Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3999: Interlocking

Inheritance took a total of half an hour.

Even Qin Shaofeng, who was in charge of the inheritance, felt his head groggy.

Looking at the inherited Qi Yao, there was a constant light in his eyes.

The moment when the inheritance is completely over.

Qi Yao couldn't help but exclaimed: "Great gift! It really is a great gift!"

"Shao Feng, from today, you can call yourself your brother. If a strong man dares to touch your hair, you don't need to be an enemy directly. Remember who that person is and be your eldest brother in three years. He will uproot his entire power for you himself!" Qi Yao promised loudly.

"I think should not be?"

Qin Shaofeng hasn't figured it out yet.

"Today's Endless Mountain is not qualified to make certain forces jealous, such as the West Heaven and North Tian Cang Ming Palace, but after I have your inheritance, everything has completely changed.

"Even if you are to become the Lord of the Cangming Realm, it is not difficult, hahahaha..."

Qi Yao laughed arrogantly.

At least in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, his laughter was very arrogant.

But don't know.

Qi Yao really didn't pay attention to the Cangming Realm, which did not rule the strong.

"Three years? Only three years?"

Qi Huanshang was already shocked and speechless.

He did prepare many things for Qi Yao.

But he originally thought that even if he had spiritual tea and something written by Qin Shaofeng, it would take at least a hundred years for Qi Yao to return to the top.

But never thought that a piece of inheritance could make Qi Yao say such a thing.

"Three years, and it is three years at most, two and a half years as short as possible."

Qi Yao laughed: "Although I had just regained my strength at that time, I still needed three to five years of stability, but it was easy to clean up this Cangming Realm that didn't even have a half-step path."

"What is Half-Step Heavenly Dao?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at him curiously.

"Whether human beings or our orcs want to raise the cultivation base to the limit, they must absorb the power of the Great Meng to understand the way of heaven."

"The division of your human realm, even though it is the nihility, is the master."

"But only the real pinnacle powerhouse knows that there are totally two different levels, and the gap between them is even greater than that of the Glory Star and the Void Realm."

"Only after truly comprehending a trace of heaven can you be qualified to hit your peak strength, and that kind of wonderful temporary realm is also called a half-step heaven."

The beast Xuanwu on the side helped explain.

Hearing what he said, Qin Shaofeng's eyes suddenly widened.

He finally understood thoroughly.

Emotional Xuanwu made the eldest brother he had just recognized, turned out to be a rebirth of a strong master.

"Shao Feng doesn't need to know so much now."

Qi Yao stopped Xuanwu who seemed to want to explain in depth, and said: "Hall Master, give him the soul tea first!"

"it is good."

Qi Huanshang took out the teacup now.

Three days have passed.

The tea in this teacup is still warm, and not even a trace of breath has passed.

"Shao Feng, this cup of spiritual tea can help you elevate your soul power to the level closest to the half-step path, but you should never cultivate soul power in the next period of time."

"Raise the cultivation base to the pinnacle of nothingness as soon as possible."

"At that time, my eldest brother will personally teach you how to perceive the way of heaven."

Qi Yao then continued to speak.

But his words almost made the tea cup in his hand fall.

Just a cup of tea.

Can he raise his soul power to the pinnacle of nothingness?

Qi Yao didn't give him too much time to think, he personally opened the lid of the teacup, grabbed his hands, and put the tea into his mouth.

At the entrance of the tea, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his soul.

In the next moment, he fainted.

Soul tea is not as easy to absorb as Tianxing Yulian.

Qin Shaofeng's deep sleep this time lasted for a full month.

When he wakes up again.

It was discovered that his sea of ​​consciousness had become a real starry sky world.

And it seems to have a dual role of reality and nothingness.

It seems that as long as he has that kind of thought, he can make the starry sky world of his knowledge of the sea appear in the real world, and become a skill in his own domain.

When I look in the room again.

He discovered that only the sacred beasts Xuanwu and Qi Yao were left.

Qi Yao seemed to feel his soberness, and at the same time opened his eyes and looked at him.

"Shao Feng, I have bad news for you."


Qin Shaofeng's complexion changed slightly.

"The ancestor of the Heavenly Sage, who once fully protected your little girlfriend, seems to be on the verge of death."

Qi Yao said: "Although we don't know what happened, the ancestor of Heavenly Sage has spread the word of the Cangming Realm. He will hold a banquet in the Heavenly Ji Tower in a month to choose a son-in-law for your little girlfriend.

He obviously learned something from Xuanwu.

"What? How could this be?"

Qin Shaofeng stood up abruptly: "Brother, I want to go back to the endless mountain as soon as possible. If even one of the three ancestors of Tianji Building can't protect Bing Ning, I need some people to help."

"You don't have to go."

Qi Yao shook his head and said, "As soon as I got the news, I asked the host to take my autograph to the endless mountain. I believe that all of your retreat brothers and sisters have also broken through."

Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"But don't think that it will be fine with their support." Qi Yao continued to speak, making Qin Shaofeng nervous again.

"According to the information I have received, it is not only some second generation ancestors who have been attracted to your little girlfriend in the Tianji Tower, but also the young master of the dragon clan seems to have left because of this, and seems to have ideas for your little girlfriend."

"When the Heavenly Mystery Banquet started, they obviously could not rob people in the past, so this matter mainly depends on you."

"Big brother, what should I do?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"You still have more than half a month to prepare, first thoroughly digest the chaos inheritance."

"Didn't you have a good relationship with the second son of Tianji Tower?"

"It will take some time for his sentiment."

"After you have a thorough understanding, tell him you haven't seen the secret feast, and let him introduce you."

"After you enter the Tianji Building, do you need me to say more?"

Qi Yao really did not feel ashamed to say to Xuanwu, the name of the former ancestor of the dandy second generation.

At least Qin Shaofeng, whose heart was already upset, couldn't think of this.

"As long as you can truly use one-third of the inheritance, and have the support of basalt and the people of the endless mountain, you will basically not have any problems, at most, how to ensure safety afterwards."

"I have two more days, and I can take action and personally help your little girlfriend refine a body protector, so that it will not cause problems for your little girlfriend."

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