Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4029: Get out

"Brother Tiansheng, you need to have evidence for your words. Take the evidence out, and I will search and leave." Qin Shaofeng was still reluctant.

As if nothing really happened, he asked out in public.

The people who had heard the problem long ago all looked over with curiosity.

"What did the kid do in the morning?"

"I also heard that he went to Tiansheng Patriarch's side again, but he really didn't know what he did."

"It stands to reason that the ancestor of Tiansheng should not be so angry, there must be something we don't know."

"You said... he shouldn't be..."

"Couldn't it be, can't you **** stop it?"

"Probably not, it should be I think too much."

"Can you still speak well, or do you have to let our big guys beat you up together to honestly explain?"

"I, I'm just thinking, that kid is a dude, will he know that we can't make trouble in the morning, so he is going to **** someone in front of the ancestor of Tiansheng? Ahem, I was thinking, Don't care about it."

Although that person explained so.

But everyone who heard him say this has a very possible feeling.

Wouldn't it be so difficult for a dude to do what a disciple of the next generation should do like them?

Didn't you even dare to humiliate Young Emperor Cangming?

Robbing people in front of the ancestors of the heavenly ancestors is not necessarily something impossible, right?

"You still need evidence?"

The eyes of the ancestor Tiansheng almost stared out.

I was so angry that I couldn't help coughing again and again.

Upon seeing this, Ximen Bingning quickly took out the handkerchief and wiped it with Tiansheng Patriarch, but after wiping, the handkerchief in her hand had turned blood red.

This shows how angry the ancestor Tiansheng has reached.

"Don't be angry, Brother Tiansheng, in case you are so angry, with the little manpower of the little brother, I am afraid that you can't compete with these people here!" Qin Shaofeng seemed to say very worried.

It would be okay if there was no such sentence.

At this moment, everyone had their eyes widened, staring at him firmly.

This guy really wants to grab someone?

Only relying on his weak power and the weak power of the celestial powers he carried, he robbed them...


Lao Tzu is a serious person, when did you ever think about it?

It's just shameful of your own thoughts.

How can you think of us all like that?

What's more, here is the Tianji Tower, with so many powerhouses, who dare to be so messy?

It's really... speechless!

"Get out! Get out of the old man!"

The ancestor Tiansheng slapped the table fiercely and stood up.

But his physical condition was already extremely poor.

Under the fierce movement and extreme anger, he immediately squirted a mouthful of hot blood.

"Luo Tianji, Huang Shanshan, Lu You, the old man, as one of the ancestors of the Tianji Building, ordered you to throw this **** out of Tianji City to the old man...cough cough **** ho..."

When the ancestor Tianshen spoke at the end, his voice had already turned into a squeaky air-conditioning voice.

It seemed that Qin Shaofeng was about to die.

The three of the Tianji Building suddenly changed.

There may be contradictions between them.

However, the ancestor Tiansheng gave the order in public, which made them have to act.

Otherwise, the reputation of Tianjilou does not need any civil strife, and it will be completely wiped out by a few of them.

"Qin Shaofeng, please!"

"Master Qin, please!"

"Qin Shaofeng, you should go now!"

The three shouted out loudly.

Compared with the three of them, it turned out that Lu Youchang, the head of the Lu family, had the most kind attitude, because he was the only one who called Qin Shaofeng the son.

But everyone knows that this guy will kill you in the next moment, and he can call you a brother at this moment.

It really can't be treated according to his superficial rhetoric.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Shaofeng was furious: "Is the Tianji Tower the way to treat guests like this? This is a disciple of the endless mountain, and the current owner of the endless mountain is my senior, I see who you dare!"

"This is the owner of Tianji Lou!"

Luo Tianji even roared directly.

Although Huang Shanshan, the head of the Huang family, and Lu Youchang, the head of the Lu family, said more, they all stepped forward together.

"You, you..."

Qin Shaofeng stepped back subconsciously, seeming to be really shocked by the lineup in front of him.

He pointed to the three of them for a long while before he said viciously: "Okay, what a heavenly secret building, I remember you, let's go!"

He turned and left.

Luo Tianji and Huang Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief.

But when they were about to ask about the situation of the ancestor of Heavenly Sage, they heard Lu Youchang speak again: "Elder Ge, our Heavenly Mystery City is not at peace now, you will **** Senior Qin to leave!"


Lu Zhengchun walked out.

Hearing that, everyone was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, this guy was just the most polite of the three.

From the current performance, this product deserves to be called the old fox.

He was even worried that Qin Shaofeng would stay in the city and make trouble, and he had to let a Void Realm powerhouse stare at him before he left.

It's... so amazing!

Qin Shaofeng, who had just walked to the gate, naturally heard Lu Youchang's words, and suddenly he grinned.

But Lu Youchang's attitude is really good.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was a predecessor, and even came up with an unflattering title of Tianji City.

It simply made him unable to find out what he wanted to say!

"Youchang Lu, you are good, very good."

Qin Shaofeng clenched his fists tightly: "Senior Qin, you remembered this sound. If the mountains and rivers never turn, we will meet again."

Lu Zhengchun had already walked over, obviously trying to **** him away.

Where can he continue to stay?

"Lu Zhengchun, you are the cultivation base of the void realm. Since you are anxious to let me leave, then use your void means and take us away!" Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth.

"Brother Qin, please!"

Lu Zhengchun was upright in his heart and naturally would not refuse.

The surrounding void was immediately manipulated by him.

In just a blink of an eye, he had already left Tianji City with Qin Shaofeng.

"Brother Qin, the mountains are high and the water is long, and there will be a period of time later." Lu Zhengchun said again.

"Wait, this seat was sent here. There is no flying boat. Could it be that your Heavenly Secret Tower..." Qin Shaofeng stopped Lu Zhengchun again.

But before he finished speaking, he realized that there was a wave of space in front of him, and Lu Zhengchun had disappeared.

"Damn! Lao Tzu is a generation, a generation, you Tianji Building dare to treat this seat like this, we are endless, endless!" Qin Shaofeng suddenly roared.

The loud roar actually spread throughout most of Tianji City.

Lu Zhengchun and everyone, who had just returned to the Tianji Banquet Hall, were naturally able to hear clearly, and almost everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

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