Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 400: Welcome to my world

"Qin Shaofeng really is you!"

As soon as the two sides met, Na Luo Chaokun gritted his teeth and roared.

Luo Chaokun has never forgotten the humiliation Qin Shaofeng brought to himself.

Especially some time ago, due to pressure from the family, Luo Chaokun had to withdraw the reward for Qin Shaofeng and others.

And in the end, because of being deliberately made things difficult by Geng Can, the Luo family had no choice but to let Luo Chaokun. He did not show up during this period, but was confined to a training cave on the 90th peak to practice retreat.

This has finally come to an end. As soon as he broke through with the legendary ten layers, Luo Chaokun finally couldn't help coming out.

And it is precisely because of this that he is completely unclear about what he did to Qin Shaofeng at the moment.

But he didn't know, and the rest of them knew very well.

At this moment, with Luo Chaokun, but there are still many people.

When Luo Chaokun knew the name of Qin Shaofeng everywhere, everyone was startled.

They knew that this was definitely not the same name, and that there was only one Qin Shaofeng who could make his Third Young Master so angry.

Coincidentally, this Qin Shaofeng was the one who obtained the first bronze order of the Qianshan Mountain.

At this time, a person who saw the opportunity quickly came to Luo Chaokun's side, muttered softly, and told Luo Chaokun what had happened during this period.

Then Luo Chaokun was stupid.

Inspire the light of bronze?

Countless legendary masters of massacre?

Already obtained the qualification to enter the Qianshan Sect reserve camp?

Is this really what Qin Shaofeng did?

For a while, Luo Chaokun was dumbfounded, and was stunned.

There was no way that the volume of news was too great, and Luo Chaokun did not accept it.

In fact, he couldn't believe that the person who made this move was the one in front of him that he hated so much.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng's attention was also placed on Luo Chaokun, and Qin Shaofeng's gaze fell on the person next to Luo Chaokun.

This person is eighteen years old at most, somewhat similar to Luo Chaokun.

However, the aura between the two is much different.

This is a master!

A true evil master!

This is the conclusion Qin Shaofeng came to after feeling the breath of the other party.

At this moment, the man glanced at Qin Shaofeng indifferently, and said aloud.

"Are you Qin Shaofeng?"

The tone was so arrogant that he didn't seem to pay Qin Shaofeng's eyes at all.

Even if he knew that Qin Shaofeng had done such a thing, he looked at Qin Shaofeng with a slight scorn.

At this time, Na Luo Chaokun finally recovered.

Then, as if finally remembering something, Luo Chaokun looked at the young man fiercely and shouted: "Yes, second brother, he is Qin Shaofeng, second brother helped me teach him a lesson, this Qin Shaofeng is really hateful, you take him, I will kill him myself!"

The person who was called the second brother by Luo Chaokun, frowned slightly after hearing Luo Chaokun’s shouts, and scolded: "Be quiet and see how you look like you are now? There is no way of our Luo family at all. I don’t know who you learned from!"

Luo Chaokun was so scolded, his head shrank instantly, his expression flashed with fear.

Luo Chaokun was really afraid of his second brother.

I was scolded at this moment, and I didn't dare to say more.

However, listening to the conversation between the two at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and thought of something.

Second brother?

I remember that Geng Can once said that Luo Chaokun's second brother seemed to be called Luo Tian, ​​and he was an extremely enchanting genius.

It’s just that Luo Tian is no longer staying at the 100th peak, so why did he come here?

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the reason why Luo Tian came here was actually because of him.

Because ten days ago, after Qin Shaofeng inspired the light of bronze, Luo Tian chased him for the first time.

But after Qin Shaofeng entered Yunque Peak, Luo Tian gave up.

It just so happened that he planned to bring his third brother Luo Chaokun, who was causing trouble, to the 100th peak, so as to save him from causing any trouble.

Because of the reward, the Geng family had already found the Luo family a lot of trouble.

Luo Tian didn't want to see such a thing happen again.

However, because Luo Chaokun's realm breakthrough was imminent, Luo Tian stayed for two more days.

I don't want to, after staying for two more days, he could have such luck that he met Qin Shaofeng.

Although Luo Tian knew about Qin Shaofeng's situation, he didn't take it seriously, because he was confident that his strength was definitely far superior to Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, seeing Qin Shaofeng at this moment, Luo Tian seemed to see, an opportunity to enter the reserve camp, beckoning to himself.

Since Qin Shaofeng didn't let himself be teleported out when the bronze light disappeared.

Now Qin Shaofeng can only rely on himself to slowly enter the final assessment point of the 100th peak.

At this time, if the bronze-step Qianshan Order on Qin Shaofeng's body was robbed, it would also be able to get a place to enter the reserve camp.

Therefore, in Luo Tian's opinion, Qin Shaofeng is his own God of Wealth, and he actually gave such a precious opportunity to himself, which made him laugh out loud.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, you are so stupid! You weren't teleported away, but this is also just right. I am missing a piece of bronze order Qianshan Order, hand over that piece of Qianshan Order on you!"

