Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 398: Mission Ten Stars and Beiming Shen Gong

One day later, after Qin Shaofeng had rested for a day, he finally set off again.

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng was that it had only been a day, and there were more people chasing him.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's identity had not yet been exposed.

"Oh, these people really don't cry without seeing the coffin, so they dare to chase me?"

With a cold smile, Qin Shaofeng's face showed a trace of disdain as he cast his gaze somewhere.

But then Qin Shaofeng chuckled again, his expression intrigued.

"Well, that's okay, after all, my limit kill mission is only a little bit short of the number of people to gather 500 people!"

That pit kill, Qin Shaofeng's legendary seckill was tenfold, more than 300 people, plus the number of people Qin Shaofeng killed in the previous few days.

This made Qin Shaofeng's progress in this extreme upgrade mission surpassed the nine-star completion degree, or even ten-star completion soon.

Because the legendary ten people killed by Qin Shaofeng, all of them have exceeded 400 people.

After a day's rest, Qin Shaofeng had less than three days left.

So Qin Shaofeng acted again.

But this time, no one organized everyone, and the people who chased Qin Shaofeng were scattered.

Moreover, this place is Skylark Peak after all, and no matter how strong the original team is, it has suffered a lot of casualties even now.

This gave Qin Shaofeng time to practice monthly reading.

Then, Qin Shaofeng found that facing his monthly reading, even a person of the legendary tenth realm had no power to resist.

As long as he meets Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng can draw the other party directly into his monthly reading space.

Even the goal is not only limited to one person, but in most cases, Qin Shaofeng pulled ten people into the monthly reading space.

However, these ten people are already Qin Shaofeng's current limit.

But even if it is ten people, once the monthly reading is over, it will definitely die.

Because everyone who was drawn into the monthly reading space was broken by Qin Shaofeng.

Because Yuedu had just started, Qin Shaofeng naturally felt very fresh, and his playfulness became great. Everyone who was drawn into the moonreading space by him was basically mentally broken by him and then directly brain-dead.

So soon someone discovered that some people died very strangely for some reason.

There was no wound in his whole body, but the expression on his face was extremely frightened, as if he had suffered an extremely terrifying thing before his death.

This makes people feel that the other party is scared to death.

But there are many masters in the legendary tenth realm among them, this is impossible!

Which legendary master of the tenth realm will be scared to death?

You must know that since a certain figure in the Qianshan Sect expressed his dissatisfaction, at this moment, except for those patrolling and guarding disciples, there are no masters beyond the legendary realm.

As the legendary realm, who can scare some legendary top ten masters to death?

So, this is weird.

But Qin Shaofeng said that he was not happy with each other, and still found someone to practice monthly reading.

In this way, before this ultimate killing mission was over, one day before the end, Qin Shaofeng's legendary ten masters had already reached 480 people.

"Well, there are still twenty people short, and it can be done within today!"

On a big tree in a dense forest somewhere, Qin Shaofeng murmured lightly, watching the current progress of his mission.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon felt something was wrong.

Because all morning, he didn't meet many people.

The legendary kills are tenfold, that is, only five or six.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that something was wrong.

In the end, after finally meeting a small team, Qin Shaofeng learned from the opponent's legendary tenth captain what was going on.

Originally, the three people who had escaped from Qin Shaofeng Shouli had spread Qin Shaofeng's strength.

But at the beginning, no one believed that many of them continued to sneak into Yunque Peak, chasing and killing Qin Shaofeng.

This is what Qin Shaofeng felt strange before.

Let me just say, so many people have been killed, and some people have caught up with them over their own means. I didn't know!

However, after someone finally discovered the place where Qin Shaofeng had killed him, many people were shocked and scared away.

At first, only a small number of people gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing Qin Shaofeng and escaped from Yunque Peak.

Later, when more and more people learned about it, naturally more and more people gave up.

The bronze-level Qianshan Ling is indeed very attractive, but the problem is that no matter how attractive it is, it must be fate to get it!

Life is gone, even if it’s a silver-tiered Qianshan Order, what can it do?

So for a while, most people started to withdraw from Skylark Peak.

After understanding why there were so few people, Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly.

"Oh, from now on the relationship, no one wants to chase me down!"

However, compared with this, Qin Shaofeng cares about another news most.

His identity was exposed!

At this moment, everyone knew that the person who collected the first piece of bronze order Qianshan Ling was him, Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about such exposure.

Because this matter can't be concealed later, the exposure will be exposed.

But what made Qin Shaofeng very upset was that his identity was now exposed.

Because of the rewards offered before, many people have already known about their relationship with Zhao Yuner.

"My identity has been exposed, and I am afraid that it will cause some trouble for Yun'er."

Frowning slightly, Qin Shaofeng began to worry about the three Zhao Yuner.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also had a hint of murder in his heart!

