Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4026: Use your brain

"Not finished yet? Okay, you say, you say."

Long Tianyin had been completely said by Qin Shaofeng and didn't know how to refute it.

But in the same way, he also had to admit that Qin Shaofeng's words really had so much truth.

If he did what Qin Shaofeng said, it seemed to really promote his growth.

"The next one is the last one. Use your brains more before the battle." Qin Shaofeng said, already tilting his hand towards Long Tianyin's forehead.

Long Tianyin was immediately stunned on the spot.

What is this special situation?

"You have all agreed that my endless seal is extraordinary, but have you considered this when you started it?"

"No, you just treat me as an ordinary Tier 1 Yue Wu Xiu."

"As a elder brother, I can tell you plainly that if this happens when you are fighting other lives to death, you will only have death, understand?"

When he said the last sentence, he suddenly raised the volume several times.

"Ming, understand."

Long Tianyin trembled with fright.

Compare the two.

At this moment, he seemed to have really become a well-trained child, which was really weird beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The patrons of the Tianji Tower were already dumbfounded.

Ever since Long Tianyin came to Tianji City, they have felt a headache for this ‘Master’.

Didn’t you even dare to ignore the Young Emperor just now?

What do they think of the people in the Tianji Tower?

Originally Long Tianyin confronted Qin Shaofeng.

In their opinion, there will be a good show.

No one thought that the situation would become so one-sided, completely beyond their imagination.

Most genius teenagers from other forces have similar ideas.

But after all, they might as well have personally contacted the people in Long Tianyin's tempered Tianji Tower, their expressions were slightly better.

"Come on, go on."

Qin Shaofeng stepped back and waved to Longtian again.

After Long Tianyin's lesson, he felt a lot clearer.

At least the underestimated idea has completely converged.

"Receive the Dragon Shadow to break the sky!"

Long Tianyin used his tricks, and immediately made his figure seem to be transformed into dozens of dao, each of which was filled with the power of opening the world and attacking Qin Shaofeng.

And it can be seen.

Long Tianyin has truly received Qin Shaofeng's education.

At this moment, although his attack power is still huge, but in the faint, he seems to have the possibility of changing his moves at any time.

"Yes, yes, that's what makes sense."

Qin Shaofeng finally nodded in satisfaction and said, "Remember, the lion still needs to fight the rabbit with all its strength. How can you despise your opponent by facing your senses directly?"

"Although you haven't called me out yet, you can teach you one more thing if you do your brother's. What you see with your eyes will never represent the truth."

The moment he said these words, everyone felt that the cultivation base aura on his body increased rapidly.

Just now, who seemed to be a Tier 1 Moon Rank cultivation base, he suddenly changed into a Tier 9 Moon Rank martial artist.

Above the cultivation base, although it is still not as good as Long Tianyin, it is already enough to shock everyone.

He has been hiding his strength before?


Qin Shaofeng suddenly shouted.

The endless seal in the palm of the hand suddenly flew and turned into hundreds, and at the same time, he attacked Long Tianyin's figure.

When everyone in the audience saw this scene, the expressions on their faces couldn't help changing again.

They could not have imagined that Qin Shaofeng still had such a hand.

"Qin Shaofeng's combat power seems too weird, is the endless seal really so powerful?"

"Why do I always feel that he is not really fighting?"

"No fight? What is he doing, playing with Long Tianyin?"

"I did not mean that."

"He wanted to say that Qin Shaofeng's fighting style is the same as his own, sinister and cunning, seeming to be teaching Long Tianyin, but in fact he is constantly digging holes for Long Tianyin."

"Dig pit...cough cough, I only know today what is shameless."

"This kid is really awesome to integrate insidiousness into the fighting style!"

"Although he is a bit more insidious, the difference in cultivation level is still so big, he still has no chance of winning, right?"

"This... hard to tell, right?"

"I feel that what Brother Li said is reasonable. If it is insidious and can cover up the difference in cultivation level, what are we doing so hard to cultivate?"

Everyone started talking again.

But if you look closely, you can find it.

The ones who were really talking about were all people who looked glamorous, but actually didn't have much combat experience.

But the few people Qin Shaofeng focused on were all focusing on Qin Shaofeng's body at this time.

Their views are diametrically opposed to those who are talking about.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng dared to speak out and educate, obviously there was something in his hole.

That being the case, it would be too early to say victory or defeat before he opened his hole card.

It's too late to say, then fast.

Hundreds of endless indefinite seal attacks collided with those Long Tianyin phantoms in a blink of an eye.

But the weird scene happened again.

Ninety-nine percent of Long Tianyin's phantoms are fake, which is not bad.

It's not wrong that the collision sound shouldn't happen.

But the moment when endless Yinjue and Long Tianyin's phantom collided, all of them disappeared.

It seemed that the endless seals Qin Shaofeng used were all false.

They have time to pay attention.

He focused all his attention on how to attack Qin Shaofeng's Long Tianyin, but failed to discover such a scene in time.

"Qin Shaofeng, you lost..."

The real figure of Long Tianyin seemed to have come out of nothingness.

The first time he appeared, he also spoke proudly.

But just halfway through the words, he felt a tingling sensation in his chest.

But Qin Shaofeng still stood motionless, as if nothing was wrong.

But the facts are no different from just now.

He lost again.

Another trick.

Subconsciously, he looked towards the place where the pain came from his chest, and saw that the endless seal that Qin Shaofeng had previously displayed was stamped on his chest.

Fortunately, he has no real intention to kill.

Otherwise, it would never be Qin Shaofeng he wanted to kill, but himself.

"How is it possible, how can you see my true body?" Long Tianyin exclaimed.

"Didn't I tell you just now?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled and shrugged, and said, "What my eyes see is not necessarily the fact. I told you this. Am I going to forget this myself?"

Long Tianyin was completely speechless.

He just stared at Qin Shaofeng with scorching eyes, and wanted to continue listening to Qin Shaofeng's opinions.

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