Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 4050: The strong gather

When all the dragons heard endless Canglan's words, they all looked shocked.

This news is too strong.

Human beings, as the non-ghost clan in the Cangming Realm, are the most powerful existence of the major races, but it is not just that simple.

And in the eyes of these aboriginal races in the Cangming Realm.

The gap between humans and ghosts is really not too big.

Fortunately, the human race was scattered.

If the human races really want to merge, it is also not a good thing for their aboriginal races in the Cangming Realm.

Not to mention that Cang Luo Jun is obviously a wolf ambition.

"If this is the case, we Dragon Race will have to stay and take a closer look at this matter." Long Cangqiong's eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Qin Shaofeng was naturally attracted by this movement a long time ago.

But he listened to the words of the two top leaders, but he also knew that he was not qualified to interrupt.

But as he listened to their conversation, it seemed that he began to become more and more weird, and his expression couldn't help but become more weird.

The owner of our endless mountain, doesn't it seem as simple as it seems?

Long Tianyin is indeed because of race.

Perhaps there is also the reason for Long Tianyin, who does not want to leave for the time being.

But the breaking news came out.

If Emperor Cangming Cangluo really brought the strong from all sides to come, he would definitely not sit idly by.

At least it is impossible to watch the endless mountain fall into the hands of Lord Cang Luo.

"The old man hurry up, I didn't expect to be a step late!"

The dialogue between endless Canglan and Long Cangqiong had not ended yet, and another voice had sounded out of nothingness.

Compared with the dragon clan patriarch, the dragon sky.

This voice, Qin Shaofeng, was very familiar, and it was the voice of Qi Huaanshang, the lord of the Immortal Palace.

Immediately, Qi Huanshang's figure appeared in front of the two peak figures.

Qi Huanshang glanced at Long Cangqiong, who seemed to be very friendly, but suddenly rose into the sky, as if to distance himself from them.

"Unexpectedly, the old man turned out to be the first person to come. It seems to be a bit too fast!" Qi Huanshang seemed to be talking to himself.

No matter what race is present, there is obviously no fool.

Who can't tell the true meaning of this sentence?

But no one will break him at this time.

After all, his subconscious action just now has proved too many things.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a series of spatial fluctuations began to appear one after another.

Not long.

Dozens of figures came again.

But their arrival is not the end, but just the beginning.

Soon, another force arrived.

Not long, another one.

In just half an hour, the amount of strength Qin Shaofeng could see had reached more than thirty terrifying.

Although most of them are top strength.

However, the overlord forces are already close to gathering.

It was a short moment later.

Spatial fluctuations of blockbuster films began to appear one after another.

"They turned out to be from Daxitian, they came across most of the Cangming Realm?"

"It's just to deal with a small Qin Shaofeng. As for launching such a big battle?"

"I heard that Qin Shaofeng is a disciple of Wu Endless Mountain."

"What about a generation of disciples, don't you feel that the current battle is a bit too big?"

"It's indeed a bit bigger. Except for the Northern Sky and the Bodhidharma Academy, all the hegemony forces seem to be here!"

After seeing the arrival of the Great Western Heavenly Powerhouse, some top-level powerhouses all began to talk.

Although they all came.

But they are extremely orderly, and they are all suspended in the air, as if to completely separate themselves from the endless mountain.

Even the representatives of Yunxian Temple, who had a very good relationship with Wu Endless Mountain before, turned out to be like this.

Most of them come to join in the fun.

If the emperor really has any order to issue, they still need to consider whether it is feasible.

Therefore, no one took the initiative to say anything.

After the people of Daxitian arrived, it was different.

The Great Western Heavenly Emperor Ximen Tianxin immediately stepped forward and shouted loudly: "Qin Shaofeng, let Zi Bingning, the protagonist of Tianji Tower, come out, and this emperor needs her to verify something."

All the people who were still on the sidelines looked at him in surprise.

This Xitian Great Emperor seems too direct, right?

For the sake of Zi Bingning, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to turn the Heavenly Mystery City upside down. How could he directly find someone to ask for it?

He actually knew? !

Qin Shaofeng's thinking is totally different from those people.

But whether Ximen Bingning or Eternal Love Pill, they all came from Daxitian.

He didn't have the guts to let Ximen Bingning meet Xitian the Great.

"It seems that Emperor Cangming should say this?"

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not be stage fright, and with a sneer, he had already strode out.

Then, there was another low laugh.

"Emperor, I know you are already from Emperor Cangming, but since you have done it... Ha ha, don't say anything before Emperor Cangming arrives."

"Everything, wait until Emperor Cangming arrives!"

Qin Shaofeng was several times more arrogant than him.

The tone sounds polite, but how domineering the words are, they are extremely obvious.

All the powerful people on the scene took a breath because of Qin Shaofeng's attitude.

This kid is too arrogant, right?

Does he know, who is he talking to?

"Qin Shaofeng, you don't want to say anything messy to this emperor. Since this emperor told the public to see Zi Bingning, there is naturally a reason for this emperor. Since you said that, you must know something, right?" Xitian The Great Road.

"I don't understand what the Great Emperor said."

Qin Shaofeng laughed mockingly, and his words began to become ironic: "I only know that you, the Great Emperor Ximen Tianxin, are now the running dog of Lord Cangluo."

"Now Lord Cangluo's hand is finally going to reach our endless mountain. You, a running dog, are here to help the master."

"Qin Shaofeng, are you looking for death?!"

Emperor Xitian was furious.

His roar came back but a series of loud laughter.

The laughter naturally came from Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's contempt was stronger in his eyes, and he said, "Ximen Tianxin, I'm standing here now, Xiaoye. If you have the ability, you can come and try to kill?"

The fists of the Great Emperor Xitian suddenly clenched tightly.

If he were replaced by a general force, he would really do it.

But here is the endless mountain.

Although the endless mountain is not born.

But it is also well known that the strength of the endless mountain is only second to the existence of Cangming Palace.

The former Void Hall is indeed qualified to hold down a bit.

But since an accident occurred in the Void Hall hundreds of years ago, after the Lord of the Void Hall fell, the Void Hall had no such qualifications.

Nowadays, apart from Cangming Palace, the only power that can be compared with it is probably only one Bodhidharma Academy.

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