Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4016: Reverse

"Everyone, please!"

The man in grey was already ready to retire.

When Qin Shaofeng couldn't be offended at all, he had to give way.

His move immediately caused everyone to rush into the courtyard.

The man in gray knew he couldn't do anything.

He simply disappeared quickly in the direction of his home.

Such as the situation in the airport building today.

The power of the gray-clothed man has become a well-known secret, and he doesn't need to keep hiding anything.

It's just that everyone at this time didn't have the mind to think about his situation.

The first time they poured into the courtyard.

They have already noticed Qin Shaofeng's position.

It can be seen.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to want to get closer to the past.

But because of the trace under his feet, he leaned forward as much as possible, but he did not dare to go beyond it.

"Brother, why are you standing here?"

Long Tianyin seemed to be a very suspicious person.

Rao saw the facts with his own eyes, and couldn't help asking it out again.

"Mr. Tiansheng won't let me pass."

Qin Shaofeng gave a wry smile.

Can be very fast.

He seemed to think of something, looked at Long Tianyin and the others with a weird look, and asked: "Who are you, who have inherited such great kindness from this young man, don't you plan to introduce yourself?"

Everyone was in a daze.

They were all still immersed in Qin Shaofeng's call of "Mr. Tiansheng" at this moment.

Long Tianyin is still a slightly better person.

He coughed slightly and said, "Long Tianyin, the young chief of the Dragon Clan in Xia, dare to ask this brother Gao's name?"

"The Young Chief of the Dragon Race?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at him.

Long Tianyin admitted that it was true that he had inherited a little love from Qin Shaofeng, but he still felt uncomfortable under Qin Shaofeng's gaze.

"Why does this brother look at me like this? Is there anything weird about me?" Long Tianyin asked.

"How old is your father?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"My father? He has lived for more than four thousand years, brother, what do you mean by this kind of thing?" Long Tianyin asked doubtfully.

But when he said his words, he found Qin Shaofeng's expression changed again.

This time it became even more bizarre.

"You don't have to ask about your age there. Dragons have a long life, and there is some gap with us. If you really want to calculate the generation, you can't make it clear." The voice of the ancestor of Tiansheng came.

"There is such a saying?"

Qin Shaofeng looked like a ignorant young man.

Although he said so, he nodded slightly and said, "Well, since our generation can't say anything, then you can call me Brother Qin."


Long Tianyin suddenly became speechless.

He really couldn't figure out how the boy who seemed to have lived for only twenty years in front of him could say such a thing.

Long Tianyin was still in shock.

Qin Shaofeng already looked at the people behind Long Tianyin and asked, "Are you supposed to report your identity and the age of your family?"

Everyone was speechless and answered his questions one after another.

But the more they said, the more they felt that Qin Shaofeng's expression became more and more weird.

These people are really from the top powers.

But no one is the true first person of the young generation of a certain force.

After all, no matter how beautiful Ximen Bingning was, it was impossible to confuse all young talents.

It seemed that Long Tianyin was the only one who really put down all the faces for her.

After Qin Shaofeng understood the introduction of those people, he immediately became excited.

"Since you are all juniors, don't you hurry up to visit your elders?"

He laughed arrogantly: "I am the first generation disciple of our endless mountain. Even the senior brother of the mountain master is just my senior. It seems that there is nothing wrong with letting you call this senior senior?"

He had asked so much about feelings just now, and it was actually just to pave the way for this sentence.

Everyone suddenly felt that they were going to faint.

What kind of person is this?

We just met now, but are we going to be our elders?

But after thinking about it, it seems that the truth is exactly what Qin Shaofeng said.

Even if they are installed here.

But they are also a generation of disciples of Endless Mountain.

Let them call the elders, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"It turns out that my brother turned out to be a disciple of Endless Mountain. I'm so lucky to have the opportunity." Long Tianyin was the first to hold his fist.

Even he has said so, what can others do?

Wait until everyone is over.

Qin Shaofeng finally showed a proud face. He didn't even look at them again. Instead, he turned and whistled towards Ximen Bingning, saying, "Beauty, have you seen it? Although this seat is a little younger, as long as you are willing Follow me and you will be the top figure in our endless mountain."

"What does it mean to follow you?"

Long Tianyin was furious.

When he heard Qin Shaofeng say that before, although he felt a little strange in his heart, he didn't think too much.

But he couldn't imagine that Qin Shaofeng's so much foreshadowing was only to say such a sentence.

It seemed that even the arrival of himself and others seemed to come to cheer him up.

"I am the young patriarch of the Dragon Clan, and the future Dragon Clan will belong to me. Isn't Long Tianyin inferior to your generation in terms of potential?" Long Tianyin shouted loudly.

Really speaking according to his status, he does have the qualifications to stand out from the crowd among his peers.

But his status as a young patriarch was too difficult to get in front of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng sneered directly upon hearing this.

"Patriarch Long, I just saw that you are still a human being. I didn't expect you, a human-looking fellow, to want to grab a beautiful woman from this seat?" Qin Shaofeng jumped directly.

His present attitude is really a vivid interpretation of the dude.

So much so that Long Tianyin, who was supposed to be furious, heard the beauty from him again, but for some reason, he suddenly couldn't get angry.

The identity of this kid is indeed no less than his own.

But how does it seem that he is even more useless than my unskilled brother?

Look at his tone now.

Is he coming to pursue beautiful women, or is he here to rob national girls?

Fortunately, Ximen Bing Ning was not a civic girl, behind him was the existence of the ancestor of the Heavenly Sage, the peak powerhouse of the void, so that he could only engage in such small tricks.

"Don't take a mouthful of a beauty."

Long Tianyin frowned, and said in a deep voice: "How can Girl Bing Ning be comparable to ordinary beauties? You're tainting Girl Bing Ning by saying that."

"Girl Bing Ning?"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed in an instant.

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