places, such things have become the biggest problem of prohibition.

Under the various abilities of the Jade Dragon King, it was easy to get it done.

And the one who really controls its soul-gathering is a Heavenly Void Insect King. With the powerful combination, it is natural and simple to get the restriction.

"This... Is this broken?"

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang, who were still a little worried, were stunned.

They looked at the restrictions that had disappeared after only a few blinks of an eye, and they all felt that the Three Views were subverted.

Although they have not tried, they can all feel that this prohibition is definitely more difficult than the two previously encountered.

But in front of Qin Shaofeng, it turned out to be so vulnerable.

This gap really makes them unacceptable.


Qin Shaofeng did not pause in the slightest.

Putting away the Emerald Dragon King and the tile-like forbidden core, he once again stepped forward and walked out.

One restriction after another, Qin Shaofeng and Void Insect King's successive cracking, went all the way for two days without stopping them.

In a blink of an eye it was another two days.

There are still thirteen days before the end of the ruins.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's team, they no longer have the eagerness they had before, and it can even be said that they have begun to look forward to it.

Qin Shaofeng's 13 days of insights really brought them a big surprise.


This feeling of expectation did not last long.

When they calculated, after Qin Shaofeng broke the nine hundred and ninety-nine bans in succession, he walked forward, and finally there was no such ban before.

But what appeared in front of them now was not the expected heritage site.

It is a world that seems to be formed by a vast forest.

Before setting foot in the forest, a feeling of extreme danger has already flooded my heart.

"Shaofeng, the forest in front is probably not as simple as we have seen." Qi Tomb walked quickly to Qin Shaofeng's side and said.

"It's not as simple as what we have seen."

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said with a smile: "But even if it's not simple, under normal circumstances, there are three situations where you can't run, one is a puzzle-like terrain, one is full of various toxins, and the other is a living forest."

As he spoke, he reached out into the space ring.

A dozen pills were found out from them, and they were handed out one by one.

"Now that they are all my own, there is no need for me to keep concealing them anymore. These are the detoxification pills prepared by Palace Master Qi. Although they may not be just enough to restrain the poison that may appear in the forest, it is also because the level is high enough. Enough." Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

The two brothers Qi Mu and Qi Xian knew about this for a long time.

The Seven Long Haoyue and Qi Zhen Qi Huang's eyes widened.

"It turned out to be bestowed by the Lord?"

"This, this too..."

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang both exclaimed.

They had only left a deep shock at Qin Shaofeng.

But there was already a deep understanding in his heart.

No wonder this kid is so simple.

It's no wonder that the two Highnesses will be among Qin Shaofeng's group of people and a dozen fairies in Lingyun Immortal Palace, choosing him without too much thought.

It seems that this kid is really not as simple as we have seen!

"Next, let us violently open the way!"

Qin Shaofeng backhanded and drew out the spatial ring again, and he just took out ten talismans containing the power of the Void Realm powerhouse.

"go with!"

A handful of talisman crumbs to show all the power contained in the talisman.

Even if Qi Mu and the others stood behind him, they all felt a panic.

The attacking power of the Void Realm was really beyond their imagination.

I saw the dazzling light in front of Qin Shaofeng flashing past.

Then they discovered that a horrible passage that was more than ten meters wide and with no end in depth had appeared in front of them.

This was actually caused by an attack from that piece of attack talisman.


Qin Shaofeng continued to greet everyone.

He doesn't care what the forest is like, since there are so many treasures in his hands, it is rare not to use it.

Others were even more shocked.

Even Qi Tomb, who has experienced countless adventures, couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “My father’s handwriting is really not so big. If I could have so many treasures before, I might be able to crack more and don’t know how many remains ."

"Brother, you are wrong to say this. When you go out, you are only practicing. This time we are working for the entire Zunxian Temple." Qi Xian couldn't help but retorted.

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