Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 399: Meet Luo Chaokun again

Qin Shaofeng's face was startled, he seemed to have forgotten this.

But if it is true as Xiaoqiuqiu said yes, if the "Beiming Divine Art" is taught to Yun'er, that Yun'er's cultivation speed will probably skyrocket.

Regardless of Yun'er's current practice speed is relatively fast, but Qin Shaofeng knows that this is because of the guidance of the small ball, and the current Yun'er is the legendary state. For the powerful technique of "Star Boundary", this is even just beginning to get started. , Is a very reluctant state.

In this way, the cultivation speed will naturally increase.

However, according to Xiaoqiuqiu's statement, if Yun'er enters the Star Temple at this moment, her cultivation speed is probably even more amazing.

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't dare to think about the Star Temple or something.

But if it could speed up Yun'er's practice, Qin Shaofeng would help her as much as possible.

Don't think too much, this "Bei Ming Shen Gong" is absolutely qualified to make up one of the three vacancies for Yun'er.

However, thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng was a little pity.

"Oh, it's a pity. If you get this "Northern Ming Art" earlier, then Du Meng and Lao Tang can also have this "Northern Ming Art". Unfortunately, now their three skills are already full. It's destined to miss this "Bei Ming Divine Art"!"

Hearing Qin Shaofeng's sigh, Xiao Qiqiu rolled his eyes and returned directly to the original world.

Because Qin Shaofeng still has more than 50,000 skill proficiency levels, Qin Shaofeng spent 11,100 points in the end to upgrade the "Northern Ming Divine Art" to level 4.

Beiming Divine Art: 4th level 0/100000, god-level passive skills, top-notch skills of the Xiaoyao Sect, which can dissolve the enemy's internal strength and absorb it for yourself! It can also quickly absorb the aura of heaven and earth to increase the speed of cultivation and recovery. The current level is 4, which can increase the training speed by five times.

The cultivation speed of the 1st level Beiming Shen Gong is doubled, the 2nd level is twice, and the 3rd level is tripled.

However, at level 4, there was some improvement up to five times.

Based on this situation, Qin Shaofeng guessed that if "Northern Ming Divine Art" was upgraded to level 5, the cultivation speed could be increased ten times.

However, upgrading from level 4 to level 5 requires a full 100,000 points of skill proficiency. Qin Shaofeng doesn't have that much right now, so he can only do it temporarily.

As for the remaining skill proficiency of more than 40,000 points, Qin Shaofeng did not move.

Wukongshu and Xiaoli Feidao can use these skills to increase their proficiency by one level, but after considering that these two skills may be upgraded, just like the skills of writing round eyes, they need spiritual power to activate.

That's right, Qin Shaofeng is not so beautiful.

Although Qin Shaofeng can directly ascend to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, considering that he has the Bronze Rank Qianshan Order and must be in the Legend Realm to enter the reserve camp, Qin Shaofeng does not plan to upgrade for the time being.

Moreover, this period is time, and Qin Shaofeng also knows that if he can break through in the preparation camp of the Qianshan Sect, there seems to be a special environment for people to break through.

For this situation, Xiaoqiuqiu also suggested that Qin Shaofeng break through after entering the reserve camp.

After all, in that case, not only can the spiritual energy be smoothly transformed into spiritual power, and even once transformed, the spiritual power is definitely more than ordinary people.

Because of this, Qin Shaofeng agreed.

There is no way, who calls his spiritual roots his short feet. In order to make up for this, breaking through in a special environment is a favorable situation for him.

Just after Qin Shaofeng finished the inspection of the ultimate upgrade harvest, the blue light on his head suddenly disappeared.

The ten-day deadline is up!

The bronze light is gone!

At the same time, many people felt that at the same time, the orderless Qianshan Order in their hands, the cyan light that had always existed, disappeared instantly.

Many people raised their heads and looked somewhere, a trace of jealousy flashed in their eyes, or a trace of envy.

The bronze light disappeared, which meant that Qin Shaofeng already had the qualification to enter the reserve camp.

This Qin Shaofeng is really lucky!

Many people sigh with emotion.

But just when everyone thought that when the bronze light disappeared, Qin Shaofeng would follow the bronze light and be directly transmitted to the end of the assessment at the highest point of the 100th peak, Qin Shaofeng obeyed the bronze order of the thousand mountains. With a glance, he immediately put away the Qianshan Order.

Teleport away?

What a joke!

This is a dozen days away from the three-month deadline!

Leave like this?

is it possible?

However, the real reason was that Qin Shaofeng was a little worried about Yuner and the others.

There is another point, that is, Qin Shaofeng has another plan at this moment.

During this time, Qin Shaofeng killed many people.

And among these people, there may be many people who possess the Unordered Qianshan Order.

After all, most of those who can catch up with Qin Shaofeng have an orderless Qianshan Order.

Therefore, at this time, Qin Shaofeng's Qianshan Lingke was gone.

Because of deliberately collecting fragments before, Qin Shaofeng collected more than 300 Unordered Qianshan Orders, and after fusing a bronze order Qianshan Order, there are more than 200 left.

