Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4000: Reinforcements arrive

Qin Shaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief after listening to his interlocking arrangement.

But even though he calmed down on the surface, there was already a strong hatred in his heart.

Tianji Tower, Dragon Race!

How dare to pull his teeth out of his tiger's mouth, he remembered this completely.

He didn't think too much.

After straightening out most of the things, he started practicing according to Qi Yao's arrangement.

There is no sun or moon in practice.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Qin Shaofeng's inheritance is not just as simple as Qi Yao imagined.

But after all, he had acquired the virginity of Chaos, and it was not too slow to learn.

Almost a quarter of it has been cultivated now.

When he came hungry again.

When he temporarily finished his cultivation, he found that he was no longer in the Zuozheng Hall, but in a garden like the world of the cave.

There were seven people waiting in front of him.

The person standing a little closer to the side was naturally Qi Huaanshang, the lord of the Zunxian Hall.

But apart from Qi Huanshang, there are only two people who are really familiar.

The second sister has endless condensing, and the eighth brother has endless writing.

Qin Shaofeng quickly got up: "Second Senior Sister, Eighth Senior Brother, you can count it."

"Don't salute us yet."

Endlessly condensed to him, and said: "I will introduce you to the four of them first."

Qin Shaofeng looked at the four of them.

These four people seem to be young, but the breath of life seems to be telling him that these four people are people who have lived for endless years.

"Although I am also your second senior sister, I only started from our endless mountain. In fact, she is your real senior sister."

Wu Endless Ning pointed to the woman among the four, and said: "Endless Red Moon, your third senior sister, is also the highest surviving person among your master disciples."

"Qin Shaofeng has seen the third sister." Qin Shaofeng hurriedly saluted.

"This is your fifth brother, endless sorrow."

"I have seen..."

"This is your seventh brother, infinite."


Qin Shaofeng was stunned suddenly.

"Yes, the origin of your seventh brother is different from ours. Although you are a recognized brother, you can only use your real name." Wu Jinning said.

"I have seen Senior Brother Seven." Qin Shaofeng continued to salute.

"This is the endless ghost of your eighth brother."

Well, the name is more than a personality.

In contrast, the third senior sister seemed to be the most normal one.

Then endless Ning introduced to the four people: "Everyone, he is your little junior, and the last disciple Xuan Shishu received before his death, Qin Shaofeng."

"We already know, you can go and prepare for the lead."

Infinite Red Moon walked forward slowly, but waved his hand slightly, as if to indicate that the third person in Infinite Mountain, Infinite Ning, was not qualified to stand here.

If someone else said such things, endless Ning would definitely break out directly.

But it was endless crimson moon that said this.

A look of helplessness flashed in endless Ning's eyes before beckoning to the endless text, and the two disappeared.

Until the two left.

The endless red moon really walked in front of Qin Shaofeng, put his hand on Qin Shaofeng's forehead, and then returned.

Next is endless sorrow, endless, endless ghost.

All four of them obviously left something on Qin Shaofeng's body.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't feel it.

"Little Junior Brother, we have heard about your matter from the Lord Qi and His Highness Qi Yao. This is the Infernal Affairs of Infernal Affairs. We will hide on you by virtue of Infernal Affairs. If there is an accident, we will act in person." Infinite Red Moon said. .

"Infernal Affairs?!"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly opened his mouth in astonishment.

He did not associate this Infernal Affairs with the Earth movie.

What he associates is the Infernal Affairs in Buddhism, that is, infernal hell.

"It looks like you have also heard of Infernal Affairs."

Infernal Affairs chuckled softly and said: "But it doesn't matter. The Infernal Affairs I practice is different from what you know. After all, this is the secret of our Infernal Affairs. It is impossible for any world to know what the real Infernal Affairs is."

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything at all.

He had completely understood that his Seventh Senior Brother Wujian was actually an existence from another world.

And he could not shy away from it.

Really makes people speechless!

"Okay, you can also go out, remember to say hello to His Highness Qi Yao for us." Infinite Red Moon nodded.

Immediately stretched out his hand, Qin Shaofeng felt a flower in front of him.

When his vision was cleansed again, he saw Qi Huanshang who was also speechless, facing him.

"Shao Feng, the tempers of your senior brothers and sisters are really unique!" Qi Huanshang couldn't laugh or cry.

Qin Shaofeng nodded in recognition.

Even if it is the third person in the endless mountain, the second senior sister Wu Ending Ning can only help those senior brothers and sisters, what else can he say?

However, listening to Qi Huanshang's tone, it seemed that those four were also treated very uncomfortably.

"Since your reinforcements have already arrived, you don't want to continue cultivating yet. Luo Xingjun, that kid has completed his comprehension." Qi Huanshang said.

A strange look suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

He is going to fight against Tianjilou this time. Haven't seen so many big guys from Endless Mountain have already appeared?

I can't imagine it.

If Luo Xingjun knew how much trouble he was going to cause him, would he be scared to death?

Anyway, he has become less and less aware of nothingness recently.

Just broke through.

When I came to the hall of Zuozhengdian, I saw that Qi Xian was still enlightening.

And Qi Mu was chatting with Luo Xingjun without a word.

Upon discovering his presence, Lord Luo Xing jumped up and shouted in surprise: "Brother Qin, you can be regarded as leaving the customs. If it weren't for the Lord Qi's message to us before, I really couldn't help but go in and see you. Up."

"Dianzhu Qi will not harm me, why are you worried?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times and said, "I heard Dian Master Qi say, what kind of secret banquet is going on in your Tianji Building?"

Luo Xingjun's face suddenly sank.

Qin Shaofeng said in surprise: "Huh? Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem, and it is still a big problem."

Luo Xingjun let out an angry roar, and finally realized that he had lost his temper.

I quickly glanced around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping, and then explained: "If you are talking to an outsider, I really can't tell, but you don't need to hide it with Brother Qin and Brother Qi Mu. "

Qin Shaofeng and Qi Mu nodded repeatedly, they were really curious.

Why did this second generation ancestor suddenly be like this?

"Our Tianji Building brought in a group of people from the Land of Bright Stars a few years ago." Luo Xingjun said.

This matter is no longer a secret. Qin Shaofeng and Qi Mu nodded together, waiting for him to continue.

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