Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3998: committed to

"Who is my Qi Yao, do you still use this little snake to deceive you?" Qi Yao laughed.

There was another little snake tortoise, for the Xuanwu at this moment, it was nothing.

"You helped me resurrect him, I am willing to do one thing for you." Xuanwu said solemnly.

"Just protect your little master first."

Qi Yao smiled and said, "Although I haven't recovered much yet, I can see that this kid is definitely not a simple guy. Maybe Qian'er's enemies will rely on him in the future."


Xuanwu looked at Qin Shaofeng in surprise.

"Aren't you known as a divine beast? Can't you tell that this kid is a descendant of Taixu, and he still has a trace of the inheritance of the true monarch."

"Now he has acquired the chaos and emptiness inheritance of one of the four great beasts of the ancient times. As long as he merges, he will create a tyrannical level that even I can't imagine."

Qi Yao's introduction made Xuanwu a pair of eyes almost stared out of his pupils.

Xuanwu did not dare to imagine that Qin Shaofeng could have such great potential.

Even if he is known as a divine beast, it is impossible to compare his eyesight with a strong man with a soul of dominance.

"Qi Yao, you are good, you are good!"

Xuanwu nodded repeatedly and said, "For the sake of you having this kind of thought, he will also have a gift for you later."

"Big gift?"

This time it was Qi Yao's turn to be surprised.

With his identity.

What kind of gift can be called a great gift to him?

But he didn't ask much.

As a former master of the realm, his concentration is obviously not what ordinary people can imagine.

The absorption of a bowl of Tianxing Yulian is not as simple as imagined.

For the past three days.

Qin Shaofeng finally completed the absorption.

When the burning sensation that rose from his body disappeared, when the color of his skin returned to calm, there seemed to be a faint jade color.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately felt that his physique had been greatly improved.

It seems that even the endless body has improved a few grades.

Check it out.

The shock in his heart is even stronger.

Because it was only absorbed once, his endless body reached the sixty-sixth level.

You know it has lived for thousands of years.

The No. 1 expert in Endless Mountain, Master Wu Endless Hun, has also cultivated the endless body to the 72nd floor.

According to the calculation on the great realm, he has now reached the same realm as the endless chaos.

And when he saw the skin color on the back of his hand, he was stunned again.

His skin turned out to be like jade.

Faintly, it seems that there is still starlight circulating.

Just by feeling, his own defense has reached a level that can be called horror.

The tremendous changes in himself made him forget the two people waiting by the bed.

Take out a dagger immediately and stab it towards the back of the hand.

"No need to try, I didn't expect your boy to have raised the endless body to sixty-sixth weight because of the Heavenly Star Yulian, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy." Qi Yao took the initiative.

Qin Shaofeng remembered the two of them and raised his head subconsciously: "Thank you, Palace Master Qi, Your Highness Qi Yao."

"Call your Highness Duoshengfen?"

Xuanwu had already escaped from his wrist at some point, and was lying next to his leg, saying: "Since you call his two brothers brothers and sisters, you can just call him Big Brother Qi Yao."


Qin Shaofeng looked at Xuanwu in shock.

In his mind, Xuanwu didn't want to see outsiders, let alone get into a relationship with someone specifically.

But now it is clear that there has been a change against the sky.

His three views are almost reversed.

"Brother Qi Yao."

Qin Shaofeng still called out subconsciously.

But when he shouted out, he clearly saw the corners of His Highness Qi Yao's mouth twitching.

And Palace Master Qi Huanshang almost fainted.

Even if he resisted it, his whole body was shaking, as if he was restraining something.

What's wrong?

Is there a problem with that Highness Qi Yao?

"Shao Feng, your eldest brother needs the Chaos Inheritance very much to assist in his cultivation, so you can pass on the best inheritance to him!" Xuanwu said solemnly.

Qin Shaofeng's expression changed slightly.

He knew that Xuanwu didn't mean to talk so simple.

"You don't have to worry about your little girlfriend's problem. After you bring her back, you can send it directly to your elder brother. If he hurts your little girlfriend a hair, you will lose face in the future. "Xuanwu said.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth grew bigger and bigger.

Qi Yao wouldn't respond so directly, and asked, "Wait, what's the situation with his little girlfriend?"

That girl is now in the Tianji Building, and was thought of by many of the younger brothers in the Tianji Building.

"Then send it to Endless Mountain first!"

Qi Yao shook his head.

Their conversation with one person and one animal made Qin Shaofeng feel that something was wrong.

But he also didn't say anything interestingly.

"We respect the Immortal Palace for me these years, but it is really seriously overdrawn, otherwise I won't let the palace master recognize the name of the lower third-rate forces." Qi Yao said.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth suddenly grew wide.

Zun Xiandian is second only to the existence of the overlord, so why has it become a third-rate?

As everyone knows.

The person he is facing now.

But the most terrifying existence that truly brought the Zunxian Temple to the top.

Perhaps it was also the Cangming Realm who was the first to become the dominant existence.

Don't say it is the leader of the top forces.

Even if the Zun Xiandian occupies the upper middle and upper reaches of the hegemony, he may not be willing to recognize it.

"However, I can't ask you for this gift for nothing."

Qi Yao continued: "When you return, I will personally revise one of the books, you just need to give it to Wu Xing Hun, and he will know what to do."

"When my cultivation base reaches its peak, I will personally send a message to the entire Cangming Realm. Qin Shaofeng is the young master of the Immortal Palace. Anyone who dares to commit evil intentions to him is equivalent to dying with me Qi Yao !"

His words of His Royal Highness equal to pushing down Qin Shaofeng's seniority again.

But his promise made Xuanwu extremely excited.

"It's hard to chase after a word!"

Xuanwu anxiously helped Qin Shaofeng agree, and hurriedly said, "Shaofeng, why don't you thank you brother?"

"Thank you brother?"

Qin Shaofeng had some guesses, but still had too many doubts.

Under the urgent voice of Xuanwu.

He still responded like a marionette.

Xuanwu then continued: "Shao Feng, pass on that share to him!"

Qin Shaofeng knew that when he was practicing, Xuanwu must have known something extraordinary.

What's more, his gains can't be put in terms of favors.

He originally planned to pass on that share to Qi Huanshang.

It was just replaced by the best, and the inheritor was also replaced by Qi Yao. He didn't have much psychological contrast.

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