But now Qin Shaofeng's Orderless Qianshan Order is already more than 500 yuan.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng could once again merge the Five Bronze Orders of Qianshan.

This time the entrance examination, at most ten bronze orders of Qianshan can be merged.

But now Qin Shaofeng occupied six out of ten.

If this were to be spread out, I am afraid that even people who disdain to **** others' Qianshan Ling would not be able to help Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng was very thoughtful. He planned to let the three of Yun'er directly obtain the Qianshan Order of the Bronze Step, and then the four of them would enter the reserve camp together.

As for the extra, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to think about how to deal with it for a while.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew so far that he wanted to find Yuner and them.

Looking up at the tall Yunque Peak in the distance, Qin Shaofeng said with emotion.

"Skylark Peak! You helped me a lot this time!"

Indeed, if it hadn't been for Yunque Peak, the more people who chased Qin Shaofeng would become stronger.

Especially Qin Shaofeng now seems to have faintly guessed that there is something secretive about Yunque Peak.

If not, why didn't those real evil geniuses appear?

Qin Shaofeng noticed that the people who chased him into the Yunque Peak, at most, had very few auras reaching ten million.

And there is no one at 20 million.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu's guess, the enchanting genius who can be qualified to enter the reserve camp, I am afraid, to the greatest extent, the aura value is more than 30 million.

But during this time, Qin Shaofeng did not see one.

Do you really disdain to **** the Qianshan Order in his hand?

is it possible?

Of course not!

Then there is a reason, and that is that Skylark Peak is afraid that those geniuses are very jealous, and no one dares to break in.

Only those who didn't know the situation rushed in recklessly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know these things now.

However, Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart, as if he would still come to Yunque Peak.

Especially when he stepped out of Yunque Peak, this feeling became stronger and clearer.


At the same time, at the highest point of Yunque Peak, there is this crater-like basin.

I'm afraid not many people know that the top of Yunque Peak will be such a situation.

At this moment, there is a flame that is constantly burning and seems to never stop in this basin.

The flames filled the entire basin, making people look like a sea of ​​fire.

And at this moment, the center of this sea of ​​flames surged.

Suddenly, the flames in this place rose.

But if you look closely, you will find an extremely surprising thing.

Because this soaring flame is actually a giant.

This behemoth is also burning with the raging fire all over, as if it is integrated with the entire sea of ​​fire, and it is impossible to see its specific appearance.

But the only certainty is that the strength of this behemoth is absolutely extremely powerful.

At this moment, after moving, two golden lights appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and then two huge eyeballs appeared.

The two giant eyes turned slightly, as if they penetrated Yunque Peak and saw the edge of Yunque Peak at this moment.

Staring for a while, a thick voice rang.

"is it him?"

There was a suspicion first, and then another denial.

"No, although the breath looks like it, it's not him, and it's not the right age. It should be his bloodline. But..."

Suddenly, the giant eyes showed a rare surprise, a situation rarely seen on this behemoth at this time.

"However, what's the matter with that existence? It actually protects his bloodline secretly? Is it the strong man he associates with?"

The voice went silent, and it took a long time to hear a sigh.

"Oh, no matter. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. I should have left here ten years ago. Because of that person, I have only stayed for fifteen years, and it is almost the same now."

"It's just that if I leave, what will happen to this Thousand Mountain Sect?"

"Forget it, Thousand Years Guardian, I already know the old kindness, I don't owe anything to the Thousand Mountain Sect anymore, I will leave when the time comes!"

"After all, I have been away from home for too long, too long!"

After a few sighs, the voice fell silent again.

However, this time, it was completely silent.

There is also the burning flame, rustling.


A few days later, Qin Shaofeng appeared on the 91st peak.

In the past few days, he has walked all the peaks from No. 91 to No. 98.

But still no trace of Yun'er.

The small ball passed to Qin Shaofeng's people before, a unique mark used as a contact code.

This mark is very unique, it is left by mental power, so as long as you have the same mark, you can feel it after a radius of a hundred miles.

But these days, Qin Shaofeng would use that mark once every time he traveled hundreds of miles, but he didn't get any results.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but guess that the three Yun'er might still be on the 90th peak, maybe the three are still cultivating.

After having such a guess, Qin Shaofeng planned to come back and take a look at the 90th peak.

So now Qin Shaofeng appeared on the 91st peak.

But what made Qin Shaofeng thought was that he didn't find the person he was looking for, but instead he met someone who made him very upset.

Along the way, Qin Shaofeng didn't plan to hide anything.

And coupled with his fast speed, basically no one can spot him. Even if he did, no one would trouble him after feeling the breath of Qin Shaofeng.

But after approaching the 90th peak, Qin Shaofeng's speed naturally slowed down.

Then, by coincidence, when he was approaching the edge of the 90th peak, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt it, an aura that made him very concerned.

And the other party seemed to have discovered him, so they soon met.

As for the person who made Qin Shaofeng so unhappy, it wasn't anyone else, it was Luo Chaokun who had secretly offered him a reward before!

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