Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 397: Monthly reading and Suzano

In a dense forest on Yunque Peak, after avoiding more than 100,000 fire skylarks, Qin Shaofeng finally began to recuperate with peace of mind.

Although the writing wheel eyes evolved into the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, eliminating the side effects, Qin Shaofeng still felt extremely exhausted.

This is mental fatigue, and Qin Shaofeng intends to take a rest.

Moreover, in Qin Shaofeng's view, after this battle, I am afraid that no one will be bothering him for the time being.

However, when he was resting, Qin Shaofeng was the first to check the attributes of his evolved eternal kaleidoscope.

Write round eyes: Level 5 0/1 million, god-level active skills, a pupil technique in "Naruto", the powerful blood inheritance boundary of the Uchiha clan, is a powerful pupil technique. The current level is 5, and the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has been initially awakened, the pupil power has been further strengthened, and the side effects of the writing wheel eye pupil technique have been eliminated, and the skills must be Sanohu, Amaterasu, Moon Reading, and Copy.

After level 5, it takes 1 million points of skill proficiency to upgrade the writing wheel.

Just as Qin Shaofeng expected, after evolving into the eternal kaleidoscope, the side-effects of the eye pupil technique, the side effects of the eye pupil technique were finally eliminated, and the attributes of Amaterasu and copy skills were also changed.

Amaterasu: One of the kaleidoscope writing round eye pupil technique. When this technique is performed, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye will release a black flame at the focus of the eye, and the flame will burn until the target is completely burned out before extinguishing itself.

After the evolution of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, the power of Amaterasu is improved. If it is to be used, it will consume a lot of spiritual power. The stronger the burning target, the more spiritual power needs to be consumed.

Copy: Use the eternal kaleidoscope to write the super insight ability, see through all the subtle movements of the opponent, and completely copy the skills that the opponent has seen through, and become a skill that you can master. Level 5 Writer Eye has two copy skills.

After looking at the attributes of Amaterasu, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the current Amaterasu needs to consume spiritual energy in order to exert its most powerful strength.

However, Qin Shaofeng can still consume aura and use Amaterasu, but relatively speaking, the Amaterasu used by Auras is not much different from the Amaterasu used by Kaleidoscope Shalulanyan before.

At most, there are no side effects.

If Qin Shaofeng wanted to see the Amaterasu of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shakulanyan version, he could only condense the Yuan Dan, enter the Xiao Yuan Dan realm, and transform his body's aura into spiritual power.

However, the number of copy skills has increased by one more.

Qin Shaofeng attached great importance to this copying skill, because he didn't know whether he could give up after copying. After giving up, whether the copy quota disappeared or was vacated, Qin Shaofeng did not rashly use this copying ability.

Of course, if he encounters a skill that makes Qin Shaofeng's heart beat, he will naturally use it.

However, it's better to put it aside for now.

After reading the two original skills, Qin Shaofeng turned his eyes and fell on the next skill, his heart jumped.

Monthly reading: One of the kaleidoscope writing round eye pupil technique. This technique moves the opponent's spirit to a monthly reading space created entirely by the imagination of the caster. In the moon reading space, all space, time, and quality are controlled by the will of the surgeon. Once it succeeds, it can ignore the opponent's own strength.

(Note: The consumption after successful monthly reading is based on the time in the monthly reading space. How long it lasts, the spirit of the surgeon is equivalent to the same time passed!)

"Monthly reading! It's monthly reading!"

After seeing Yuedu, Qin Shaofeng was excited.

This thing is a perverted illusion!

Think about it, in reality, only a moment has passed, but in the Moon Reading Space, two or three days have passed.

Except for abnormality, Qin Shaofeng could not find a second adjective.

With a move in his heart, he glanced at his current spiritual energy value, and felt a little bit. After the Yundan in his dantian had recovered all his strength, Qin Shaofeng planned to try the power of reading this month.


His eyes flashed slightly, and a six-pointed star pattern appeared.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel is open!

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't feel uncomfortable when he opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel.

Every time before opening the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, Qin Shaofeng would feel a little uncomfortable with his eyes, even if it was an extra layer of shackles, it increased some pressure.

But now Qin Shaofeng has no such feeling at all.



This was Qin Shaofeng's only feeling at this moment, as if he hadn't opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel.

And Qin Shaofeng also discovered one thing, that is, after he opened the eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes at this moment, his spiritual energy value has not decreased.

"It's worthy of being the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, just simply opening the writing wheel eyes, it doesn't consume any spiritual energy!"

With a sigh of emotion, Qin Shaofeng again saw the power of an eternal kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

"Well, well, let's try monthly reading now!"

With a soft whisper, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed, and Yue Reading started instantly.

Then his head was empty, and Qin Shaofeng immediately felt that he had come to a strange space.

This space is gray, just a space about three meters long, wide and high.