After hearing this, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

However, Qin Shaofeng also understood why Luo Tian was so confident, because his strength was indeed very strong, and he was regarded as the strongest legendary master Qin Shaofeng had ever seen.

Character: Luo Tian

Level: Legendary Top Ten

Aura value: 30 million / 30 million

Talented roots: Eight-Rank soil system spiritual roots

Technique: "Luo Ling Jue"


thirty million!

Yes, that's right, Luo Tian's spiritual energy has reached 30 million points, which is probably the first level of enchanting geniuses.

Qin Shaofeng knew that Luo Tian was completely different from the people he had met before.

This is a true legendary master!

But it is a pity that even such Luo Tian is still not enough for Qin Shaofeng now.

With a light smile, Qin Shaofeng said disdainfully: "Hand it over? It depends on you Luo Tian?"

Luo Tian's expression suddenly changed, and he instantly became gloomy.

However, before he could speak, Luo Chaokun clamored again.

"Qin Shaofeng, don't be too proud. Don't think you can compare with my second brother if you kill too many people. I can tell you that in front of my second brother, you are nothing, as long as my second brother takes the shot. , You are absolutely dead!"

Luo Tian felt more proud of being said by his third brother.

Before this trace of pride fully bloomed, Luo Tian heard another disdain from Qin Shaofeng's mouth.

"Oh, is that so? It's a pity that I can't see it at all, what's so powerful about your second brother! Isn't it another embroidered pillow that you can't use?"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng also deliberately showed a suspicious look.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng completely made Na Luo Tian angry.

"Damn it, Qin Shaofeng you asked for it!"

With a fierce roar, Luo Tian's expression became completely sullen: "Does Qin Shaofeng think that you have killed a lot of legendary masters and feel that he is invincible in the legendary realm? Humph, let me tell you the truth, just you. A little bit of strength, in my Luo Tian's eyes, it is simply a negligible strength. Now I will let you see what is truly powerful!"

After all, Luo Tian stepped on his footsteps, his body was overwhelming, and his stocks surged out.

With a spiritual energy value of 30 million, the aura that made Luo Tian burst out at this moment was a brutal beast, and it was no longer the aura of ordinary humans.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashed slightly, and a six-pointed star pattern appeared in his pupils.

Then, Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth slightly and said in a very low voice.

"Monthly reading!"


With this monthly reading, Luo Tian's breathtaking aura on the opposite side of Qin Shaofeng suddenly dissipated.

Luo Tian was completely stunned, motionless.

This made Luo Chaokun feel strange.

Hey, why doesn't the second brother make a move?

"Second brother?"

Luo Chaokun couldn't help but shouted in a low voice, but Luo Tian remained motionless.

This made Luo Chaokun hesitate, and then took a step forward, reaching out to Luo Tian and patted gently.

"Second brother, what's the matter with you? Don't hesitate, hurry up..."

Quickly clean up that Qin Shaofeng!

This is what Luo Chaokun was about to say, but suddenly, he stopped his voice abruptly, and forcibly held back what he was about to say.

Because Luo Chaokun was horrified to discover that with this tap of his own, his powerful second brother actually threw like this and fell down.

Only then did Luo Chaokun realize that his second brother had already become breathless.

However, Luo Chaokun didn't be shocked for long, because the next moment, he suddenly fell into a trance, and then found that he had come to a gray space.

In the next moment, he saw Qin Shaofeng suddenly appear in front of his eyes and smiled and said to him: "Welcome to my world!"


After a few breaths, there were a few thumps, and Luo Chaokun himself, this group of Luo family members, all fell to the ground, all breathless.

And the most weird thing is that none of these people have a trace of scars on them, but including Na Luo Tian, ​​they all have expressions of horror, seemingly encountering extreme panic and horror.

Then, somehow all died inexplicably!

Qin Shaofeng murmured after taking away the storage bans on Luo Chaokun, Luo Tian and others, "Well, even a master with a spiritual energy value of 30 million can't resist the power of monthly reading."

"However, in order to pull this Luo Tian into the monthly reading space, I actually consumed 10 million spiritual energy points. From this point of view, once I encounter a strong opponent, the consumption of monthly reading is afraid that it will increase. If you encounter a truly powerful opponent, Yuedu is afraid that it will also fail."

"Well, this is a problem, it seems we have to find a way."

While whispering, Qin Shaofeng slowly left with a change of thought, leaving a dozen corpses in one place.

This situation gave people the feeling that it was Qin Shaofeng who had just trampled on a few ants and didn't care at all.

But if this scene is seen by others, I am afraid it will be shocked to speak.

That's Luo Tian!

The real evil genius of the Luo family, if the Luo family knew at this moment, the evil genius cultivated by his family so painstakingly was just inexplicably killed by Qin Shaofeng.

I am afraid that the Luo family will retaliate against Qin Shaofeng at all costs.

God knows how much the Luo family values ​​Luo Tian.

I believe that soon there will be a wave of shock in the Luo family.

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