Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4027: I can't say no

"What you really should ask is not how I can see it, but when I will imprint the endless mark on you." Qin Shaofeng smiled.

Long Tianyin nodded after hearing the words.

"Although the martial arts in our martial arts world are weird and strange, they are actually just so many kinds if they are broadly speaking."

"Since your avatar appears, there are naturally only three possibilities."

"Either all are you, or all are not you, or you are one of them." Qin Shaofeng continued.

These are all well-known things.

However, the young people present are only a handful of people who claim to be able to crack such martial arts.

Long Tianyin also looked at him curiously.

"Now that I know this, I should naturally make corresponding defenses. The so-called static braking is more than just a sentence."

"What I did was only these four words. The hundreds of endless seals you saw were all true, but I did not use them. Instead, I used a little illusion technique to make you see some falsehoods. Image."

"The true endless Yinjue is always under my momentum. When I feel the spatial fluctuations, it shoots out in all directions."

At the moment Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, everyone saw that there were hundreds of endless seals in Qin Shaofeng's ten-meter range.

With his light beckoning, all the endless Yinjue was taken back by him.

"It's that simple?"

Long Tianyin's original arrogance disappeared completely at this moment.

If he still had the idea of ​​underestimating Qin Shaofeng in the first move, the second move was to use his best.

He even humbly accepted Qin Shaofeng's previous teaching.

Under these circumstances, he was still defeated.

And it was so miserable.

"What? This is a blow?"

Qin Shaofeng raised his hand and patted him on his shoulder a few times.

The momentum is heavy.

Long Tianyin was shot with grinning teeth.

"Xiaolong, do you know how many times I traveled between life and death in order to master combat skills?" Qin Shaofeng said solemnly.

Long Tianyin asked puzzledly: "Don't you have the equipment you mentioned?"

"Those equipment can save my life, but they can't make me stronger."

Qin Shaofeng said: "Those equipment can be used in the early stage. When you really feel the transformation, you don't need me to teach you anymore. You will give up all the equipment on your own, and even your guardian will be driven away by you. "

Long Tianyin opened his mouth wide.

The others were also stunned.

As a generation of Tianjiao, among the major forces, they are almost afraid of holding them in their hands, and holding them in their mouths.

They are all very life-saving existences.

I really can't understand what Qin Shaofeng just said.

How could it happen that I wanted to drive away all the Guardians?

"Okay, you don't need me to give any more guidance now. When you go through what I said, you will naturally understand what I said." Qin Shaofeng patted his shoulder again.

But this time he didn't use that much effort.

His encouragement seemed to give Long Tianyin confidence again.

Long Tianyin nodded fiercely.

"Okay, let's continue to participate in the secret banquet!"

Qin Shaofeng turned and walked back to his seat.

Long Tianyin stood still thinking for a very short time, and has returned to his seat.

When he looked at Qin Shaofeng again, his eyes became very strange.

There is still a touch of hostility.

But the look of respect and gratitude that he didn't even look at his father was fused with that trace of hostility, which seemed extremely complicated.

"Okay, one will naturally understand."

Young Emperor Cangming couldn't help applauding.

But when Qin Shaofeng looked back, he found a tingling look deep in his eyes.

"Qin Shishu's combat experience really opened my eyes to the clear sky." Young Emperor Cangming said actively.

People in the line of Cangming Great Emperor have always been called Cangming Great Emperor, Cangming Young Emperor, or Cangming Shizi.

Their real names are all secrets to too many people.

Even Qin Shaofeng had never imagined that this Young Emperor Cangming would take the initiative to report his own name.

It is a pity that there are no newspapers and networks in this world.

Otherwise, this matter will definitely become the headlines and hot searches of tomorrow's news.

"After seeing Qin Shishu and Long brother in person, the Young Emperor also felt itchy hands. I wonder if Qin Shishu can teach one or two?" Cangming Young Emperor said.


Qin Shaofeng's answer once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

Just when everyone was stunned.

He had already spoken: "Although the younger emperor's seniority is a bit worse than me, you are the nobleman of the younger emperor after all, with the emperor's personal teaching, if I take the shot, no matter the outcome is mine.

"Even the heirs of the great emperor need my teaching, don't you let me humiliate the emperor's face in public?"

When he said this, even Long Tianyin, Beitian and Daxitian couldn't help nodding their heads.

No matter what the reason, they couldn't fight against Young Emperor Cangming.

This is not a question of victory, but a question of the face of the emperor.

"It's okay, just compare one or two, the outcome is not enough." Young Emperor Cangming continued.

"If you say no, you can't."

Qin Shaofeng's voice also became serious, and he lowered his face and said, "If the Young Emperor really wants to discuss with me, you might as well ask someone here first. As long as there are more than three people willing to discuss with Young Emperor, it will not be too late to come to me.

Everyone was taken aback by his tough attitude.

Is this guy really showing the temper of his elders?

How dare to preach to the young emperor in public?

But in the next moment.

Long Tianyin's face was the first to look difficult.

Because he found that Young Emperor Cangming's gaze looked at him first, after all, he had already shot once, and there was no problem with the second shot.

Being able to become the young patriarch of the Dragon Clan, he was indeed fooled by Qin Shaofeng, but it did not mean that he was stupid.

Fight against Young Emperor Cangming?

How to fight?

Should he win or lose?

Winning means that he publicly said that Emperor Cangming has no way to teach his son.

If you lose again...

He really can't afford to lose!

But if you say neither lose nor win...

He immediately understood what Qin Shaofeng said before.

Presumably the dragons that he learned from are all his current thinking, right?

With fear in my heart, how can I go all out to learn from him?


That's because the other party is acting and practicing with him, this incompetent dragon, can't play a half-point promotion.

After he thought of this, the fighting spirit in his heart was completely extinguished.

"Young Emperor, I haven't come out of the shadow of the battle just now. I don't really have any other thoughts except pursuing Miss Zi." Long Tianyin has not forgotten to pursue Ximen Bingning even now.

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