Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4015: please come in

"What are you talking about, someone entered that other courtyard ahead of time?"

Not far from the residence where the ancestor Tiansheng lived, a burly man who was at least two meters tall suddenly stood up.

The height of two meters, although there are many among human beings.

But how he looked at the man in front of him, he was only sixteen or seventeen years old, his breath of life was extremely immature, and he didn't look like normal at all.

The fact is also true.

He is not a human, but a dragon.

Qin Shaofeng can indeed obtain a lot of information, but the most fundamental information has yet to be known.

This burly man is not only the young patriarch of the dragon clan.

If some people were there, he would definitely be able to say that he was one of the people who came here specifically for Ximen Bing.

The arrival of the Young Master of the Dragon Race will naturally be greeted by Tianji Tower.

But he didn't seem to be waiting for the hospitality of Tianji Tower at all. After going around for a while, he forcibly snatched the residence of an elder of Tianji Tower.

The reason is very simple. It is close enough to the courtyard of Tiansheng Patriarch.

After arriving.

He personally visited Tiansheng Patriarch three times.

But I don't know the reason. The man in grey clothes blocking the door, regardless of his origin, directly blocked him back.

How could he not be shocked to hear other young people passing by?

Not only shock, but more worry.

Since a few years ago, when he came to Tianji City to participate in that auction, he accidentally saw Ximen Bingning, and he was completely attracted by Ximen Bingning.

Even though he seems to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, the breath of life on his body is extremely immature.

He is actually over three hundred years old.

It is only because of the long life of the Dragon Clan that it makes him feel that way.

"Come, come, come with me and take a look over there immediately, I want to ask what Tianji Tower is going to do, even the young master wants to block, but let others go in." The young dragon clan roared far away Spread out.

The distance is only a few kilometers away.

Qin Shaofeng, who was chatting with the ancestor of Heavenly Sage, could hear the voice coming from far away.

"It's him!"

Ximen Bingning jumped up suddenly.

Qin Shaofeng looked at it suspiciously.

"If I heard you correctly, the young lord Long Tianyin who shouted just now should be Dragon Clan young master Long Tianyin. After I accidentally met him on the street a few years ago, he has been harassing me all the time. Bao, I'm afraid he was kidnapped a long time ago." Ximen Bing Ning said with a trembling voice.

"Dragon? Is it so bold?"

Qin Shaofeng's expression became cold.

But he also knew that he was about to get involved in the great chaos of mankind, and he could not face this so-called Dragon Race Young Master.

But if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely kill it.

Thinking in his heart, he nodded slightly and said, "Since you hate that guy a lot, my son will be kind and help you."

He smiled and walked randomly towards the courtyard.

From time to time, there was a leaf, a weed, and even rotten tiles and wood.

The whole person seemed to have become a nasty guy who came here to do damage.

He threw dozens of debris into the courtyard before he walked back again and handed a dog's tail grass to Ximen Bingning.

"What are you doing?" Ximen Bingning asked in confusion.

"Hold it."

Qin Shaofeng laughed in a low voice.

Ximen Bing Ning didn't know why, but he still picked up that dog's tail grass.

The next moment.

The sky in the entire courtyard seemed to have become gloomy, and the cold wind screamed rapidly.

"With this magic wand in your hand, you will directly become the only female magic **** in the world. Any enemy who comes to this courtyard, you can cast your terrifying magic to smash it into scum." Qin Shaofeng said nonsense. .

"Female Dharma God?"

Ximen Bingning was obviously confused by his professional rankings that only exist in modern novels.

But when she slightly shook the dog's tail grass in her hand, she was instantly sluggish.

Because she just waved gently.

There was a violent wind in the entire courtyard, the weeds on the ground seemed to become a sharp blade, and the leaves seemed to become the most terrifying hidden weapon.

It seems that she only needs a single thought to control everything that can be manipulated in the courtyard, and blast the strong who are countless times stronger than her into scum.

"This, this...what exactly is this?" Ximen Bingning was stunned.

"This is my son's super magic circle!"

Qin Shaofeng was still talking nonsense.

The news that he got the Chaos Inheritance may have spread, but there are definitely many people who cannot know.

He wouldn't tell it right now.

Even if it can play a little role in the banquet of heaven, it is better than not having this hand of hole cards.

The ancestor Tiansheng and Ximen Bingning were still shocked.

A chaotic sound came from outside the door.

Qin Shaofeng didn't feel anything.

However, the expressions on the faces of Ximen Bingning and Tiansheng Patriarch became weird.

"It seems that the news of your coming has made people from all major forces unable to wait any longer. The two big families are preparing to let us solve this problem by ourselves." Tiansheng Patriarch said.

"Then let them come in together!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, deliberately stepped back dozens of steps, waved a gust of wind, and made a deep gully in front of him, then said, "Luo San, go open the door."

Luo San's figure reappeared.

He glanced at the gully in front of Qin Shaofeng's toes before turning around and walking towards the courtyard gate.


The courtyard gate opened.

It is true that many people rushed to hear the news, and there were as many as seven groups.

Standing at the forefront, it was Long Tianyin, the young chief of the dragon clan, who showed the most anxiety.

As the courtyard gate was opened from the inside.

Long Tianyin looked towards the courtyard anxiously, as if he was afraid that Ximen Bingning would be taken advantage of by the person who came earlier than him.

It was finally relieved to determine Qin Shaofeng's location.

"My son said, everyone wants to visit the ancestor of Heavenly Sage, it really shows the prestige of the ancestor, and after the discussion between my son and the ancestor, the ancestor has also agreed to see you, you, go away !" Luo San whispered.

It is really domineering.

The man in gray wanted to give way, but he still couldn't think of it.

Qin Shaofeng actually took the initiative to let this entourage say such a thing.

No need to think carefully.

The man in gray has also completely understood that now he has completely begun to make everyone hate.

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