After appearing in this space, Qin Shaofeng immediately opened his attribute interface.


The system properties interface still pops up smoothly.

"Well, the system interface can be called normally!"

Nodded slightly, and then Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on his spiritual energy column.

"One million less aura points? So to open a monthly reading space, you need to consume 1 million aura points, which is okay. Well, let's see how much aura points are needed to maintain this monthly reading space. ."

After reading the attributes of monthly reading, Qin Shaofeng knew that the consumption of monthly reading was based on the time of the monthly reading space, not the original time of the outside world.

One minute later, Qin Shaofeng saw that his aura value had decreased by one million points again. At this time, Qin Shaofeng understood that whether it was turned on or maintained for one minute, it would consume 1 million aura points.

Not only that, after staying for a while, Qin Shaofeng really understood the meaning of the phrase "in the moon reading space, all space, time, and quality in the moon reading space are governed by the will of the surgeon".

Really totally dominate!

As long as he has enough spiritual energy, Qin Shaofeng can not only visualize anything he imagined in this month's reading space, but he can also expand this month's reading space.

This is simply a god-like existence!

Even Qin Shaofeng thought of creating humans in the end, but unfortunately he failed in the end.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand that he was a false **** after all.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that his aura was not enough.

Because before he knew it, Qin Shaofeng spent a lot of spiritual energy and created a bunch of things as he imagined.

This caused Qin Shaofeng not only to consume his own aura, but even the aura in the five cloud pills was almost exhausted.

Until then, Qin Shaofeng reluctantly left the moon reading space.


With a flower in front of him, Qin Shaofeng once again saw the familiar place outside.

With his gaze, Qin Shaofeng looked at a lighted incense in front of him.

Because he wanted to know the comparison between the monthly reading space and the outside time, Qin Shaofeng had lit a piece of incense before him.

Now after the moon reading was over, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the incense hadn't burnt much at all, not much different from the way he had entered the moon reading space before.

This is a real moment!

After understanding Yuexue, Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the last skill.


In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, this seemed to be an invincible force!

Suzuo can be invincible in defense, no one can break it!

This is Qin Shaofeng's understanding of this trick.

Of course, the so-called invincible defense is just facing the attack of most forces.

If it encounters a more powerful force, the defense power of Suzuo can be amazing, but it will not achieve a true invincible defense.

What about his own Suzuo?

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng continued to watch.

Susao Nohu: The third pupil technique in the state of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, the defensive ninjutsu skills of the blood inheritance limit type, consumes a lot of money. Player Qin Shaofeng's current realm can only display the initial form and the first form of Suzuonenghu.

A very simple introduction, Qin Shaofeng still can't see how it is.

But Qin Shaofeng also discovered at this time that at present, with his own realm, he was able to perform well and completely in his own way.

"Is it just the initial and first form?" Qin Shaofeng was slightly disappointed with a slight frown.

But after Qin Shaofeng saw the attributes of these two forms, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Initial form: Only arms and ribs are changed, which can be used for attack and defense. The body is not completely wrapped by Suzuo Nenghu, but a large gap is left, but the defense is enough to withstand most attacks. Taking aura as a consumption, it needs to consume 10 million aura points every second.

The first form: The shape is in the shape of a skeleton, which will completely cover the body, and the defense power will be further improved, but there are still gaps in the soles of the feet, and the defense can be broken by too violent attacks. At this time, Suzano can hold some simple weapons, such as ordinary swords, etc., and the attack method is ordinary physical strikes. (Currently not available)

Needless to say the first form, what makes Qin Shaofeng's egg painful is that even the initial form actually consumes 10 million aura points per second.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't help it.

"I circled a cross, and combined with my current aura, that is, with the five cloud pills of the dantian, it can maintain the Suzuo Nenghu for six seconds at most? And is it the most original form?"

Very dissatisfied complained, Qin Shaofeng really didn't know what to say.

But half an hour later, after his spiritual energy recovered, when Qin Shaofeng planned to try this Suzuonenghu, Qin Shaofeng didn’t expect that Suzuonenghu, who was only in the initial form, had a more defensive power than Leidun’s body. To be much stronger.

In the words of Xiaoqiuqiu, with this trick, if you meet a master at the Great Yuandan realm, Qin Shaofeng will not be killed by the opponent.

Well, for at least six seconds, many great masters of the Great Yuan Dan realm can't help Qin Shaofeng.

Moreover, Xiaoqiuqiu also told Qin Shaofeng that once Qin Shaofeng entered the Xiaoyuan Dan realm and his spiritual energy was transformed into spiritual power, the initial form of this trick must be able to prevent him from attacking most people below the three yuan realm.

With such an evaluation from Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng finally paid attention to it.

And this is only the initial form, once you have spiritual power, you may be able to use the first form.

In that case, wouldn't Suzuo be even more perverted?

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