Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4025: Shot

"Look, it's like this."

As Qin Shaofeng said, he flashed the thunder...

Do not! It should be called Qi Cai Zhen Jue to be displayed.

With the bonus of combat power that has truly entered the first level of the Qi Cai Zhen Jue, he directly has a combat power that is not inferior to Long Tianyin.

The palm holding the endless Yinjue slowly opened.

Immediately, he patted towards the position grabbed by the dragon claws.

Rao Shi's Dragon Claw was extremely fast, but at the same time as his palm descended, his little arm had already arrived, as if Long Tianyin had sent him specially.

Two completely different power effects.

There was an endless seal attack, causing Long Tianyin's attacking arm to tremble slightly.

Soon, with Qin Shaofeng's shot, it fell into the air.

It's just a collision of this trick.

Long Tianyin was already stupid.

It is true that he did not use all his strength.

But the combat power he displayed was not something that a small place could resist in the early days of martial arts, right?

This, what is going on?

"What just happened, Long Tianyin actually lost the first move?"

"What was defeated, it should be said that he resolved it."

"But... still wrong, right?"

"Although Long Tianyin did not display the strongest combat power in the early days of the sky and moon position, he even kept some hands. If the ordinary earth and moon position peak martial arts were to resist it, it seems that he will only be defeated?"

"Is that the true power of the endless seal?"

"There must be something we haven't discovered just now."

Those from slightly smaller forces immediately began to talk.

But even if they want to break the sky, it is impossible for them to know the secret that Qin Shaofeng has deliberately hidden since he learned of the situation of Thunder Thousand Flash.

"What did you do just now? Why could you break me with this trick?" Long Tianyin had already ignored other people's arguments.

A pair of long eyes stared at Qin Shaofeng firmly.

"Isn't I preparing to explain to everyone? Why are you worried?" Qin Shaofeng glared at him viciously.

Even Young Emperor Cangming couldn't help but stop and look over after seeing this scene.

have to say.

Qin Shaofeng's trick was too clever.

Even he, the pretentious Young Emperor Cangming, did not understand how Qin Shaofeng worked.

Qin Shaofeng glanced over everyone present.

It seems that I discovered that Young Emperor Cangming was still in a daze, and smiled deliberately at him: "Young Emperor, virtuous nephew, you should also sit aside first. Uncle Cangming, I will explain to everyone."

Young Emperor Cangming's expression suddenly changed again.

But Qin Shaofeng's identity is there, what can he say?

Staring at Qin Shaofeng fiercely.

He just walked towards an empty place, and wanted to hear what Qin Shaofeng wanted to say.

"Xiaolong, you might be able to tell why the move I just now can resolve your moves?" Qin Shaofeng asked unexpectedly.

Long Tianyin was almost so angry that he spouted a mouthful of old blood.

I just asked you this question, okay?

"If I could see it, would I ask you again?" Long Tianyin replied angrily.

"Then I will tell you."

Qin Shaofeng nodded with satisfaction and said, "Although I don't know the secret of your trick, I can guess it. Your father should often tell you that this trick needs more practice, right?"

Long Tianyin furiously said: "Nonsense, what martial arts do not require more practice?"

"No! I'm not talking about what you think."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said, "What I'm talking about is a special exhortation. In my opinion, you can only be considered a beginner at best."

"If you are really successful in cultivation, even if I can see through the direction of your move, you can change it at the most critical time."

"You answered me with your heart, is it the way I said it?" Qin Shaofeng's voice sank.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they all focused on Long Tianyin's face.

It can be clearly seen that Long Tianyin's face has become more and more weird.

It is no longer necessary for him to tell the truth in person.

Everyone can see clearly from his face.

"It's true that you are right, but even if it is so, you shouldn't give me this trick so easily, right?" Long Tianyin was still reluctant.

"Whether it should be or not is up to you."

Qin Shaofeng smiled and said: "Didn't you also say that before? The endless seal of our endless mountain is in Yinjue, but it is one of the best in existence. If the endless seal that my generation of disciples can have without some special abilities, wouldn't it be for nothing? This generation of disciples?"

He clearly knew that the strongest sound could not be said.

Otherwise, it will really provoke too many people.

Everyone was a little relieved when they saw that he hadn't said what he had teased before.

Qin Shaofeng continued: "Let's talk about another issue."

"There are still questions?" Long Tianyin said.

"Of course there is."

Qin Shaofeng nodded with approval, and said, "Xiaolong, your cultivation level is indeed good, but you are too lack of experience in the battle between life and death."

Long Tianyin immediately wanted to say something.

Qin Shaofeng reached out his hand to stop his plan.

He continued: "I don't want you to really do anything to find death, but to tell you not to blindly fight against people you can win or those who dare not fight against you."

"I don't fight against those people, who should I fight against?" Long Tianyin continued to ask.

"The land of ghosts is an excellent place to train people."

Qin Shaofeng smiled calmly.

But his laugh at this moment seemed to everyone, but it was completely like the smile of the devil, it was so terrifying.

"What are you kidding? Even the young patriarch of the blood clan, I am afraid that he would not be thrown into that kind of **** place to experience, right?" Long Tianyin roared.

"Did I say threw you over?"

Qin Shaofeng gave him a vicious look, and said, "You won't let your father get you a goddess clothing, and then prepare a hundred and eighty offensive and defensive scrolls, and then arrange for you to have a few strong men in the void. Secretly guarding?"


Long Tianyin was immediately speechless by him.

Why is it going out to practice, it's just going out to show off wealth?

Yao Shen Yi is enough to dazzle dogs.

He actually had to get another hundred and eighty offensive and defensive scrolls, and a few more Void Realm experts to guard.

If this is so special, if people know it, then he can't be killed with a blank eye?

But after another thought, he was relieved.

It seems that what Qin Shaofeng said may sound undesirable at first, but if it is really implemented, it may not be impossible.

"Okay, then I'll try it when I go back. Should we continue?" Long Tianyin was still unhappy.

"What are you worried about? I haven't finished speaking yet." Qin Shaofeng gave him another harsh look.

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