Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4030: Long Tianyin's Oath

"Senior? This guy really thinks he is a senior, he is really laughing at this young master, hahaha..." Long Tianyin even smiled and leaned back.

He was the one who saw Qin Shaofeng the most unhappy.

Although in the previous battle, his views on Qin Shaofeng changed somewhat.

But a rival is a rival, and there is no need to say anything.

When he heard what Qin Shaofeng said, he couldn't help but smile.

Although the others also wanted to laugh unscrupulously like him.

But there are still some.

The only one who couldn't laugh at the scene was probably the ancestor and apprentice of Tiansheng.

But they don't want to laugh, but they can't.

Young Emperor Cangming couldn't help pursing the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Senior Tiansheng, why do you have a general knowledge of this kind of dude, even if his generation can pursue you directly, you can also ask the people present," Who doesn't treat him as a jumping clown?"

This is a rounding for him.

The ancestor of Tiansheng also knew how to go downhill.

After everyone responded in unison, he was slightly suppressed, but he still sat down with a pale face.

"The old man doesn't have much time, let's choose as soon as possible!" Tiansheng Patriarch seemed to want to wave his hand to interrupt everyone.

But he barely raised his hand several times in a row, but he couldn't really raise it.

"Anyone of you who wants to marry my family Bing Ning, stand up and talk about your own situation and conditions, and then let Bing Ning choose by yourself!" Tian Sage ancestor said weakly.


Long Tianyin, the young master of the dragon clan, jumped up first.

He was looking forward to this moment for too long and too long, and quickly said: "Miss Zi, although I am not a human race, I believe in your heart that anyone with long eyes can see it."

"Although I may not be able to let you become a powerful person in the void in such a short time as Qin Shaofeng said."

"But I will fully support your cultivation, even as long as you want, I Long Tianyin can swear to the heavens, I will definitely do everything to satisfy you."

"Please, you must promise me!"

As Long Tianyin said, he was already kneeling on one knee.

Just this kneeling suddenly changed everyone's discoloration.

Everyone knows the arrogance of the dragon clan.

This kneeling may be common among humans.

But in the eyes of the arrogant Dragon Clan, it was simply an unprecedented thing, and even they could think that Long Tianyin might not be able to do this in front of his father.

It can be seen that he really loves Zi Bingning.

Young Emperor Cangming's expression also began to change.

Just like those that Qin Shaofeng knew.

The changes behind the Tianji Tower were all from his handwriting, and most of the reasons he did everything were because of Ximen Bing Ning.

But after he saw this kneeling, his heart was cold.

At least he can be sure that he can never do this.

Even if you marry Ximen Bingning, you can only make her a side room at most, how can she be like Long Tianyin?

"You, you... don't need..."

Ximen Bingning's voice also began to tremble slightly.

She really did not expect that a proud young dragon master would do such a thing to a human girl.

Even her, her heart trembled slightly.

"Miss Purple, I beg you."

Long Tianyin not only saw the changes in Ximen Bingning’s heart, but he was really just saying what he was thinking, and shouted: "And I, Long Tianyin, can swear to the Dao of Heaven, regardless of the life gap, I, Long Tian. Yin Yongshi lives up to the Purple Girl."

"I, Long Tianyin, will only marry Miss Zi as a partner for the rest of my life. If I break this oath, God will punish him!"

Another blockbuster fell.

The other young talents don't need to ask for anything at all.

Just what Long Tianyin said, they couldn't do the same.

Not to mention that sentence, it still has a long life span, and the young dragon clan chief who should have many partners said it himself.

If nothing happens, Long Tianyin will definitely be the head of the dragon clan in the future.

And the cross-racial combination of the Dragon and Human races makes it impossible to have children, which shows how terrifying Long Tianyin's oath is.

He is asking for a kiss with the future of the entire dragon clan!

"Young Master Long, you don't need to be like this, me, how can I, how can I make you such a sacrifice?" Ximen Bing Ning said with a trembling voice.

"No! Not a sacrifice, I really love you!"

When Long Tianyin spoke, tears were already rolling in his eyes, and it turned out that he couldn't help but flow down.

"Bing Ning...no! Miss Zi, since Long Tianyin recognizes you, I will only love you. Even if you reject me, I will not be combined with any existence of any race. I only want you." Long Tianyin's voice became hoarse.

The people who just heard his words couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in their hearts.

This young dragon master is really a seed of infatuation.

She was able to say such a thing for an alien woman who hadn't got it yet.

It can be seen that he really loves Ximen Bingning.

"Long Tianyin, your self-narration is almost done, it seems it's our turn to say a few words?" An untimely voice suddenly sounded.

Interrupting Long Tianyin at this time is tantamount to breaking Long Tianyin's increased chances.

Who is so bold?

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

But when they saw the person who spoke, they all grew their mouths in astonishment.

It turned out to be him...

Young Emperor Cangming?

He even asked for a kiss?

Even the patriarch of the dragon clan who will not hesitate to offend the future?

"Miss Zi, this young emperor only said two sentences, the first sentence, I am the future co-master of the Cangming Realm."

"The second sentence, I am a human."

The words of Young Emperor Cangming are very concise and powerful.

But his words were also full of all kinds of deceptiveness, which made the hearts of everyone present again sink.

Comparing heart to heart.

They thought that if they were Ximen Bingning, they couldn't refuse this request from Young Emperor Cangming.

However, the admiration of Long Tianyin, the young patriarch of the Dragon Clan, is also said to be hard to refuse.

This is really a tangled problem to the extreme!

"Young Emperor, you want to drive me to death sincerely, right?"

Where could Long Tianyin still have the restraint he had before, immediately jumped up.

The hatred of killing the father and the hatred of the wife.

It has been the biggest hatred since ancient times.

Long Tianyin was put together by Young Emperor Cangming, and one can imagine how much hatred he felt in his heart.

"Long Tianyin, we have a fair competition today. We can't just let you say so much. This Young Emperor is not even qualified to say two sentences?" Young Emperor Cangming smiled without any irritation.

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