Needless to say, Qin Shaofeng also knew who the person who exposed him was.

Except for Lian Yufeng and his party, Qin Shaofeng couldn't think of a second person.

Because so far, I also know that they know their identities.

Even Qin Shaofeng had already determined in his heart that the reason why his identity was exposed, and it was exposed so quickly, this was definitely Lian Yufeng's handwriting.

After all, this is not the first time Qin Shaofeng has experienced Lian Yufeng's methods.

"Huh, even Yufeng's scheming is really deep. It seems that the next time I meet, I have to respond a little bit, otherwise I will not be kind!"

With a cold smile, a cold light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.


Although most people have withdrawn from Yunque Peak, there are still some people, because they didn't know such news, they didn't know how powerful Qin Shaofeng was, and they were still chasing after Qin Shaofeng.

Although there were few such people, it was enough for Qin Shaofeng to gather the last dozen people.

As the evening approached, after Qin Shaofeng once again killed a legendary Ten-level master, he finally got it, and he looked forward to the same system prompt.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the legendary ten masters. The number of players has reached 500, reaching the ten-star level of completion of this ultimate upgrade mission. I asked the player Qin Shaofeng to choose to complete this mission in advance?

Of course it was ahead of schedule. At this point, Qin Shaofeng would not hesitate.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully completing this extreme upgrade task and reaching ten-star completion! From now on, player Qin Shaofeng can choose to upgrade his level and promote to Xiaoyuan Dan realm!"

After a system prompt, this extreme upgrade task finally ended.

And soon, Qin Shaofeng was rewarded for this mission.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning five million system bonus points. The current player Qin Shaofeng has 6.35 million and 7432 points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning the system rewards for three ordinary lottery opportunities. The current player Qin Shaofeng has three ordinary lottery opportunities!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for winning a special lucky draw opportunity for system rewards. The current player Qin Shaofeng has one special lucky draw chance!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for getting the system reward level increased by two levels. Player Qin Shaofeng can directly upgrade to the third level of Xiaoyuan Dan realm after choosing to upgrade to Xiaoyuan Dan realm!"

A series of system prompts sounded, Qin Shaofeng Le broke.

Sure enough, the ten-star reward for completion is awesome!

However, compared with this, what Qin Shaofeng cares most about is the last reward.

A god-level skill randomly rewarded by the system!

"I don't know what kind of god-level skill I can get this time, I hope it is a super powerful skill!"

With a murmur, Qin Shaofeng's ears were already erected at the moment.

Finally, the last reward sounded.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining a random reward from the system for a god-level skill "Bei Ming Shen Gong"!"

Beiming magic?

Could it be the "Bei Ming Shen Gong" of the Xiaoyao School of "The Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragons"?

Qin Shaofeng was startled, then opened his own properties interface and quickly checked it out.

Beiming Divine Art: Level 1 0/100, god-level passive skills, top-notch skills of the Xiaoyao Sect, which can dissolve the power in the enemy's body and absorb it for yourself! It can also quickly absorb the aura of heaven and earth to increase the speed of cultivation and recovery. The current level is 1, which can double the training speed.

It really is "Bei Ming Shen Gong"!

When he saw the three characters of Xiaoyao School, Qin Shaofeng knew he was right.

But the problem is that Qin Shaofeng was a little disappointed after watching the attributes of "Northern Ming Divine Art".

"Improve the cultivation speed? This is useful for me? Master, I can kill monsters and upgrade!"

But at this time, the small ball suddenly appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, and he shouted with surprise on his face: "Good thing, good thing, this "Northern Ming Art" is definitely a powerful skill!"

"Strong?" Qin Shaofeng cast a skeptical look.

Seeing this, Xiaoqiuqiu glanced at him contemptuously, and with a small move, he had an extra low-grade spirit stone taken out of the original world space in his hand.

Throwing the low-grade spirit stone to Qin Shaofeng, Xiaoqiuqi said, "Come on, now try to absorb the aura in this low-grade spirit stone."

this is?

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, but he complied.

The moment Qin Shaofeng's face changed when the "Bei Ming Divine Art" began to absorb the spirit stone.

Because with the help of "Bei Ming Divine Art", a low-grade spiritual stone with one hundred spiritual power points, unexpectedly, in less than a minute, it directly turned into a spiritual stone.

The aura has been absorbed!

"I circled a cross, the absorption speed is so fast?"

Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded, and at this time Qin Shaofeng also understood.

Such an absorption speed is definitely a bunker.

Indeed, the consumed spiritual energy and even spiritual power can absorb the spiritual stone to recover.

But there are not many people like Qin Shaofeng's speed.

And most importantly, at this time Xiaoqiuqiu said an important factor that Qin Shaofeng ignored.

"Also don't forget, if you teach this "Northern Ming Art" to Yun'er that girl, how much faster will she practice "Star Realm"?"

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