Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3955: Violent

In the past, Qi Xian didn't dare to attack the tomb of Big Brother Qi in this way.

But this matter is different.

Qin Shaofeng was able to get so many treasures, but because of his words, he naturally wanted to stand up and say such things.

But he didn't expect it.

When this was said, Qi Mu opened his mouth again.

Qi Mu knew exactly what his brother was like before, and he didn't even dare to show up in front of him.

Now dare to come and **** yourself?

It seems that in the past few years that Ge Wantao has been with him, the changes to Qi Xian are truly unparalleled!

They whispered in the back.

Qin Shaofeng won't relax at all.

Walking in this kind of forest that obviously felt very dangerous, I went all the way for more than ten minutes without encountering any danger.

This situation seemed unusual, but it made Qin Shaofeng more cautious.

After all, his first life was a modern world of various martial arts, fantasy, and fairy tale novels, and he knew a lot of strange and strange situations.

This situation looks unusual, but in fact it is too abnormal.

Before even the prohibition in Xianxia novels appeared.

Who knows if things like Jiugong Bagua Formation will appear in this forest?

Only when you are very careful can you walk past safely.

He kept thinking in his heart, his eyes always watching the surroundings.

Soon after continuing to move forward, he discovered that the end of the previous Void Realm attack was already in front of him.

But at the end of the attack, there was no imaginary forest, but a smooth road, as if it had become the most common road.

"Huh? We actually walked directly on the right road?"

When Qi Xian saw the smooth road ahead, he was surprised.

But when his voice fell.

Only he was the only one who was really surprised.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng, Qi Mu and others.

Even Long Haoyue, Long Xiaoxiao, and others are full of doubts and worries.

"Brother Qin, wouldn't it be okay for us to come directly to the smooth road?" Qi Xian asked sincerely.

"It's not bad, but the problem is big."

Qin Shaofeng frowned and said, "It seems that my previous guess is not wrong. The plants in this forest should have their own life and wisdom, or else there is something beyond our imagination."

"Huh? Why?"

Qi Xian exclaimed. Immediately, his eyes fell on the smooth road in front of him and asked: "Is it because of this road? This road shouldn't have appeared, but these big trees were frightened by your previous attacks. Arrived, so deliberately cleared the way?"

"Besides, I can't think of any other possibilities."

Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly, but said with a more serious expression: "Since the forest can make my attack like this, it may not be impossible to create the traces of my attack."

Qi Mu said with a heavy expression: "In other words, we may have already walked into this forest now, on the road specially arranged for us?"

"It is very possible, and there is even another possibility, and that is fantasy."

Qin Shaofeng's words this time immediately made everyone's original worries more intense.

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Originally, after seeing the attack power of the Void Realm Attack Fulu, I thought I could save as much as possible.

But now it seems that it is obviously impossible.


He took out a bunch of talisman again.

But instead of using it toward the front, he turned around and looked behind him first.

Everyone looked back subconsciously.

Only then did I notice that the road behind did not know when it had become a dense forest.

With so many Tianyue powerhouses of them, none of them has even discovered the slightest.

"Go to me!"

Qin Shaofeng crushed and attacked the talisman, and directly bombarded the forest behind him.


There was another flash of white light.

This time, it was not just the forest that was attacked, it even hooked out a huge ravine up to ten meters deep from the ground.

He did not stop because of this.

Quite the opposite.

After he finished this blow, he crushed a piece of magic-breaking talisman, and blessed his ability to break the illusion on this gully.

After doing this, he turned around again and blasted towards the smooth broadsword ahead.

The same is the formation of huge ravines up to ten meters deep.

Qin Shaofeng used the magic talisman again.

Then he said to everyone: "Everyone speed up, try to get to the end in the shortest time, and then we will go forward a little bit to open the way."

Even Qi Xian has already understood that the current situation is not as simple as the eyes can see.

Everyone used their full strength together and galloped forward along this huge gully.

They didn't care whether this forest really gave way or had other plans.

Under these circumstances, the only thing they can trust is themselves.

Attack after attack, sprint forward again and again.

It still took them a full day before they finally rushed out of this forest area.

Looking at the vast expanse of the desert area ahead, everyone felt black in front of them.

"What is going on here? How many weird levels are there?" Qi Xian couldn't help but yelled out in grief.

The shout out, a scene that no one expected appeared, and it caused an echo.

"Over there, the voice is coming from over there, let's go over and take a look!"

This voice was extremely anxious, and it also gave people a somewhat crazy feeling, as if they had been trapped in this forest and were about to collapse.

A roar sounded from the forest behind him.

Not long after, I saw five ragged, dusty young men rushing out of the forest.

"Are you... from the Tianji Tower?"

Qi Mu observed the faces of those people for a while before finally identifying the identity of the person who had been killed out of the forest.

This is because he has personally contacted these people, otherwise I am afraid that he will be powerless.

"Qi Tomb? Qi Xian?"

Isn't the person who walked out of the forest the person from the Tianji Tower?

They only entered the forest for five days.

But in these five days, the team of dozens of them lost only the last and most elite five.

The reason why they were able to kill from the forest.

But it is not just because of the cultivation base, on the other hand, the reason is the heavenly secret technique that they must cultivate.

The headed person is Luo Xingjun, who is the son of the original poster of Tianji Lou.

The cultivation of Heavenly Mystery Technique has reached a very high level.

But even so, he almost fell in this forest. If it weren't for Qi Xian's scream, he would not have the confidence to walk such a short distance in one day.

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