Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4017: guess

Long Tianyin suddenly realized that he was in a rage, and he had said the wrong thing again.

This kid doesn't seem to be a beautiful woman with her mouth open on purpose.

But this product is so annoying that the status is indeed very high, but even the name of Ximen Bing Ning could not be asked.

"It turns out that the beauty is called Bing Ning!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly and turned around and said: "Bing Ning, all the conditions mentioned in this seat are valid. As long as you choose this seat at the banquet of heaven, this seat guarantees that you will become a power of nothingness within three years. One of the powers of the endless mountain."

Long Tianyin almost spit out dragon blood.

Others coughed one after another.

This kid seems too dare to talk, right?

Don't say that you are not the lord of the endless mountain, even if you really exist like that, it seems that you are not qualified to say such big things, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't the young masters of our various forces have all been strong in the void?

It seems that this guy is a complete dude!

They face Qin Shaofeng, but there will be no cover.

All showed disdain.

But no one noticed that a smile flashed deep in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Since learning about the current situation of Ximen Bingning.

He didn't care about whether the Tianji Tower was true or not. He wanted to give the treasure Qi Yao refined to Ximen Bingning as soon as possible.

As the Tianji Banquet got closer, he became more worried.

In the unlikely event that someone comes to **** someone with a big deal, he may not be able to find out in time.

It is for this reason that there is the present farce.

After Qin Shaofeng determined the thoughts of these young masters, he said to Ximen Bing Ning, "Bing Ning, this young man has never been a person who speaks nothing, and will not use it **** you, so you should consider this one. Conditions, then I will go first."

After he finished speaking, he went straight away.

It seems that the winner is already in hand, and he doesn't care if anyone will speak ill of him after he leaves.

They don't know.

Since Qin Shaofeng has achieved his goal, he naturally does not need to stay.

After leaving the courtyard in a stride, he walked straight towards the courtyard where he lived.

On the side of Ximen Bingning, he also did not expect him in the least, and countless bad things about him kept coming out.

But just when this farce is still on stage.

Huang's backyard.

The gray-clothed man before, and an old man with a childish look, all stood outside the door.

"My son, that Qin Shaofeng definitely has a problem, if it is possible, this person must not stay." Hefa Tongyan said the old man.

The two of them have been here for a while.

But facing the person in the room, they dare not show any eagerness.

In accordance with the requirements of the young man.

The two separately told the scenes that happened in the Tiansheng Old Ancestor Courtyard.

The man in gray was not qualified to enter the courtyard, so naturally he didn't know much.

But what the old man with a childlike face said was truly shocking.

Because of the seemingly dull young man.

The seemingly dull demeanor turned out to be just to send the life-saving pill to the ancestor of Heavenly Sage.

Although according to the old man of Hefa Tongyan said.

The effect of that kind of pill is minimal, but it is also a big variable.

"There are indeed many good things in the endless mountain, but there is no thing that can bring the ancestor of the sky back to life." A young voice came from the room.

The door is always closed.

It seems that the young people in the room have no intention of looking at them at all.

"The things I personally arranged, even if the endless Canglan came to you, it is impossible to solve it. You can continue to do what you should do, and let the kid go!" The young man is really not ordinary confident.

Even if they both felt that something was wrong, they didn't dare to say anything more.

The two left one after another.

And in the next few days.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to be truly incarnate as a dude.

Every day, at least one has to go to Tiansheng Patriarch's other courtyard.

Even if he can only have a moment each time, he will be disturbed by the ensuing Long Tianyin.

But every time he would come up with new tricks to help Tiansheng Patriarch heal.

This makes the old man Hefa Tongyan have to go back and report once a day.

Four days in such a lively period seemed very short.

Tomorrow is the time when the heavenly secret banquet really begins.

Tonight in Tianji City, it can be said that the strong are like clouds.

But there are also many people who don't know, the feeling that the mountains and rain are coming to the wind in their hearts is even more intense.

In the room where Qin Shaofeng lived.

I don't know when, a faint gray mist has already completely enveloped it, so that the person in charge of monitoring him can only feel that Qin Shaofeng is always in the room, but it is impossible to see what he is doing.

It's midnight.

There was a sudden fluctuation of space in the room.

The fluctuations only disappeared in a flash.

The gray mist in the room slowly dissipated.

The person in charge of monitoring him finally saw Qin Shaofeng clearly again.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng has already fallen asleep at this time, so naturally there is no need to hide it.

What he didn't know was.

It was during that period of time that there were three more people in Qin Shaofeng's room.

The person with the highest cultivation base is always silent.

It was two young people who were really talking continuously.

Zhou Qing and Ziwen City.

Although the two of them had been trained in the academy, their cultivation level was not enough to participate in today's affairs.

But bringing the two of them was an order issued by Qin Shaofeng himself a few days ago.

What he saw was the brains of the two.

As expected.

One of these two is extremely savvy, and the other is a young ancestor from a conspiracy background.

Just from his mouth and a little understanding of the current situation, the two have combined what happened in the past few days and arranged for him a whole set of operation methods.

Early the next morning.

Qin Shaofeng got up to wash as usual.

Soon, he has also begun to ask Luo San to prepare food for him.

All this seems normal.

But what even the person in charge of monitoring him couldn't notice was that there was something extra in his back.

Perhaps it should be said that it is some kind of weird breath.

The breath is very weak.

Even the person responsible for monitoring him, the cultivation base has reached the pinnacle of the void, he can't feel the slightest.

"It seems that the time is almost up, let's go to meet up with sister Bing Ning, and then go to the secret banquet together." Qin Shaofeng wiped his mouth with his sleeve and shouted loudly.

When this remark came out, Luo San was immediately shocked.

"My son, we are not from the Tianjilou. Even if your status is very high, we should not go with the ancestor of Tiansheng, otherwise it will definitely become the target of public criticism." Luo San said anxiously.

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